Careful Puc he may have it pointed West instead of East and didn't notice until the storm hit the West. You should know he only sends it this way to mess with you.
relax and ride it. for three days of twisties should not be a problem unless your trying to keep up with crotch rockets, if that's the case just rent a bike for the week and enjoy the venture the rest of the year. white knuckle's on anything is not good
I thought about a color tune until I watch them at Don's MD this summer trying to use it with a blanket thrown over their heads and the bike. No thanks.
I also bought a 650 with bags, floor boards, ram air, custom seat, non stock handle bars, new battery and tires front and back. 8500 miles. this was about 6years ago for a 01 with the green silver paint. $2800.