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  • Name
    Tony Rogers


  • Location
    Nashville, Tn, United States


  • City
    Nashville, Tn


  • Home Country
    United States
  1. Haha, Yeah that blows my mind!! I looked at a new one at the dealers and couldn't help but chuckle and said 'do they still make cassette tapes?" lol And what's up with the carbs?? 2012 and carbs- no FI? I don't understand that- even Harleys had it as early as 1999 and I think they most all are FI. My local dealer thinks a lot of them cause they sure ain't cheap!
  2. V7 Goose and others, this is all great information! It does seem like I see more 07s for sale than others. Yes I always test ride one before I buy one. I'll sure check the shocks and the valve adjustments. 27,700 is a long time between adjustments which is a good thing! I've always done them myself but it must be a big job to pay $600! It's amazing that it don't like Brickstones! lol. I am running them on both my bikes now with 200 battleax on the rears and handle like a dream and I've gotten longer wear than others I've tried. Thanks guys!
  3. Thanks guys for your help!
  4. Thanks for the heads up and will check about the recall. Glad to know about shocks but how to check them? I never had air shocks. The whine shouldn't be any louder than a GW . Thanks
  5. Heads not torqued right? That ain't good! Maybe I should be looking for a 1st Gen!
  6. Hi, I am a newbie and hope you can help me with a question. I am looking to buy a 2007 Venture and would like to know the problem areas and what to look for when I go to buy it. I have owned more Yamahas than any others and know their dependabilty, but every bike has their weak points. Thanks in advanvce!
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