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Everything posted by robclark63

  1. ugh...it is 64 here in MD and my bike is torn apart...I promised myself that I would have everything back together and ready to go by April 1st...I took my VW out today for some comfort though, but saw a ton of bikes and was sad again....
  2. after you find tdc 1 then go counter clockwise 90 degress then do cylinder 3, 90 degrees + 70 more degrees and you go to tdc cylinder 2, then 90 degrees more and cylinder 4 is in tdc... Play with it a little and you will get it. the sight glass only has tdc for cylinder 1 and 2, but like i said tdc for 2 is an extra 70 degrees or so... hope this helps a little...
  3. Thanks everyone!! Will keep records and in 20000 miles or so will check again:cool10:
  4. Hi everyone I am in the process of a valve adjustment and was wondering if the clearance is at the lower end of the limit should you replace the shim?? For example if my input clearance is at .004 should I replace that shim... and if the exhaust clearance is at .006 should I replace that shim or should I just keep these as is and replace the tight ones... It looks like basically all my exhaust clearances are at .006 except for a few and my intakes are at .004, except a few.. Thanks for the input
  5. just bought an e3 from rocky mountain ATV/MC for 127.99 with free shipping...they were quick to ship and I thought that was a great price!!
  6. they go behind the speaker...must be a sound deflector of some sort...Thanks bongobobby...let me know.
  7. Was wondering if anyone has one of these laying around...http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=74576&stc=1&d=1362608469 or is there something else I can use as one?? I have one and need one...thanks for letting me know.
  8. Just for what it is worth I found a good picture resizer website...it is free and works very well...here is the site http://www.webresizer.com/resizer/
  9. Already did the CLASS system...Thanks for the heads up on the water pump parts.. My bug is a 72 super...In 71 the super came out but still had the flat windshield and carried that over to 72 also...
  10. Well I have been working on my 88 Venture Royale and am sort of at a standstill at the moment so I cleaned up the garage and thought I would post up some pics...I wish I had some before pics, but I usually don't take pics until too late, but anyway here are some...http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=74469&stc=1&d=1362348631http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=74470&stc=1&d=1362348631http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=74471&stc=1&d=1362348631http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=74472&stc=1&d=1362348631http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=74473&stc=1&d=1362348631http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=74474&stc=1&d=1362348631http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=74475&stc=1&d=1362348631http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=74476&stc=1&d=1362348631http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=74477&stc=1&d=1362348631 Well the bike is cleaning up very nice and I finally tracked down all my cowling that rests inside the fairing. I have also been doing a little fiberglass work on the fairing...I found that hanging it makes life easier when rebuilding pieces. I did my rear wheel bearings, drive shaft, and put on a new E3, new clutch slave, all fluids and was working on the bright work with a little marvel mystery... I am getting ready to delink the brakes and put the R1 caliper conversion on and also am going to replace the rear caliper too...I want to set the valves and I need to replace a fork seal too. I couldn't resist putting up a pic of my other toy too. I built that about 8 years ago...I got out of bikes and into VW's and now I am back into bikes.. Anyway, I figured on a cold Sunday you guys might want to look at some pics. Enjoy:cool10: Sorry the pics are all scattered...I am not sure how to just put them into thumbnails...
  11. congrats...now you will be busier than ever!!
  12. I just got a bunch from all over, but had to order one piece from motosport.com where is Milw??
  13. Good stuff, just got my carbtune in today...Ordered from manufacturer and it came in two weeks. Now I have to get all my other parts and the shim kit to set my valves and I will be ready to tune the carbs...I hope I have everything finished up by April!!!
  14. Now that's funny!!
  15. Yup...can't wait till it warms up...I have been burning through a lot of kerosene in the garage...and that stuff is not cheap anymore!!lol
  16. Well I just thought I would post this up... I bought a 1988 Venture Royale last Sept. It was a little rough but seemed pretty good mechanically. I rode it until November and put it up in the garage. I stripped the bike and went to work! I posted up here not too long ago about some cowling parts and I have tracked them all down!! I have most of them in and there are a few on the way:) I started some fiberglass work on the fairing and it is starting to come around too. I ordered a front brake kit and rear kit from skydoc to make it stop better. Just put a new rear tire on her and also new rear bearings. Getting ready to strip the anti dive off because it has progressive springs too. In the fall I wanted to upgrade the clutch, so I put a barnett kit into it. I also replace the clutch slave cylinder with a new one the previous owner gave me... Oh, and I changed all fluids too and have a carbtune coming... I can't wait to put her all back together and get that first ride of the season in!! I hope it performs as good as I am hoping it will. This is the only place I could think of to post this and have some others like it:cool10:
  17. Sounds great...can't wait to get it...I love playing around with new tools and stuff. Hope customs lets it right on by:fingers-crossed-emo
  18. Just ordered...should be good to go in 2 weeks!!
  19. Eck...Thanks a lot!!! Carbtune pro 4 will do then:301:
  20. I have read some posts on here but I cant find my answer. I am going to buy one from the manufacturer but my question is... They have carbtune II, carbtune pro 4, color tune and they ask about color tune plug size... I just need some guidance to what to buy. I want to make sure I have everything right the first time. Thanks for any information in advance.
  21. Update...Just tracked down the right side, both pieces, and now searching for the left... Squidley, I need the vent insert for the left side and the plastic part that goes on the clutch lever. If you have them could you PM me or let me know. Thanks sorry...made a typo the first time...
  22. here are the two main pieces I need. Sorry the pic is upside down. The one on the left I need the insert that the class and cb fit into. The one on the right is the one I need the vent insert for.
  23. Good morning. I am in need of some fairing pieces for my 88 Venture royal and thought if I put this here someone might have what I need. I am looking at my Yamaha manual in chapter 2 on page 2-24 at the schematic for fairing and need part 11 upper cover right for the class and cb, part 7 upper cover left for the radio/tape deck, and maybe a the pull out case that the tape deck and radio goes into. Also I am looking for a vent for part 7 also, and the plastic part, I think it is a dust cover part, that covers the clutch lever. One more part that I am looking for is the black insert that goes into the left side panel. I am hoping someone here has or knows of someone that does have some or all parts. Thanks everyone:fingers-crossed-emo
  24. Let's hope!! GO STILLERS!!
  25. Thanks...going through it right now...winds are picking up and power is flickering...lots of rain too. I have a clutch waiting to go in, but have to put that on hold for now, family and house are more important...Thanks again for the well wishes!
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