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Everything posted by spear

  1. Thanks for that Al. I just sent Rick an email. You just never know. He might be able to land me one here in Oz far cheaper than the local ones that don't even exist. I'm prepared to wait! ! !
  2. Typical, isn't it. Took the RSV to my Yammie dealer mate today. He rang Yamaha-Australia and there is not a new unit in Australia. Not even an after-market one. Closest one is in Japan, and RRP is $890. Ouch! Worst case scenario is a total rebuild for around $400 - plus his labour to remove and refit. Least case scenario is a new seal - plus labour both ways. We wait and see what can be done. Meanwhile, it's back to the second class luxury of the Subaru Outback.
  3. I'm not afraid of Yamaha. We have the unusual situation her in Oz (due to the much smaller population than North America, and the fewer number of bikes) of being in a minority. I could hassle Yamaha, ask them for a new unit 'under warranty' and it could take months. Meanwhile, I want to ride NOW. My dealer tells me that the unit could 'give way at any minute'. He says even though it has developed a slow leak of oil now, when it goes 100% it will just go - WHAM! Anybody else had other experiences on these things going AWOL? BTW - to give you an idea of our population. Landmass wise, Australia is about the same as the USA - but our entire population is the same as New York City.
  4. - - and therein lies your problem lyell. You shoulda been driving on the LEFT side of the road. :rotf:
  5. Sorry Al. Only 2 years warranty here in Australia. I sent my Yammie dealer an email this afternoon and he rang me just on an hour ago. He said he can have the unit re-built for me overnight. Don't know how much he's had to do with these things, although he used to ride one a couple of years ago. There's not a lot of them in Australia. I'd love to tackle Yamaha-Australia on the issue of a free replacement, but I fear I'll be doing this!
  6. Greetings all. I've done a search on the site in relation to leaking mono shocks, and am amazed at the result. My mono has just started to drip oil (at 27,000kms) and from my reading of other posts and threads in relation to the same subject I gather that there is a general problem with the unit. Some of you had them replaced by Yammie - both in and out of warranty? Any idea what the problem would be, and what is involved in fixing it? Is it just a seal that needs replacing, or am I up for an entire new unit? Any idea what they're worth? Thanks guys (and gals) - looking forward to your replies. Cheers.
  7. Steve. When I spoke to you last week, I mentioned the RSV workshop manual I have on CD. You were going to let me know whether or not there was one with your bike. If not, I'll chuck one in the mail for you. Send me a PM with your postal address if you would like it sent over. Steve P
  8. Drop the front, or raise the rear end using longer levelling links? Give us a rough idea of your trip - where you stayed overnight each night etc.
  9. Hey Steve. Glad to hear that you made it home okay. Looks like you would have done your 300kms to the tank. Mate - I though of you every day you were on the road. Seriously. I was going to give you a ring on Wednesday to see if you were in Gilgandra. I was in Dubbo at work on my bike. The Qld trip didn't come off. I would have loved to have ridden up to Gil to meet you, but I ended up working later than I planned and wouldn't have been able to get away. Damn. I hope my final assessment of the bike when we spoke prior to your flying out was correct. Anyway - welcome to the club. How about posting a couple pics of the machine (or should I just go outside and have another look at mine?) Cheers, Steve P
  10. After 27 years in the judicial system, I have not yet found anybody who tells the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
  11. If I was driving the pick-up (we call tham utes over here) and slammed on the brakes, my defence in court would be that a child's ball rolled onto the road in front of me and I didn't want to take out a kid if it followed. Or was it the little old lady pulling out in front of me -or was it . . . yadda yadda yadda! I didn't ask for the biker to slam into the back of me. All you gotta do is throw a reasonable doubt for your actions at the courts and you'll pretty well walk away from it scott free. Not taking away from the unfortunate circumstances of the ST crash, we are now into a mini court room scenario of "what ifs" and "maybes". I think we should end it here and now. Obviously the bloke in the pick-up was a goose, so let's hope he's been cooked.
  12. Update - been riding for a week or so now and the bolts haven't budged. I did however get a call from my Yammie dealer wanting to know when I was going to pick up the 6 bolts I (foolishly) ordered from him. Because I asked him to order them and he had to source them, I had to take them. $3.80 each! Damn, the identical ones I bought from an industrial place were $1 each - and I told him too. Said I didn't need them and didn't want them, but because I ordered them I suppose I had better take them. No offer of returning them to his source or putting them in stock. Oh no. Guess I better find another Yammie dealer. It's little things like this that kill goodwill. Live and learn I suppose.
