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Everything posted by spear

  1. Why don't you just shorten and re-arrange your current name to ornery? (I like it!)
  2. Eddie, Check your PMs. Spear
  3. 3 little words - infantile, futile and (insert yours here.)
  4. Yeah right. Thanks - PAL!
  5. Cheers mate and avagoodone!
  6. Santa? What's a santa? Oh - the fat bloke in the red suit? Our santa wears a blue singlet, pair of stubbies and thongs. Now - before you get the wrong idea, OUR thong is a rubber flip-flop type of footwear. YOUR thong is something designed to look like you're wearing underwear. And stubbies? - a brand of shorts. No chimneys involved here. Too hot to worry about fireplaces any time of the year. The EPA won't allow wood fires due to the smoke pollution. Gas is the way to go. Our santa pulls up in his old ute (that's pick-up to you) on the front lawn, throws his stuff on the front verandah then pi**es off to do the mob next door. And so it goes until he's finished. Seeing that he starts down here first, we get all the good stuff and you guys up the top get what's left over - the next day. We've already had 12 hours of Christmas day. You are probably just getting out of bed. Either way, thank y'all for your return wishes - and enjoy. As for me and the pillion, we're gonna go visit on the RSV.
  7. Do your worst Dan. It's a tad too warm here at present. Sitting on around 90degF.
  8. :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2:
  9. Sure she's not meaning CREDIT cards?
  10. I knew somebody would bring that up! I'll let ya know.
  11. Okay you northerners. I'll rub it in a little from Down Under. Longest day of the year today. It's 8:25pm and still daylight in the sky. Temperature only got to 27degC (81degF) today and I never took the bike out. Too busy working on the house building.
  12. Lashed out and bought 2 tickets to see Chris Isaak in February. Was going to give them to my bride at Christmas time. Couple of weeks ago we received an invitation to good friends' wedding - on the same day as the concert. Bride asked if I had anything on that day (I'm a photographer - busy most weekends) and I told her I was busy. She said that was okay, that if I was tied up she would go to the wedding on her own. I told her she couldn't do that, and when she insisted on knowing why I had to tell her that we were going to see Chris Isaak - something she has wanted to do for a couple of years. So, I gave her the Christmas present - 2 tickets - early to convince her. The wedding quickly went on the back burner. I'm now her super-hero. - - - and the funny thing is, the concert and wedding are only an hour's drive apart, 4 hours from where we live. Maybe if the wedding goes late into the night we could rock up there after the concert? Nah - forget it!
  13. Then - there was a bit of history prior to the RSV. Dragged these out of the archives to show you. First up is me as a 19 year old, riding my brother's AJS. Then - 30 years later with my own Honda 750/4. Got hold of a near-new set of original 4-into-4 pipes for it. Did a full restoration and original paint job on it. And eventually sold it when I bought my BMW. (That quickly gave way to the RSV) Enjoy these as well.
  14. Damn. I thought I'd already posted in this thread. Seems as if I missed it, so here - allow me to show y'all a coupla shots. First shot is what a girl's bike should look like. Then there's me and my daughter about to go for a night ride. Next is a patch I had made for my jacket. Then last but not least is me an my brothers on a ride earlier this year. Enjoy
  15. What do you mean showing up at court for your ticket? Isn't a ticket an on-the-spot fine? Pay it and it's all over and done with. Fight it at court and either get it thrown out, or cop a bigger penalty. Gee you Yanks have some funny systems up there.
  16. Well now - we don't have any of that crazy Thanksgiving stuff down here. We don't even worry about Halloween. I think Aussies are too laid back to be concerned with all that hype. But going by your definition - EVERYDAY is Black Friday down here. Specials and discounts are on ALL the time. And speaking of specials - we're in the middle of a petrol war. About a month ago we were paying up to $1.56 a litre for fuel. I filled up yesterday for $1.08 a litre. Some places in Sydney were down below the $1 mark. There's a lot to be said for the way the world economy is going - in some areas. I know a lot of people are hurting, especially top-side. Down here, we're doing okay. We're always learning from the USA's mistakes. That's nothing personal - just a well know fact.
  17. So - what do YOU call black friday? I thought that was supposed to be any Friday 13th. Can't see one of them until February 2009. Does the term "confused" mean anything to y'all?
  18. Give me time lady. Gimme time! I'm working on it!
  19. Hey Peg, When I see him next I'm going to take my ventriloquist doll, and keep saying YamaMama to him. Who knows, he might start calling his mother YamaMama instead of Mumma.
  20. Thank you all so much for you best wishes and 'grandfatherly' advice. Bit hard to spoil this bloke too much - he's 400kms away. Will make it better when we visit. Angie and Toby came home today - about an hour ago and are settling in well. Wendy and I left there yesterday morning, anticipating a home-coming then. Slight delay for medical reasons, but all good now. Couple more pics for you, then I promise I won't bore you any more. It is said that early impressions are important for a baby, so you'll notice that on my first cuddle I wore my Yamaha tee-shirt. Enjoy.
  21. Yay. Tie a yellow ribbon or 2 around that old oak tree.
  22. Hey guys, Thought I'd share a couple of pics of my new grandson. This is Toby. So new these photos are 24 hours old. First grandchild, and needless to say the pillion-in-a-million can't wait for a cuddle. Perhaps tomorrow - 400kms away. #1 - Father and son. #2 - Mother and son. #3 Toby.
