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Everything posted by spear

  1. Check this guy out. Taking my pillion to see him on Saturday night. Catch him if you can. Man - he's F-A-S-T! [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ni5WHnVqWBI&feature=player_embedded]YouTube- Bruce Mathiske with loop pedal[/ame]
  2. Love it. Sent it to my 87 year old Dad who started out on a Harley in 1939 and finished up on one in 1993. Sent it to three of my brothers who persist on riding them. Just waiting for the flak to hit me!
  3. Click on the Australian link, and see what I have to put up with. Those of you Venture people who are talking about coming down under for a 'quick' run, this should convince you.
  4. Obviously to match being "on the wrong side of the road." backatcha.
  5. Dress for the slide - not for the ride!
  6. Hey Annie. Thanks for that. Loved it. Especially like the colour of the bike. Now - for all you state-side knockers who reckon we ride on the incorrect side of the road, consider this! The English have been on the 'correct' side of the road for hundreds of years - even with their horses and carts. The when some of them headed to the good ol' USofA and started driving their horses and carts around, the rebel came out in them, and they decided to buck the system and drive on t'other side of the road. Got it? Good! END OF DISCUSSION!
  7. Check out these biker pants. I have a pair - and love 'em! www.dragginjeans.com
  8. I must be doing something wrong. I turn 60 next year. Have been driving cages and riding bikes since I was 16. Never scratched a panel on anything. Never laid a bike down. Worst thing that ever happened was a rogue wallaby at 1am in the hills decided to have a look at the highway - using my headlights for illumination. And that was a good bump that didn't kill the wallaby and only pushed in the side of my front bumper. And he/she was to blame - not me!
  9. Hmmmmmmmmmm! You just make sure Big Al looks after you - as all good hubbies should do for all good wives.
  10. Didn't like coming Down Under! Oops! Internet Explorer could not connect to Suggestions: Try reloading: 64.­218.­114.­222:­8000/­listen.­m3u Search on Google:
  11. I hope you don't classify that padded postage stamp on top of the rear wheel guard a pillion seat?
  12. Hey guys, In case you're wondering where I've been of late - have been doing a BIG audit of the amount of time I spend on-line and decided to wind it back considerably. Have down-sized my ISP subscription by 75% and self-imposed a 2GB limit. That's down from an unlimited plan. This PC used to run 18 hours a day. Now, whenever I do turn it on it's for 10 minutes or so - to check my Emails, do my banking and see what's happening on this site. Best thing about it all - I've found my bride in the loungeroom of an evening. (MY BAD!) So - I'm still here but not to the extent I used to be.
  13. Hey Annie. You're back - me too! I just had a 3,000kms trip (Subie) from here to Broken Hill, Adelaide, Snowy Mountains, Far South Coast, Southern Highlands, Canberra, Sydney, Newcastle and home again. Ran in to quite a few Ulyssians in the Broken Hill area (flood-bound) on their way to the AGM. Told some to give you my regards if they were in 'The Tent.' Get better you silly ol' cow!
  14. Dream on!
  15. I'm curious where ya gonna put the ash tray!
  16. I'm back - safe and sound. Rode 2,100 kms all up over 3.5 days. Longest haul was 900kms back home in one run. Stopped twice for fuel and once for lunch on that one. One very sore tail bone. That was an 11 hours ride topped of with 11 hours sleep. Unfortunately, due to work and horse trading commitments Jane couldn't make the ride. She was disappointed, as were we. Next year she reckons. Back to work today and a 340kms round trip for work (tin-top). (Foters later.)
  17. Well folks - it's that time of year again when me and my brothers spend a few days travelling to meet up, sink a few coldies, barbecue a few steaks and generally chill out. This is the seventh (consecutive) year we've done it, but this year is different and special - because our only sister is joining us. I've posted details, photos and video links in the past and this year will be no different. When I get back I'll flick you a few foters. In the mean time - brief details are - over 4 days we'll do around 1600kms (1,000 miles) each to get to our destination at Brunswick Heads on the north coast of New South Wales - and turn around after 2 days there and head home again. Who cares how far it is? It's not the destination but the ride that matters, eh? Meantime, I've made a few mods to the RSV so I can run my GPS, mobile phone and MP3 player (and still have power to spare.) I bought one of those 12V plug in gizmos that has 3 12V sockets and a USB outlet. Secured it to the top of my brake fluid canister on the right bar - using a couple of cable ties. The GPS is attached to the screen, with gaffer tape 'reinforcing'. My little 4GB MP3 player clips on to the power lead for the GPS. It's connected to the power supply by a USB lead and the earphone outlet is connected to the radio system via the Auxiliary MP3 jack. My mobile phone is in a pouch that is secured by velcro to the right side mirror stem. I've taken a photo of the set-up so you can see what I'm talking about. Catch you all back here in 4 or 5 days. Cheers, Spear
  18. Who cares?
  19. Just to show you we Aussies also shoot 'small' calibre. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TC2xTCb_GU]YouTube- I Like Guns - Steve Lee[/ame]
  20. I'm staying out of this one boss. It could become very political ! ! !
  21. Stupid me! I'm looking for the camper trailer. Then I realise it's a film trailer. D'oh! So Annie. When you head to the AGM in Newie - ya riding across the paddock or catchin' the Red Eye Special?
  22. You wanna see some BIG HITS - no padding, no helmets and no 'beg pardons'? Check this out . . . http://bigpondvideo.com/nrl/212763
  23. Arrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhh! What a mob of pussies! What's with all the padding and the helmets? Frightened of getting hurt? You wanna see a REAL MAN'S football game? WATCH AUSTRALIAN RUGBY LEAGUE ! ! ! (Good on ya Saints, anyway.)
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