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Everything posted by spear

  1. Whew. For a moment there I thought you said Pacemakers. I was going to order one for when I get older.
  2. aka Shippy Skit! :rotf:
  3. spear


    Serves him right!
  4. I didn't think you were allowed to post trikes!
  5. Did ya hear the one about the guy who reckoned he was a real smooth talker with the ladies and only needed one-liners to pick them up? He spotted a pretty damsel at the bar one night, sat down next to her and said, "How would you like your eggs in the morning?" She replied, "Unfertilized." :rotf:
  6. Hey Annie. If'n ya don't unload the mirrors bring 'em back to Oz and I'll take 'em. You have a good time top side. I'm in Adelaide visiting brand new grand son #4. Enjoy ANZAC day. Spear.
  7. spear

    US Masters

    Don't you let Greg Norman hear you talking like that. He'll surface and eat you alive.
  8. spear

    US Masters

    Thank you folks. Thirty years since we took the America's Cup out of your waters, now we have the US Masters as well. Aussie sport rocks!
  9. Don't worry about the crowded pins folks. Only one Down Under - AND THAT'S ME!
  10. Got ya in my prayers big buddy.
  11. Prayers to all involved. This is headline news Down Under - early morning for us. When will it ever end?
  12. It's there baby - just 'scroll' with the blows. I just pinned myself to the map. Great idea Don. Wonder how many Aussies we'll get. (C'mon Annie - get 'stuck' into it.)
  13. Seeing everybody is skirting around the subject and not able to answer the question I'll tell ya. TF stands for 'Trans Flash' card. Now ya know!
  14. That's it - somebody mentioned a free six pack of beer. Very tempted - VERY TEMPTED to cross the pond!
  15. spear

    Taking on a big rig

    True Don, but the problem is you guys drive on the wrong side of the road. :rotf: | BTW Don - subs paid. Details in a PM.
  16. Hey guys, How'd you like to spend a couple of weeks in the Aussie outback, sharing the road with one of these monsters? The speed limit in the Northern Territory is 130km/hr (81mph) and it's hard enough overtaking one of these things in a tin tip, let alone attempting it on a bike. But - y'all welcome to come on Down Under any time you like to give it a try. http://www.flixxy.com/extreme-machines-worlds-longest-trucks.htm#.UWAN90O4Y_w
  17. Thanks for posting, but my NAVIG[8]R SatNav is glove-friendly. If it wasn't, I'd be right in the market for some of these.
  18. When I lived on my farm, crows would raid the hen house and pinch eggs. So I built a wire mesh tunnel that had a right angle in it, and when the crows landed to go into the hen house they could only see the mest and not the angle that would/could give them entry. The hens had no problem with it, but the crows? Not so smart after all. I used to fire the odd shot gun shell in to the air to scare them away and they learned to discern between a shot gun, a broom handle or even a length of pipe. If I walked out of my work shop with a shottie - they were out of there. If I walked out with a length of pipe or similar, they just sat in the trees and looked at me. Maybe there is some degree of higher ornithological intelligence there.
  19. Now - that's my kind of haircut. I know - 'cause I have one just like that!
  20. I have 'satellite' radio on my iPhone5. Plug that into the auxiliary jack and - hey presto"! Listening to the world.
  21. I'm a retired LEO - and I can tell you that goose in the patrol car was way out of line and IN THE WRONG. If it was me on the bike I'd have insisted on that sh1t load of tickets then taken them to court, and make the cop wipe his butt with them - after suing the crap out of him. Yeah!!!
  22. Thanks for this thread. I've been seriously considering a Spyder. I currently have a Voyager attached to my 2nd Gen and like the 'stance'. After reading the above - given I'm 6'4" - I consider being talked out of it. Your post was the clincher Don.
  23. Thom. In the immortal words of Gomer Pile, "Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya." Spear
  24. Don't have a mud flap, but I can send you a flood map!
  25. Wow! I'm curious. What does this switch do?
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