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Everything posted by spear

  1. This reminds me of the joke about the old lord of the manor dying in England and his estate being sold off. Of great interest to buyers was the 300 years old axe that the old man's great-great-great-grandfather used to clear the forest and cut logs to build his first house, and had been used by every generation since to cut fire wood for the castles that now dotted the estate. The agent assured prospective buyers that it was the original axe, despite the fact that the head and handle had been replaced many times over the years. Perhaps this guy will recognise his registration (licence) plate and think he has his old bike back?
  2. For what it's worth for you northerners - I removed my Samson straight-through pipes over the weekend and replaced my original stock pipes. Things should be a lot quieter for y'all now. No more 'thunder down-under'. I can't believe the difference it makes. I can now hear the engine. I can now hear the radio. I can now hear the SatNav. I can now hear the pillion (that one's important.) I can now hear - - - ! P.S. Anybody in Australia looking for a new sound for their Second Gen? I have a good set of pipes for sale.
  3. Last weekend I did a three days, 1,400kms trip away with the siblings. My Voyager (or Wedgetail as they are called here) performed like a dream. Had an absolute ball. Drew lots of looks and comments - all positive. My favourite is when people say to me, "Is that a Harley?" My stock-standard reply is, "No. It's a motor bike."
  4. Same from me and mine DownUnder. Just about finished here. Ho hum!
  5. http://www.flixxy.com/amazing-17-year-old-rc-pilot.htm If you've seen this - watch it again. If not - ENJOY. This kid IS amazing.
  6. Anything that is illegal is only illegal IF YA GIT CAUGHT!
  7. deepforkriver, You're not putting sugar juice (ethanol) in your RSV are you?
  8. Here in Oz I put standard unleaded in both my tin tops, and premium unleaded in my RSV. Currently paying $1.38.litre for the standard and $1.42 for the premium. That's with the 4c/litre discount (loyalty-type thing). I remember when I left school in 1969 and moved from the bush to the big smoke, petrol was 39c a gallon and a packet of Marlboro was 36c. My oh my. How times have changed. Mind you I was only earning $1,098 a year way back then.
  9. Avagoody mate!
  10. Thanks RandyR. I'm sure he will be buried in his home town - a three hours' ride away - and I hope to be there for the funeral. Six kids. How sad!
  11. One word - FUGLY!
  12. I hate to have to add to this post. Yesterday ( March 1) the New South Wales Police Force celebrated 150 years of service to this State. In that time we have lost 250 officers in the line of duty. Some of them were Police with whom I served over the years. Today we lost another great cop. http://bigpondnews.com/articles/TopStories/2012/03/02/Killed_NSW_policeman_was_father_of_six_724593.html Rest In Peace my friend.
  13. Obviously didn't have ya tongue stickin' out at the correct angle as ya typed!
  14. GaryZ. You'll only get a thread in your engine oil if you strip your sump plug. (Sorry mate. Couldn't help myself.)
  15. I've never had an off in 42 years of riding. I turned 60 last year and to maintain that record (never having an off) I decided to get myself a Voyager outrider - as per my avatar. The bike is upright 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - at any speed from zero to whatever, on the straight or in the twisties.
  16. My Posi-tap connectors arrived in the mail mid-week, and today I decided to do the wiring. What a cinch these things are to use. No stripping on the bike harness wiring and no messy soldering. Only had to strip back the wires of the trailer cable and away you go. Did it right at the connector near the battery. Nice and tidy and out of the elements. To use a well-worn Aussie phrase - "Lit up like Luna Park!" Thanks to Condor for the reminder on the colour coding for the RSV, because the only colour that matched cable-for-cable was the green. If I had matched them colour-for-colour I'd be in all sorts of troubles. It's all good. Thanks all for your help.
  17. guns_usn_20. Atten-HUT. Soldier - consider yourself admonished. Be aware - there's a capital V in Venture. (Priorities. Gotta get our priorities right. Right? Right!) :rotf:
  18. Turned cold here overnight as well. Got down to 16degC. THAT'S 61 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT. Days have been beautiful though, nestling in the mid 20s (80+degF.)
  19. Don't ANY of you guys ever Ever EVER complain about your registration costs. I have three vehicles. Let me run you through what it is costing me each year - all up. . 2001 Subaru Outback Registration $437. Comprehensive insurance $552. Compulsory Third Party Insurance $330 2006 Proton Jumbuck Registration $236. Comprehensive insurance $446. Compulsory Third Party Insurance $248 2004 Venture Registration $111. Comprehensive insurance $440. Compulsory Third Party Insurance $231 _____________________________________________________________ TOTALS PER ANNUM $784 $1438 $709 GRAND TOTAL $2931 Considering the fact I can only use one at a time, they are costing me $2.68 a day to keep - each. The Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance is to cover injuries or death of anybody other than the driver in a crash. It's an offence NOT to have it. Mind you, in my state the fines for being unregistered and having no CTP are massively more than the cost of registration and CTP. You can't register a vehicle or renew the registration unless you have CTP insurance. (More commonly known as revenue-raising by our incompetent State politicians!)
  20. Just ordered a blister pack of six 22-gauge Posi-tap connectors from the Aussie importers. It reckoned there was nowhere else I could buy apart from there. (They wouldn't tell me the names of any auto-electricians or others in my area who may be buying from them!) Anyway - $17 all up includes $5 freight. Makes them just under $3 each - delivered or $2 a connector. I'm happy.
  21. Hey mbrood. Many thanks for the info on the Aussie distributor. How the hell did you find that? My Gooooooooooooogle search showed up 'nuffin'. Then again, I see you are into electronics - so there's the answer. I'll flick them a quick Email shortly and follup with with a phone call on Mondy. Much obliged my man!
  22. Thank you folks. This helps tremendously. Yes Don - it is a trailer wiring connector (7-pin flat) that I'm wanting to install. Hey Condor - what happens to the RED and WHITE? Boy - don't those posi-loks look like the duck's guts? Gonna see if I can source them in Oz. If not, I'll pull some from up your way. BTW - what gauge of wiring is the standard on the RSV? Thanks.
  23. This seems to be the correct forum to post this request. (If not, I apologise - so just respond, okay?) Seriously though folks, I have fitted a Voyager outfit to my 2004 RSV and now need to hook up the additional lights fitted thereto. The Voyager is obviously wired up, with a 7-pin flat plug and I have acquired the matching socket and cable to wire in to the bike. I've been told by other 'Voyagers' that the best place to do so is just aft of the battery. I would assume that would be correct, and I would just use normal 1-into-2 splicing connectors? I'm okay with doing it myself, having dabbled in auto wiring (and house wiring) for many years. The other option is to go to the harness and connectors beneath the tail light - the ones all curled up under the number plate bracket. Any clues, ideas, opinions and/or advice please? Thanks for your collective time. I know it's valuable.
  24. I've never ridden a trike - but would like to try one. I looked at a Voyager conversion kit for two years prior to buying (a second-hand) one. I'M LOVIN' IT!
  25. What sort of temperature do you call 60 degrees? Where I was on New Year's Day we had 108! Weren't nobody riding that day!
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