Best way to end the big honey do list is always make her part of it. She can always help, if it's painting let her do all the trim, planting flowers get the ground ready with her out their marking the spots then let her actually put the plants in and water them. when she says she will go in and fix something to eat tell her that's a good idea, let me go in help you, I'm retired now no big hurry to get this done right now. this will slow the list's down if not eliminate them. Always have her come out to help no matter how much you would rather have her in the house and leave you alone, I hate this part but if she says she needs to go to the store say I will go with you and we can get started when we get back. oh and always do it her way with her helping so it gets done right. you will get plenty of time to enjoy your retirement if you follow these simple steps. been retired for 12yrs now and that was the best lesson I ever learned.