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Everything posted by spear

  1. Hey guys. I know similar threads are in existence for four-way hazards, but I want to know is it possible to retro-fit a hazard light switch unit to a 2004 RSV? Why do I speak of retro-fitting? Because the RSV imported to Australia does not have them. True story! I know the RSV in the States has them and the activation switch is on the right side throttle mount.
  2. You know the one good thing about being a catholic priest? When they 'transfer' you from one diocese to another, you don't have to worry about upsetting the missus and the kids with the relocation. :rotfl:
  3. No shortage of ammo Down Under. Come to think of it - we don't have any firearms so shortages mean nothing. Ah - what a safe and peaceful country!
  4. Somebody has to say it: "Just upgrade to a Second Gen!" Problem solved.
  5. I took mine out to peak revs in first gear once upon a time (valve-bounced her) but have no idea what the revs were. Does anybody have any idea? I suppose a tacho would be nice. - ?
  6. I bet on a group ride, you are the rear guard.
  7. Hmm. Let's see. I have a Voyager outrider, Sat-Nav, digital thermometer, digital clock, sheep-skin seat covers, perspex headlight cover, an AirHawk seat cushion, highway boards, MP3 player - that's enough for now. Edit - sorry, forgot the CrashCam.
  8. I don't reckon they turn over fast enough to warrant a tacho!
  9. How dare you?
  10. Bugs Bunny HATES YOU! Glad to hear you're back with us Annie. Mwaah!
  11. When I bought my second gen from a bloke I knew, the CD stacker was gone from the top box. He said it had crapped itself and he couldn't see the sense on spending money on a new one when it was taking up room and there was an MP3 auxiliary input on board. I agreed with him. I've left the cassette player there - "just for ol' time sake".
  12. ...where I come from to be quickly responded to with a knuckle sandwich!
  13. He's lucky it wasn't the Berlin Wall, instead of a Berlin speed hump. Where the heck are these guys leathers?
  14. :rotf::rotf:
  15. Hey girl. You conscious yet? Sorry. Forgot. You're three hours behind the rest of civilisation. Better wait for the sun to rise over there. Progress report when you can please. (I suppose you missed the cricket. So did everbody else. What an ambarrassment for WI.)
  16. Muffinman. Eight track. Damn, that's bringing back some memories. Mate, as long as your player (and it would have to be portable) has some sort of output such as RCA you can do it. The recorder would need an 'AUX IN' port (mine has) and you would need an RCA-to-stereo adapter to get in to that port. Nothing is impossible - and impossible is nothing!
  17. Have fun David. I am!
  18. I'm going through a bit of a second childhood at present. The pillion and I have been together 41 years and married for 39 this year. We both love our music and always have, and from the early days (early 70s) we used to buy the odd vinyl LP, transfer it to tape, and put the LP away. That way the tape could wear out and the LP was (is) 'as-good-as-new.' We have around 200 albums, and when CDs became the new thing we obviously stopped buying vinyl. (Our CD library runs to nearly 1,000 discs.) Just prior to Christmas I was in an Aldi store and spotted a weekly special - a 'record player' (turntable) / cassette deck combination with SDHC and USB ports. The box said you can record vinyl or tapes to either of the digital media and transfer the resultant files as MP3 files to PC, iPod etc. For the outrageous price of $49, what did I have to lose? So I bought one. (Incidentally, the best $49 ever invested!) Meanwhile, at home, I knew I had a desktop 'music mixer' console programme on my PC - Audacity to be specific - so I dragged out the LP collection and have begun to transfer each album to my PC. I'm able to add the bit of extra bass that I prefer, increase dB etc etc and not only have MP3 files but can also retro-convert the files to WAV. To cut to the chase I'm slowly building up our CD collection by around another 200 discs and loading up my iPods with so much more MP3 travel music that it's obscene. The entire process is not as quick as 'backing up' discs as you can imagine, as the LPs have to be played and recorded in real time. But it's nice to hear them all again whilst this is happening and I'm doing other things in my study. Have loaded a lot more MP3 files onto thumb drives for the car's audio system as well. Now I have to decide if I'm going to keep my original vinyl albums or sell them off. The latter is a really attractive proposition because I've researched what sort of prices they are bringing on the open market, and believe me, there is a lot of audiophiles out there paying big bucks for good vinyl. I think I may be sitting on a gold mine. May as well do it now because when I'm dead and gone, nobody else (apart from the pillion) will appreciate their worth and I can otherwise only envisage them going to land fill.
  19. Gee, I dunno guys. I'm happy with my sound system the way it is. I suppose the question is if you wanna add power amps etc, "do you wanna listen to the music or share it with everybody within 100 miles radius?"
  20. My machine was christened by my siblings on our annual ride last year (or was it the year prior?) It's called "The Mothership" due to all the fancy bits it has on it - 4 channel stereo, MP3 player, sat-nav, windshield, panniers, Voyager outfit etc etc. Their bikes are basic - three Hardly Davisons (how basic can you get?) a Suzi and a Honda. Whenever we do our big annual ride 'The Mothership' seems to attract all the attention - as you would expect from a second gen RSV!!!
  21. Now, even Forrest Gump could have done that! Simple, eh?
  22. "That's not a knife. THIS is a knife!" Crocodile Dundee taking on a NY punk. (All the way from Down Under.) And while I have your attention - Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies on board.
  23. Morgan Freeman (Red) in The Shawshank Redemption. One of the top movies of all time. Parole Hearings Man: Ellis Boyd Redding, your files say you've served 40 years of a life sentence. Do you feel you've been rehabilitated? Red: Rehabilitated? Well, now let me see. You know, I don't have any idea what that means. Parole Hearings Man: Well, it means that you're ready to rejoin society... Red: I know what you think it means, sonny. To me it's just a made up word. A politician's word, so young fellas like yourself can wear a suit and a tie, and have a job. What do you really want to know? Am I sorry for what I did? Parole Hearings Man: Well, are you? Red: There's not a day goes by I don't feel regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then: a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can't. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullsh1t word. So you go on and stamp your form sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a sh1t!
  24. Increase the volume on the radio. It'll go away.
  25. I'm glad you're not my stock broker! :rotf:
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