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Everything posted by billmac

  1. Don't you have to get up early to feed them chicks or did you pass that chore to Tip?
  2. Early this morning is noon? those 11:00am meets must have put you in a coma. bluestar could have come back two hours later and just say he ran out of gas and had to push a bunch of crud to the gas station cause you was half awake and didn't know the difference.
  3. Not cheap it's a consignment sale not a repo sale.
  4. He who rides first gens also use first gen computors.
  5. you have the hoses on in the right direction. this will happen if you have them on backwards.
  6. So I found my fuel line had a small crack by the tank and thought I'd change it out. that turn into a job. not really thinking as I started taking things off to change it out and before I knew it half the bike was torn down to get the hose off the fuel filter then I decided to change the filter since I had it torn down then my putor won't connect and I can't find my list of replacement filters so off to the parts store must have look at 50 different filters before we found one that was close but it was metal, by then I didn't care. get home and change it out then I have to put the bike together. I don't have a garage so I'm doing this on the patio knowing I need to be done before dark as all my parts are laid out with the parts and screws that hold them on in nice little piles. get it all back together start the bike and it sounds a little different but better so while it sits their idling I look into the old filter an can see dried stuff inside, so it was a good thing I change it out. took it for a ride a couple of miles and it seems to be a little quicker. Guessing with the hose leak and dirty filter I may have been having a fuel flow problem so now I'm feeling better about changing it all now before I had a break down or no run problem. All is good with the bike and waiting for Comcast to come and check my router out.
  7. Holy crud cowpuc don't think Tippy would want to ride far on that one with all the camping gear. But you haven't stop smiling yet so that's a good thing.
  8. thought you were messing with a bottle tank.
  9. got a picture of this $500.00 tank
  10. would it not be easier to get as new tank. maybe it's the gauge that's bad?
  11. Went to Drummond Island for a golf week with the guys and we left early the night before since we made better time than we thought we get on the Island at midnight and no place for four guys to sleep so we find this place called the black bear inn and get a room for $20.00 each, what we get? a room with one single bed and three cots, no sheets, pillows or blankets. then their was no wash cloths or towels, one of the guys went back to the office and the guy said they were extra. the room barley had room for the bed and cots and the bathroom was outside and the shower had a bag of water hanging on a hook with a hose. We think the owner lived in the back of the office cause when he came to the window he had a shotgun and pistol with him. we left a couple hours later we think he must have rented the rooms by the hour cause cars came and left after about 20min and it was only a guy and gal. (think the back seat would have been better) we got no sleep but we have something to talk about our trip at the black bear inn. When we checked in our rooms at the resort we thought we should have came here and sleep in the parking lot. We did have a great week of golf.
  12. Maybe you could work on some metal lowers.
  13. try putting bigger doors on the house so you can ride the bike in with the fairing on.
  14. what's the thumbnail on the tank idea ?
  15. hope I'm not to late but don't change any adjustments on the shock until you've rode it some. they come pre-adjusted from the info you gave them when ordered.
  16. Puc, I'm thinkin these people don't realize how much work you put into these M&G's. You have your staff working hard and trying to get the young kids to work on a weekend is not possible because of the no shows and you would not be able to take pictures and socialize. you do enough making sure there's enough food for everyone. Seem some would rather stay home working on snow machines or sitting next to the water when they could have been on a nice ride for hot dogs. You did have a nice group show for the last one this year. :dancefool::clap2::thumbsup2:
  17. Another great greet and meet with puc in charge. Sure pictures to come and took many. we even had a short ride before the hot dogs. He can explain every thing when he gets the pics up. Glad to see all who showed up.
  18. Puc where's your shirt? you Indian? most pictures with you in them your shirtless.
  19. I voted for WV just because I CC and avoid ILL and CAL when I can. would try to go to either anyway.
  20. Seats are funny how long they take to brake in. I bought a set of Mustang seats and the wife's only took about 400 miles and she wouldn't give it up and it seems mine took about 2000 miles to brake in. one day when I got on it was like this feels different and got off and pushed on the seat and I could tell it was softer so for now I'm happy.
  21. I had one. no problems. great bike.
  22. Camping buddy for Cow Puc.
  23. I traded my sportster for a connie.
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