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Everything posted by spear

  1. spear

    Pizza Nazi

    Who cares? It's different!!!:rotf:
  2. spear

    Pizza Nazi

    Some people remove all their bumper stickers, and the bumpers fall off!
  3. What's all this talk about switching from the main to reserve when the bike begins to splutter? Never had it happen to me. In fact, I never switch from the main to reserve. I JUST RIDE ON RESERVE ALL THE TIME. I EVEN PARK IT ON RESERVE. I DO EVERYTHING ON RESERVE. I just rely on that ol' yella light blinking at me and the clock reverting to an add-up trip meter. Next servo I fill 'er up. Usually around 14 litres.
  4. Okay - if you're sure you won't be bored. Here's Toby at 2 months of age. Bright looking little button, ain't he?
  5. Hey jt. Stay in touch brother. The world needs you. Sending love and light from The Great Southern Land. Spear
  6. Eck - Eck - ECK! Mate - I told you before, it's SYDNEY. (Now repeat after me S-Y-D-N-E-Y, S-Y-D-N-E-Y, S-Y-D-N-E-Y.) That's it - you got it now baby!:clap2:
  7. Damn Jim. How dopey am I. I DID mean celsius. How does 100degF+ sound during the day?
  8. Just wanted to mention (without rubbing anything in) that today we had a pleasant maximum temperature of 41degC. Overnight it went down to a very pleasant 18degC. Gotta love this Aussie weather. Yes - I did ride to work, in short sleeves. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
  9. When I was a kid, both my folks smoked. I am the eldest of 6 kids - ages 39-58. We all smoked at some stage, mostly before we knew how bad it was for us. I started at 14, gave up at 21 and haven't looked back. Went cold turkey after a good dose of URTI. Now none of us smoke. Dad's 85, Mum is 80 and we plan on being around for a long while yet.
  10. Gerday all. Just doing a little test. I wandered into my local electronics store yesterday and picked up a wireless router so I can run my laptop as well as my PC. I managed to get it all hooked up, and am now submitting via the laptop. Might be old hat to some of you younger guys, but for me this is good stuff. Now the pillion can't complain that I'm on-line when she goes to bed. I CAN TAKE THE VENTURE FORUM TO BED AS WELL.:Im not listening to:rotfl::rotfl:
  11. Thanks Squidley. Just thought I'd throw something different into the pot and give it a stir. Glad you've found something new to do on those cold winter nights. Try it yourself with your own camera. Take 1 photo of a subject, then move the camera about 4 inches to the left and take another. Put the prints side by side and GO CROSS-EYED!
  12. How's this one? Firstly just look normally at the white dot in the centre of the pair. Keep looking at the white dot and cross your eyes. You will notice the red dots start to come together, and when they merge at the white dot you will have your 3D image. I'ts not easy for some, and for others it's a breeze. For those who have trouble getting it, and eventually DO get it - you'll be right. You'll wonder why it took you so long. http://photography-on-the.net/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=21145&stc=1&d=1122635297
  13. Okay guys and gals. Saturation time. Enjoy these.
  14. One from the West MacDonnell ranges, west of Alice Springs.
  15. Yes abnormalwon. This is normal. There are 3 images, but when you concentrate on the centre image (the 3D) the other 2 become peripherals.
  16. Sorry SilvrT. When I said "A Fresh one from this morning" I meant I made this pair this morning. It was taken last June - in the middle of an Aussie winter. Mind you, if you travel about 8 hours north of here the temperature stay the same all year round. Minimum of around 22 and maximum of 33 deg C. Summers are extremely wet (tropical) and winters are as dry as!
  17. Thanks Don. I'll put some feelers out amongst the Aussie members and see if anybody else is interested down here. That way I can get you to send a bulk lot to me and I can re-distribute at cost +50c postage each. Give me a week, but I'll definately have 2. I'll PM you and PayPal you as well. Might even add a few more bucks for my "annual subscription" to the website. Thanks for everything you do here.
  18. Would you believe these were taken in the middle of winter?
  19. A fresh one from this morning. Enjoy.
  20. No trick involved. Just normal binocular vision. We see a slightly different angled view of life from each eye. All I'm doing is taking 2 photos of the same scene from the same different angled views. You can do it yourself. Hold your camera vertically and take a shot, then step slightly to your left and take the same shot again. When viewing the result you must be sure that the left photo is on the right, and conversely the right photo is on the left. Here is a link to the thread I started on the POTN forum some years ago. I hope it opens up for you. It should even though you're not a member. You should be able to 'visit' for a look. http://photography-on-the.net/forum/showthread.php?t=87970
  21. Sorry - is that me??
  22. Thanks Don, I might one day post a link to a Photography Forum I belong to, where there are lots of such cool shots - more of mine included. SRP
  23. Don, Cost in $US to Australia please. Gotta have one of them there things. Steve
  24. Hey guys. I told you about my Central Australia trip middle of 2008. I think most of you are also aware that I'm a keen (pro)photographer. Did I also mention that I do 3D Stereo photography? Anybody familiar with it or even tried it? Have a look at these. If you want to see the 3D, just look at the centre of the big picture and cross your eyes until the images merge, and "Whammo!" There you have it. Can't see it - keep trying. It's a bit like riding a bicycle. Once you've mastered it you will have it forever.
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