  23. Wow. Lookit me! Just got another offer I can('t) refuse. These things only get as far as my MailWasher and I bounce them straight back. Must be terrible to have so much money that I can refuse to help these poor souls. :rotfl: (See how many spelling and grammatical errors you can find in this load of crap!) Anti-Terrorist and Monetary Crimes Division Fbi Headquarters In Washington, D.C. Federal Bureau Of Investigation J. Edgar Hoover Building 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20535-0001 Website: www.fbi.gov Date: 16/11/2008 ATTENTION FUND BENEFICIARY, This is an official advice from the fbi foreign Remittance / telegraphic dept., it has come to our notice that the C.B.N Bank Nigeria district has released 10,500,000.00 US dollars into bank of America in your name as the beneficiary, by inheritance means. The C.B.N Bank Nigeria knowing fully well that they do not have Enough facilities to effect this payment from the united kingdom to your account, used what we know as a secret diplomatic transit payment (s.t.d.p) to pay this fund through wire transfer, they used this means to complete the payment. They are still, waiting for confirmation from you on the already Transferred funds which were made in direct transfer so that they can do final crediting to your account. Secret diplomatic payments are not made unless the funds are related to terrorist activities why must your payment be made in secret transfer, if your transaction is legitimate, if you are not a terrorist, then why did you not receive the money directly into your account; this is a pure coded, means of payment? Records which we have had with this method of payment in the past Has always been related to terrorist acts, we do not want you to get into trouble as soon as these funds reflect in your account in the U.S.A, so it is our duty as a world wide commission to correct this little problem before this fund will be credited into your personal account. Due to the increased difficulty and unnecessary security by the American authorities when funds come from outside of Europe, and the Middle East, the f.b.i bank commission for Europe has stopped the transfer on its way to deliver payment of $10,500,000.00 to debit your reserve account and pay you through a secured diplomatic transit account (s.d.t.a). We govern and oversee funds transfer for the World Bank and the rest of the world. We advice you contact us immediately, as the funds have been Stopped and are being held in our custody, until you can be able to provide us with a diplomatic immunity seal of transfer (dist) within 3 days from the world local bank that authorize the transfer from where the funds was transferred from to certify that the funds that you are about to receive from Nigeria are antiterrorist/drug free or we shall have cause to cross and impound the Payment, we shall release the funds immediately we receive this legal documents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have decided to contact you directly to acquire the proper Verifications and proof from you to show that you are the rightful person to receive this fund, because of the amount involve, we want to make sure is a clean and legal money you are about to receive. Be informed that the fund are now in United State in your name, but right now we have ask the bank not to release the fund to anybody that comes to them, unless we ask them to do so, because we have to carry out our investigations first before releasing the fund to you. Note that the fund is in the BANK OF AMERICA right now, but we have ask them not to credit the fund to you yet, because we need a solid proof and Verifications from you before releasing the funds. So to this regards you are to re-assure and proof to us that what you are about to receive is a clean money by sending to us FBI Identification Record and also Diplomatic Immunity Seal Of Transfer(DIST) to satisfy to us that the money your about to receive is legitimate and real money. You are to forward the documents to us immediately if you have it in your possession, if you don’t have it let us know so that we will direct and inform you where to obtain the document and send to us so that we will ask the bank holding the funds, the Bank Of America to go ahead Crediting your account immediately. These Documents are to be issued to you from the World Local Bank that Authorized the transfer, so get back to us immediately if you don’t have the document so that we will inform you the particular place to obtain the document in United Kingdom (U.K), because we have come to realize that the fund was Authorized by (H.S.B.C) Bank in London. An FBI Identification Record and Diplomatic Immunity Seal Of Transfer (DIST) often referred to as a Criminal History Record or Rap Sheet, is a listing of certain information taken from fingerprint submissions retained by the FBI in connection with arrests and, in some instances, federal employment, naturalization, or military service. These Condition Is Valid until 21st of NOV. 2008 after we shall take actions on Canceling the payment and then charge you for illegally moving funds out of Nigeria. Guarantee: funds will be released on confirmation of the document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Instruction; 1. Credit payment instruction: irrevocable credit guarantee. 2. Beneficiary has full power when validation is cleared. 3. Beneficiaries bank in U.S.A., can only release funds. 4. Upon confirmation from the world bank / united nations. 5. Bearers must clear bank protocol and validation request. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: We have asked for the above documents to make available the most complete and up-to date records possible for the enhancement of public safety, welfare and security of Society while recognizing the importance of individual privacy rights. If you fail to provide the Documents to us, we will charge you with the FBI and take our proper action against you for not proofing to us the legitimate of the fund you are about to receive. The United States Department of Justice Order 556-73 establishes rules and regulations for the subject of an FBI Identification Record to obtain a copy of his or her own Record for review. The FBI Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division processes these requests to check illegal activities in U.S.A. An individual may request a copy of his or her own FBI Identification Record for personal review or to challenge information on the Record. Other reasons an individual may request a copy of his or her own Identification Record may include international adoption or to satisfy a requirement to live or work in a foreign country or receive funds from another country, i.e. Diplomatic Immunity Seal of Transfer, letter of good conduct, criminal history Background, etc.) FBI Director Paul C. Jordan, III
  24. Careful opening this link. My virus scanner immediately blocked it with this message: Trend Micro Internet Security has identified this Web page as undesirable. Address:
  25. Now - where did I mention H-D in my original post? Gee you guys are cynical - BUT ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! ! ! I agree with ALL of the above sentiments. Do you think we should send this thread across to a H-D site somewhere and see what sort of reaction we get?
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