  13. I'm 90kg, my wife 45kg (you work it out). The bike is 380kg (I know that's a smidge over 800lb). Pre-ride I take the bike of the side stand and heave it upright. I lean slightly to the right (maybe 2 degrees) as the bride steps onto the board and gently stands up on it and swings her right leg over. Once she's seated she's a whizz pillion. Leans with me, cuddles me, talks to me - just loves me (and the RSV of course.)
  14. Hhmmm. Food for thought here. I spent 27 years with my PD, and got used to smart-asses slamming on the brakes when being signalled to pull over. Technically, anybody who is travelling so close behind another vehicle and can't avoid a collision for ANY reason, is driving negligently - cops included. Cops should be aware of the antics of renegade drivers - especially truckers who delight in this tactic. We call them a "Smidsy" here (Sorry Mate I Didn't See You). Not casting any aspersions on the ST who went down, but there are cowboys amonsgt them as well - worldwide - and many of them need a few close calls as reality checks to wake them up. After all, we're only human. Chris Reeves is no longer with us, so Superman is dead. There are no more.
  15. Didn't get to ride to work as I planned. Had to do some BIG pick-ups so took the Subie instead. However - yesterday did a run into town to get a few items I needed to start a tiling job. I must say I'M IMPRESSED with the sound. Sounded too loud in the shed (obviously) before I left, but once out on the road, man - what a burble. Took me back to my old days of the K2 Honda 750/4 with the 4 into 1. I think mother has given her approval (huh!)
  16. No - I think you get 5 years because you DON'T look after your bikes. We don't need warranty in Oz. No need for it. No problems. We're looked after by Yamaha-Australia.
  17. Hi Eck. Did that. The new bolts are a nice tight fit as originally intended. As you will see, the bulk of the damage is to the bolts themselves where - once they had come loose and partly out - had been banged about by the top box mounting brackets. I did a visual and all appeared okay. New bolts in with Lok-tite. Warranty? WARRANTY!? Huh. Only 2 years here in Oz. Dunno why you guys get 5 and we get 2. I'm outta warranty my friend.
  18. I'll let you know in about 20 hours how mine went. I'm riding to work tomorrow - 28kms each way - so that'll give me a fair idea. No mountains, just long, flat, straight and open highway for 25 kms until I get into the city limits. Be interesting to see what they sound like between buildings.
  19. After sending my local Yammie dealer an email with pics, asking him to order me 6 bolts - I later decided to drop in to a local industrial fastener supplier to see if he had any. Sure as eggs, right there on the shelf was a box full of the little devils. Stainless steel and $1 each. Bought 6 (just to have a couple spares - don't know why because I also bought a bottle of LocTite from him) then drove around to the Yammie dealer and told him not to worry about them. He said it was too late as he had ordered them, and as it was a special order I was stuck with them. "No worries" I said. "Couple more spares won't hurt." Yeah right! $3.80 each because they were from Yamaha Japan. I told him I didn't need them or want them, but I was prepared to complete the deal and offered him $20 for the lot. He said if he could find any other Yammie models that they were common to, he would keep thim in stock. Still waiting to hear from him. Expensive little exercise that one. $2.80 dearer than the identical thing at an industrial supplier - x 6 = $16.80. Man, that's 3/4 of a carton of beer.
  20. Thanks Don. I would gather seeing that they're slash cut to the sides and not directed down at the road they would be just a little quieter (as in not echoing off the road surface)?
  21. I've kept my originals, so I can replace them any time I need to. If the Samsons turn to crap, then it's a 15 minutes job to swap over. If the chrome goes on them, I'll run them into my electroplater mate for a re-coating. All is well in the land of noize!
  22. a-MEN!
  23. Finally had a chance to fit my Samson Shogun pipes today. Fired her up, and - - WHOA MUMMA! I LOVE IT. Just idling in the shed was magic. Wait until I get her out on the road. BTW - mother is NOT impressed!
  24. limewire.com works for me.
  25. Greetings all. Noticed that I was having trouble keeping tight, the 4 bolts that secure my top box. I'd go for a ride with or without the pillion-in-a-million and after about 30kms I'd notice that the top was 'bouncing' and I could hear a rattle. No matter how often I'd tighten the bolts, the damned things would be loose in no time. Decided to take them out and give them a dose of "Lok-tite", only to find that they had been gradually slamming themselves to death. Appears that as soon as they loosened up and the top box started to bounce, the bolts were being damaged. Have ordered new ones. In the meantime, have a look at the damage to these 3. Whadda y'all reckon?
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