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Everything posted by billmac

  1. So Don how's the brew going ? and while I'm asking is the little boats working yet?
  2. Ride safe and have fun.
  3. you don't have yours yet. Thought you were first to sign up.
  4. you don't have yours yet. Thought you were first to sign up.
  5. Sounds like you enjoyed your trip Rags:banana:
  6. If working right all a thermostat does is make sure and engine reaches a certain temp then it opens and lets the coolant flow into the radiator to cool down. If the coolant is hotter than the thermostat is made for it will stay open allowing it to circulate in the system. Adding a super cooler to the anti freeze coolant should only be added to lower the temp of the coolant but not allow it to cool lower than the thermostat or it will over heat. If it's running cooler the thermostat will not open and cannot circulate thru the system causing other problems,
  7. billmac

    Ram mounts

    usually find the best prices on Amazon
  8. billmac

    Why me

    That date will be Tuesday July 28, 3576 Heights Ravenna Rd. Muskegon, Mi.
  9. I only use the choke when it's cold but try starting before pulling on the choke, idles slowly then by the time I'm ready it's running fine. If I smell gas when I go out to start it I open the gas cap for a moment then go through the process. I also don't hit the start button until the pump stops loading up. should not say this but I never have trouble starting the bike.
  10. billmac

    Why me

    take her along for dogs and chips, she can drive, don't need to be on a bike even though you have and extra one in the garage, maybe tippy will let her use the scooter.
  11. last year was heading north on I-75, I was doing 75 and was passed by two bike doing about 90+ five miles up the road they were both of the road on a curve in the woods. I did not see them go off but three cars were parked on the side of the road and in the woods helping. I stopped but nothing I could do and left when the cops and med team pulled up. the people there said both bikes flew by them and didn't make the curve. Both were crutch rockets.
  12. billmac

    Why me

    good thing no one else fat fingers the key board.
  13. billmac

    Why me

    Found it. by Sleepy2 on 7-5-16 License plate mount needed in the watering hole Well I found one on e-bay for $5+$30 shipping so I tried to and did make my own out of 1"wide by 1/8"thick flat steel. It was fun making the different angles that it has to have but it works well. Figured with the thicker metal and no slots just 2 holes for plate should last almost forever!
  14. gave as you don't want them anymore?
  15. billmac

    Why me

    Think he said he used the stock bracket for a pattern and made one from flat steel. Hope he reads this and chimes in.
  16. billmac

    Why me

    Puc you having a meet and greet on 7-28 or 7-29 in Muskegon ?
  17. billmac

    Why me

    nope. the Harley lights are right but the Yamaha bracket is thin and broke from the weight of the HD lights. the thread I was looking for he said he made a bracket from flat steal and it will never break. that's not the one
  18. billmac

    Why me

    I can never find anything with the search. Someone posted about making a bracket for the Harley taillights and can't find it .
  19. Been on a few trips now and they work great. the phone works great also. don't have any music on my phone and I need a new computer so I can load some songs to the phone.
  20. Did it sink?
  21. they should have used a hose instead of a power washer to rinse it off then I'd be impressed. you cab spray almost anything on and power wash it off.
  22. took you two days to get back on.
  23. You know Puc once you start pulling a trailer you will have it modified to go anywhere you want, think more sticker space. :banana:
  24. still a boat and you know what they say about boats. B-reak O-ut A-nother T-housand. Your troubles all started when you bought a Harley.
  25. sounds like the signal fuse blew.
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