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Everything posted by spear

  1. Did I mention that I write for a local weekend paper? Decided to make this comment this week. (Page 25) Spear http://www.panscott.com.au/weekender.html
  2. Hey Lyn. Now ya tell me. Mate, my pillion is off to China for three weeks with her sister and neice tomorrow and not back until July 18. We will be heading to Beenleigh about a week later but unfortunately WILL MISS YOU AGAIN. Dang!
  3. (some people think this is an actual photo of me) __________________ SOMETIMES I SITS AND THINKS AND SOMETIMES I JUST SITS And which photo would that be Mel? The dude in the red cape, or the dude with all the red hair? :rotf:
  4. Ask me again in September - when it finally gets here!
  5. Okay folks. Yesterday I posted the video that my brother did of our 2010 ride. He just FTPd the 2009 ride video to me, and with his gracious consent - here it is. Only three of us that year as we had all intended to get together on the New South Wales North Coast at Brunswick Heads but heavy rains and floods made the roads impassable. We did get there in 2010 - that's the 2010 video. Instead we headed to Tamworth where it was reasonably dry and we visited out sister. This year, she did a five days ride with us to Bunya Mountains in Queensland. That video is yet to come. As they say in the classics, "Watch this space." Enjoy. (Designed to be viewed 16:9, but YouTube defaults it to 4:3. Bit squashed!) [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga7KybWqsMw]YouTube - ‪2009 Weekend Family Bike Ride‬‏[/ame]
  6. Yee har. We live dangerous down-under!
  7. Greetings all. I've posted in the past about our family get togethers down-under. This video is the result of a lot of work by one of my brothers. Only four of us made it in 2010. All six made it this year. (To be posted when done.) Enjoy. Spear [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9wtjv9i3fg]YouTube - ‪A Family Biker Weekend‬‏[/ame]
  8. Okay you pair of wayward Aussie larrikins. If you're gonna start talking about coon hunting, make sure you leave that sort of talk behind prior to getting back down under. Could get you into ALL SORTS of trouble - (if you know what I mean?).
  9. Now - funny you should ask that question. For a quick answer - yep, I keep count of the gear/s I'm in. Long answer is - I'm a retired LEO. Used to carry a six-shot Smith & Wesson. It was a matter of officer survival to know how many shots you had fired (Well, are ya feelin' lucky punk?) Then I got issued with an 18 shot Glock (Go ahead - make my day!) Still used to get in the habit of counting rounds fired, especially on the range. (Never fired a shot in anger in 27 years of being a LEO!) Now that I'm retired, I need something to count - so I count the gear/s I'm in. Simple! Green light = full magazine!
  10. Okay - here are a couple of pics of 'The Family.' First shot is at a fuel stop, obviously all dressed to kill! Second shot is later in the day when we stopped for a lake-side 'pose'. In this one we are lined up in age order, me the eldest on the right and our 'baby' sister on the left. Eighteen years between us. Enjoy
  11. Greetings all. Twelve months on and we've done another family get-together ride. The five brothers and their sister. Got back late yesterday after six days and 2,406kms. Saw some glorious country and rode some challenging (mountain) roads. For the Aussies who are conversant with this great southern land, I rode from Dubbo to Dalby via Goondiwindi. Up to Bunya Mountain to meet up with the siblings where we had secured a chalet. For the next two days we rode the mountain and the area north and east of Kingaroy. I returned home via Toowoomba and Tamworth with an overnight stop-over in Guyra. Lots of video and photos, so when the opportunity has presented itself I'll post some shots. Just timed it right, as rain is setting in here for the Easter break.
  12. Sorry to revive this thread - but! As stated in a post above I bought one of these things in September last year. The software disc that came with it would not load to my PC, so I contacted the vendor. He sent me an email (in Chinglish) apologising profusely and sent me a link to download the programme. That didn't work, so I gave up. What the hell, it was only $15! Then last month I ordered some more gear from the same guy and metioned the original camera and software problem, and asked if he would send me another disc - included with my current purchases. He did better than that - he sent me an entirely new camera package. I'm still in the dark as to how to operate the damned thing, so I gave it to my brother who is going to play with it. Even the scrappy bit of paper with so-called 'instructions' that comes with it is gibberish. Oh well - you gits whats ya pays fer!
  13. I don't and won't open forwarded mail, regardles of who sent it - friend or foe. Too much risk of a virus. I bounce it straight back from whence it came. If I need to forward important stuff to necessary recipients, BCC is ALWAYS used. The trick here is to send the original to yourself, and BCC everybody else.
  14. You could wait until Guy Fawkes night and maybe somebody (? ?) expend three big fire-crackers in the other mail boxes and BLOW THEM TO SMITHEREENS. End of problem!
  15. We had a much cooler day here yesterday. Only got to 31degC - after 36 the day before.
  16. I bought a 4GB cheap-and-nasty ipod look-alike for the bike. It plugs into the auxiliary of the tape deck. I power it using a 12v USB lead, straight from the 'cigarette lighter' outlet in the fairing. Works for me!
  17. If it was a timber tank, you'd call it 'patina' and love it!
  18. HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! Just three hours away from 2011 here. I'm having a quiet one with the pillion (evening, that is) then up early for two days away in the Subie+trailer at my folks old place to finish a clean up. Going to be 100degF+ over the weekend. Thank you all for your camaraderie and friendship in 2010. Look forward to more of the same in 2011. Stay safe.
  19. MC&HNY 2U&YOURS DON. Thanks for a great year and an even better site on which to gather. All the best from Down Under. Spear
  20. "Oooh you ARE awful. (But I like you!)"
  21. Greetings all, I've been a bit quiet of late (flat out like a lizard drinking) so I thought I'd better jump on line and wish y'all a Merry Christmas. Beautiful day here - expecting a top of 33degC. Daughter and son-in-law are visiting from Adelaide so we're having a quiet (but quite busy) time. Sharing Christmas lunch with my 89 years old neighbour. He doesn't go out much, won't "disturb us" by joining us for lunch so we're going to deliver a feast to him. Anyway, all that said, a lot of you are still in Christmas Eve mode so enjoy it whenever it gets to you. As usual we Aussies get to do it first, don't we Annie? Best wishes to all. Spear.
  22. Swap ya Don! We hit 36deg C today. That's C as in Celsius. You work it out! And it will get hotter before it cools down again!
  23. Thanks MAAAAAAAAAAAAATE! I wait with bated breath. Change that - (floss, toothpaste, rinse - aaaaah!) I await your call.
  24. You know - NOTHING is perfect. There's always some little imperfection somewhere in or on everything. A lot of time it is very hard to find. Yamaha needed to have something on its RSV that wasn't perfect, so they made it bleeding obvious - BY PUTTING IN A TAPE PLAYER. Now EVERYBODY'S happy.
  25. Hey Don, Can you give me a price (in $US) to ship two of those to Australia please? Cheers, Spear
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