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Everything posted by billmac

  1. He rides like a mad man and you think that's a smile on Tippys face it's not it's a grimace perfectly set as a smile. :banana:
  2. Just needed to know, found a blue and silver one but no case, think the wind may have blown it out of Cali? Did you have your name on the tag?
  3. yea no pictures of the cover? How will we know if we got the right one.
  4. Vacation on the new bike ? Kim liking her new ride ? Be safe on your vacation ne matter how your getting there.
  5. Helps when the sun shines bit still cold. enjoy and be safe.
  6. I thought I'd do her one better and had her ride 40 miles back in a slingshot, she said it was warmer riding with me instead of the slingshot.
  7. rode 166 miles today with the wife 34 degrees when we started and 47 when we got home. wife said she's not riding when it's this cold again unless there's no choice. time to start riding the connie in cold weather.
  8. billmac


    Looking for the advantage of a batwing for the RSTD. 1. will I get better MPG's 2. will the air flow be better with the fairing than the windshield 3. will my hands be protected better from the cold, rain and bugs 4. will the shield on the fairing versus the windshield be higher/lower or the same 5. will the wife feel more wind than the windshield ( she's not complaining now ) 6. will I look cooler with the batwing vs the windshield. thanks in advance for the info.
  9. We ask and received. We'll til tomorrow for the pics.
  10. Ok Craig did you forget the way home ? everyone is waiting for info on the ride home and what you think of the new ride. Did you go west instead of east and not home yet? got Pictures ?
  11. Congrats, now the honey doo work begins.
  12. same link, still get a list of adventure sites, don't know which is yours.
  13. I tried but get a great adventure site.
  14. Kim's got a new ride. :banana:
  15. When you picking it up? :cool10::guitarist 2:
  16. Puc you should have been their to do a how to video.
  17. If your sending that white stuff again please add Rum balls. Just the white stuff is like getting the same useless presents every year.
  18. Since you are in Canada you could pile some snow on the seat.
  19. you can do more with the venture but the RSTD has the speedo on the bars
  20. wish I could put the 1st gen bars on my 07 RSTD
  21. could add a trailer hitch and put another trunk or box on when more space is needed and remove when not.
  22. you forgot the extra woman at the house to. Bluestar maybe thinking a venture and the wife was to much for a max.
  23. you could catch them and send them back to Ebay under their return policy, say they were the wrong size. :rotf:
  24. you have to lube the cables on these bikes thought they were good for a couple hundred thousand miles before doing anything other than putting gas in them. next you'll be saying you have to change the oil also. :cool10::banana:
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