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Everything posted by spear

  1. At the time I was on my annual ride (year 11) with my siblings. I emailed this shot to my bride and she shot back with, "You wouldn't know what to do with her grand dad." That hurt, but I wasn't game to prove her wrong. :rotf:
  2. What? Not ANOTHER one? What you tryin' to do? Collect more than I do? Hope you had a great Aussie birthday Annie. Mwah.
  3. Hey folks. Went to a Gladiators MC bike show a couple of weeks ago and ran across this beauty. She agreed to having a photo taken with me and the RSV. Wouldn't come home with me. It wasn't a Harley. Ya win some, ya lose some!
  4. Smokin'. Keep them home fires burning!
  5. Won't get away with all those crazy coloured lights Down Under. If you're displaying colours other than those described in the rules book - you'll get booked. It's called "lights other than prescribed". Basically it's white lights to the front, red to the rear and amber to the sides. That's it. (Makes sense to me. )
  6. An industry insider let it slip that these will become soon optional extras with all HD purchases. :rotf:
  7. My understanding is the speedo on the Second Gen is around 10% out of whack. Sit on 110km/hr indicated and you're only doing 100. This is true for my bike when I check it against my satnav. I've also been told the reason Yamaha is no longer importing the Venture to Australia is because this variation is outside those allowed by our Australian Design Rules. I've suggested a simple re-calibration (after all the speedo is a digital read out) but that seems too hard to do. I believe there has not been an import here since around 2011. I may be wrong.
  8. Call it 'Watsin'. As in "what's in" a name. Get it ? Ah - forget it! :-p
  9. Or Lorraine for that matter?
  10. As mtcvoyager has said in its couple of posts within this thread - the outfits are legal right across the USA (and as far as I know, the entire world!) You want to know ANYTHING about ANYTHING - listen to the experts. In this case the experts have talked. Listen to mtcvoyager. Would it manufacture and sell its outfits if it hadn't done its homework? I think not. Come on people. Just ride!
  11. Hey folks. Time to revive this little subject. And as it so happens, not only do I ride but I also write. Here is my regular weekend column in my local paper. (Hope it uploaded well enough to read.) Cheers. Spear
  12. As my friends on this forum (I do have one or two) are aware, I do an annual ride with my four brothers and our sister somewhere on the eastern seaboard each year just prior to Easter. A couple of times we have been to Queensland. We spend good money on food, fuel and lodgings and that all goes into the economies of the towns we frequent. We were planning on somewhere on SE Queensland this year but that has been given a very wide berth. Queensland's loss. Not worth the trouble of being hassled by Newman's Nazis!
  13. There's an idiot here in Oz who bought one of these things and experimented with 3D handguns. The Police got hold of some of them and ran ballistics tests. Most of them failed - badly. In the main they simply exploded when fired and if they were being handled would have killed the shooter. That might not be a bad thing I suppose, depending who was using it. Perhaps we SHOULD go in to production and hand them out free to the bad crims. Bit like giving drugs dealers dirty needles to use. You'd soon get rid of a lot of the world's problems!
  14. Rain. What's that?
  15. Getting back to the OP. If you are a member or former member of an OMCG and you are known to be or are seen to be in the company of other OMCG or former OMCG in Queensland, you'll find yourself arrested without any hesitation and thrown in the slammer. Simple as that. As k9cottage said - a really heavy-handed police state and has been for years. It's all political BS as far as I see it. The everyday biker has no problem riding in a group as long as it's not an OMCG. All state governments (and the Feds) are cracking down on OMCG big time, mainly due to the underlying criminal activities associated with each and every one of them. Some of the OMCG leaders can't even ride a bike. They are purely criminals and gangsters out to make names for themselves and they do it by infiltrating then taking over OMCGs. In the old days in Oz, bikies were bikies and were good old salt-of-the-earth Aussies. These days the influx of Middle Eastern radicals has a plethora of OMCG members with hyphenated Muslim names that are impossible to pronounce - unless of course you are from the Middle East. I agree with the crack-downs but in reality there are already laws in place that allow that to be done. The creation of OMCG-specific laws WILL NOT work and if anything it gives the criminals a better chance of beating them. My 2c worth as a former LEO an intello.
  16. Good morning folks. It's now Christmas morning down under, so let me say Merry Christmas to y'all. The pillion and I are mid-way through a 1200kms drive to see family in South Australia. Expecting a top of 35degC today. What's that - about 90? Love it!
  17. Half ya luck guys. I've had temperatures over 100degF for the past three days. Like living in a blast furnace, but hey! You learn to adapt, eh?
  18. Oh Annie. That's so sad to hear. My thoughts are with you and Al.
  19. Well - tie me kangaroo down sport!
  20. Boy. Talk about drifting away from the original thread! To return to where it all started - if 2013 is the last of the RSVs, that means my 2004 is appreciating in value every day. Gotta be happy with that. Have to be good collateral for something!
  21. Watching Mitchell Johnson decimate the Poms. 7/40. Work out that one!
  22. Don't worry, we get these idiots down her in Oz as well. My usual ploy is to immediately tell them - in either French, German or Greek that I don't understand English and ask them if they speak whichever language I'm using at the time. They're persistent little baskets, because they keep 'attacking' in their heavy Indian accented English. We usually start yelling over the top of each other and keep it up until the goose on the other end hangs up. GAME OVER. I WIN!!
  23. Singer Willie Nelson has suspended his US tour after three members of his band were hurt when their bus ploughed into a bridge pillar in east Texas during rainy conditions. Nelson wasn't aboard the bus when it crashed in the early hours of Saturday morning on Interstate 30, 120km northeast of Dallas. A statement posted on Nelson's website, hours after the crash, says this year's tour has been suspended indefinitely. Trooper Sylvia Jennings says seven people were on the bus including the driver, who was dealing with wet roads and strong winds. Two band members have minor injuries while the third was seriously hurt. Their names and conditions weren't immediately released. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now, how's that old song go again? Oh yeah, "on the road again, can't wait to get on the road again..."
  24. A bit like the box of Irish biscuits that has "Open at other end" printed on both ends!
  25. Veteranians? Is that where veterans go when they're sick?
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