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Everything posted by spear

  1. Have you tried eucalyptus oil?
  2. Gee, you had me worried there for a minute. Here in Oz our brake lights are at the back. But then I read on and realized what you were talking about. D'oh me!
  3. Hey Mike, That's a tidy looking outfit. How much do you pay for one of those over your way? Can't seem to fine one on ePay down this way. If I have no luck here I might have to import one. Cheers.
  4. I've always thought about one of those kits, and I suppose they are good insurance. Might just grab myself one next time I'm in town. Having four tyres to worry about makes it all the more sense to have one I suppose. Having said that, I pay $39 a year for roadside breakdown service through a motorcycling organization and that is good peace of mind. Never needed it so far - but you never know. BTW those 'sticky rope' outfits are known as 'dog turds' in Oz.
  5. Would have to be one of the filthiest habits created by and known to mankind. Quitting is easy. NOT quitting is hard.
  6. Don't know if this qualifies to be included here, but my fuel tap is permanently set at the Auxiliary position. No need to reach down in traffic to switch it over from the main if that runs out. I always peek at my fuel gauge (as one does) and I know when I'm running low. Who else does this?
  7. Groan!!!!!!!
  8. Just imagine. You could have four different coloured LEDs. You private disco light show. I remember a mate of mine in the early 70s had eight LEDs set up in his dash for his V8 GT Ford Falcon Super Roo so he could monitor his spark. Very cool.
  9. Absolutely no idea at this stage, but it's on my (our) bucket list. Need to get to the bottom of the bucket prior to kicking it. Looks like Thailand's coming up for next year. Then 2015? A move to Adelaide to our 'retirement home' and more travel plans. Don't worry. If we're heading your way you'll certainly know about it. And whilst on the subject, you know you're always welcome here!
  10. Thank you!
  11. Hey Taters. Does that invite apply to ALL Aussies?
  12. I feel for ya buddy. I suffered a minor injury to my left eye about 20 years ago to the extent I have permanent blurred vision there. My right eye does the heavy lifting and fortunately I retain my 3D vision. To cap it off a couple of months ago - when I had my eyes checked for new specs my optometrist tod me I have very early (minor) onset of cataracts. Sh'appens eh?
  13. Hey Annie. If you and Al do this ride in Texas, please carry my thoughts with you for Don. Spear.
  14. Middle of winter here and WE got to 14degC!
  15. Now that's original (not) - but still funny!
  16. Forget the Alamo. Remember Port Arthur! Leave them guns at home girl!
  17. Hey Annie. Miss ya already.
  18. Hey Bull, We figured out long time ago how to miss the water. WE GO THE LONG WAY AROUND! :rotf:
  19. VentureRider.org
  20. I bough an Apple iPad last year and run it extensively through my wi-fi router at home. Whenever I log onto this site I get a pop-up that advises me there is an iPad app available. A couple times I've tried to 'download' the app, and all I get is a scrolling screen of gooobledy-gook text that goes nowhere. Anybody else having the same problem?
  21. Gees. You don't get that long a sentence for murder!
  22. You so-called 'young blokes' and your First Gens! When you grow up you can graduate to the Second Gens - and have a REAL ride! :backinmyday:
  23. Funny that - just checked my calendar and July 28 is completely missing. So - request granted!
  24. The pillion's birthday last week. Didn't buy her anything because she said not to. I felt a bit lousy about that, so next day I bought her a house. True story! We've been looking to buy an investment property in another city 1200 kilometres away, with a view to moving there in about three years to finally retire - right where our grandkids live. She's stoked and I'm happy. The rent we get will pay the mortgage until we decide to sell up where we are now, and what we get for our current home will more than pay off the 'new' one. Happy birthday sweetheart.
  25. @ 46" on the vid. Did you miss the stop sign? Down under, 'Stop' means "STOP" - no matter what.
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