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Everything posted by spear
No - that's a GREAT recovery!
Just scrolled down the page to the ebay items for sale and saw an XXL bike cover (to suit the RSV) for sale for 99c - Buy It Now. So I did! Will be shipped from China (what isn't these days) and freight to Australia was $20. Now, that's $20.99 which through PayPal equates to nearly $US35. Still a bargain I reckon. What the heck. I'm fairly confident it'll arrive safe and sound, and if it doesn't I'm protected by PayPal. Anybody else purchased a similar item through this system? Any problems encountered?
As somebody else says on this site, "It doesn't matter where you go - there you are!"
1. Barons Risers (thanks Don) 2. Samson shotgun pipes (L-O-O-U-U-D!) 3. TomTom GPS. (won't get lost again.) 4. Guardian Bell (thanks again, Don.) 5. Radiator guard 6. Good country air in my tyres.
There ya go boss. As good as my word. Just sent ya another $17:41 (Aussie money) for the cause. PayPaled it to ya, so you'll get it in a couple days. Hang in there mate. (No pirate jokes - promise.) Whoopps - where'd that come from?
and don't forget to put the ash tray on the OUTSIDE of the windscreen, otherwise you'll get ash in your latte cup holder mounted to the fuel cap.
Could NEVER happen down under!
Like Annie, I got in very early from Down Under. Even with the exchange rate ($US12 = $AU17) it's a bl00dy good deal. In fact it's so good, I'm gonna pay NEXT YEAR'S sub next week. (How ya travelling' boss?)
Hmmmmmmmmm! Dunno about that one.
SilvrT, If you look at the images and cross your eyes, the images will merge. As the trees overlap (in fact as EVERYTHING overlaps) it will jump out at you in 3D. That's all there is to it.
Okay - it's now an Infra-red shot. Wotcha reckon???
Speeding ticket? Touch wood - never had one in my life! Had a car and bike licence for 42 years. I don't suppose 28 years up to 2005 as a LEO helps? Getting too old to speed. My cruise controls in the Subie and on the RSV take care of that - not to mention my Tom Tom keeping me in check.
Well guys and gals - all the above was from last year. This year's ride was a wash-out. We planned to ride to a place called Brunswick Heads on the far north coast of New South Wales for the weekend of 3-4-5 April. And as Murphy's Law would have it - every time you plan something 12 months ahead, the rot sets in. Torrential rains and flooding. Not at all good weather for a bike. So - instead of 5 of us meeting up there we did this. Nick (with the pins in his leg from an off last year) stayed home - doctor's and pillion's orders. Matthew, who lives on the coast in Queensland also stayed home as he was washed out as well. Chris, Tim and I met in Tamworth where we originally planned to spend the first night of our 5 days trip and spent 2 days there with our sister. Did a ride around the countryside in between showers, then headed home on the Sunday. We always photograph our trips and do a video. The video (Harley-mounted camera) is in production, and I have done the 5x7 postcard for everyone. I've attached the card for your perusal. Enjoy. It shows: Top left - our bikes at Chaffey Dam between Tamworth and Nundle. Top centre - our bikes parked on the New England Highway at Wallabadah for lunch. Top right - having lunch at Wallabadah. Centre left - us and our bikes prior to leaving for home. Centre - having a BBQ dinner with our sister. Centre right - me and Chris having a break at Spring Ridge on the way home. Bottom left - hey - who else? Bottom panorama - the 3 bikes, Tim, Chris and me at Chaffey Dam. Bottom right 2 shots - Tim (top) and Chris (bottom) with their Harleys.
Hey Craig (spankym). Got your PM and I'll post the DVD to you on Tuesday (after the Easter Monday public holiday.) Squidley - can you tell spankym to whom he sends it when he's finished with it, please? Is it r12guy?
Yes - and very GAY!
Actually Cliff - it's not a jealousy thing at all. I've just discovered with my 2nd Gen that I can do exactly the same as the 83 model does, then I shift it into second gear, then 3rd gear and so on and on and on to overdrive. THEN watch it REALLY fly. :rotf:
Guys and gals. After having my bike for a couple of years, I tend to think that white is a bit boring. I'm thinking of spending a couple of grand to give it a completely new paint job. I have some ideas in mind but was wondering if anybody else has done something similar? Would love to see some photos if you have, or be directed to any other sites you may know of where the 2nd Gen is featured with radical (or otherwise) paint work. The 2 shots below show the original, and what it would look like all pink. (Amazing what a bit of Photoshop work will do you you!)
Hey Marco. Thanks for the feedback. Now, you speak of "that last pic of the tree.." Mate - which one? There were lots of tree shots, and the last shot was not a tree shot. And when you say UV, do you possibly mean an IR shot? You tell me which shot it is, and I'll MAKE it an IR for you. Cheers, Spear
Okay - you reckoned you wouldn't be bored with more baby photos. Here's Toby again. I did the portrait shot 2 weeks ago, and the one with his grandma (my pillion) yesterday. Enjoy. Spear (aka Grand-dad!)
And that's the way it should always be. Well said boss. Welcome back. How ya doin'?
Spankym (Craig) I PM'd you for your address. Get back to me and I'll send the DVD to you. BTW - a GREAT production. The things you learn - and so simple too!
Taters, You make that Sydney, and I'll believe you. Could think of better cities to be in, but Sydney's okay. Too damned crowded for my likings but I can handle it occasionally. It really is a beautiful place though. What's your niece doing there? Exchange student?