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Everything posted by spear

  1. Crunch time folks. The RSV uplift happens at 0730 on the morrow. Meanwhile here is a shot of the bike and its replacement - my 2008 VW Touareg V6 TDI.
  2. Thanks Annie. I don't suppose you have a copy of the engineer's certificate for the outfit? I know I filed the one you gave me - somewhere safe - now I can't find it. 😱 I'll keep looking. The bike ships out this Sunday.
  3. Hey boss. Annie and Al are in Perth, the capital of Western Australia. I'm in Adelaide, the capital of South Australia. Sold the bike this week. By sheer coincidence it's going to Perth. Thanks for a great website and 'club'. Thank you also to everybody for the camaraderie and friendship. I'm not going anywhere though. Will maintain my membership. Cheers from Down Under. Spear (rhymes with beer).
  4. I believe Alan took over the RSV when I bought her Voyager. I've sold my bike - with Voyager outfit - to a guy in Annie's home city on the other side of the country. How scary's that?
  5. Thanks Mama. Sold the bike.
  6. You're kidding me. Used to go through Quirindi twice a year on my way to Tamworth. Anyway, left that neck of the woods 18 months ago and moved 1200kms south. Saddest thing is, I've sold the bike. Gone over to a V6 TDI VW Touareg.
  7. Will do mate.Cheers.
  8. Hey folks. Sad to say I've sold my 2004 RSV and will be back to four wheels. I advertised my outfit for a couple of months and the right person came along. He's a little older than me and needs a 'trike' for the stability. The RSV/Voyager combination suits him down to the ground. I pleased to say that Ken - the buyer in Perth 2,800kms away - has taken me on my word on the condition and history of the bike and is buying it sight-unseen, apart from the photographs included in the ad. Having it shipped over by road freight. It restores my faith in people and illustrates the brotherhood of being in a biker family. For your information Aussie Annie, your Wedgetail is returning to its eyrie. Keep an eye out. Ken rides with the Patriots apparently. Thank you Don and everybody else here. I'm not really gone, just bikeless. Stay safe people. Ride like you're invisible.
  9. Just had a look at the Member Map and it would seem that I'm the only member living in all of South Australia. Is it possible there are others who may not have 'pinned themselves' to the map?
  10. Annual update. Been here nearly 12 months and loving it. Have to confess though that the RSV is on the market. Just bought myself a V6 TDI VW Touareg and something had to go. Unfortunately the bike lost out. ☹️
  11. Don. I read your warning re: posting for sales in the watering hole. I'm not. Even if I did the classies are geared towards the USA. I'm having to shed some excess hardware. I have a VW Touareg, a VW Tiguan, a Proton Jumbuck ute (pick-up), my 2004 RSV and I just sold my caravan. All this for two people?? Since I moved interstate my RSV has done less that 100 miles in 10 months. I just don't ride it. Logic tells me it will be the next to go. So for the information of any Aussie members I'm about to sell the beast - with Voyager outfit attached if necessary. I'm putting it out there for the time being. Don't know what it's worth. Have to do the market research. Wish me luck. Thanks boss! 👍🏼
  12. Okay. You're on. We're expecting 40degC (100+) today. 8:20am and it's already 31!
  13. Seeing as it's officially Christmas Day in our part of the world, let me be the first to officially shout out and say "HAPPY CHRISTMAS PEOPLES!"
  14. Interest
  15. Same in NSW and South Aussie! (Hi Annie! XX)
  16. Thank you for that comment James. Saved me the trouble of making it - and you put it so well!
  17. I'm hearing you, except down under they're right lane dicks. HATE THEM!!!!!
  18. Hmmmm. Nearly two years on and no response from MTCVoyager.
  19. Yep. If you zoom in on the console of that closest bike, you'll see a panel of switches.
  20. You guys think you're doing it tough. Unleaded fuel is currently $1.28 PER LITRE in my area. That's Au$$ie dollars! By tomorrow night it will jump to around $1.50 per litre and slide down again in the middle of the week.
  21. You're biggest mistake was posting photos without looking at what you were photographing. Now we all know what your REAL ride is - the little pink princess buggy. Gotcha!!
  22. Obviously a team with taste. (I pulled this shot from the Wikipaedia RSV article.) Thought it may interest some.
  23. Hey Dale. Down under we can go one better that you guys way up top. Our cards have chips, strips and whatever. No body but nobody ( except me) handles my cards. Greatest thing is what's known as 'Paywave'. Just wave the card in front of the terminal and payment is made. No PIN, no signature, no nothing.
  24. I don't know if they're available up your way, but you must consider a Motobat. Cannot fault them. Super crank and hold their charge for months on end - even through the winter 'hibernation'.
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