Anybody have or know someone who bought the 25-35 radio, speakers and controller on ebay. not interested about the speakers but how is the controller,mp3 and SD card function work. I'd get better speakers setup for it if everything else works ok.
Ok Puc, first pic 2nd row in the middle of two candians is I and the next two is carbonone (larry) wiring in my air horn. great meeting you and everyone else. thanks to radtop for hosting the meet.
that's how I did mine also. I did do the front one first in case I had trouble. but it was smooth and easy. just loosen the tank and put a towel under it.
Had a great time at Rags today and met some really nice people. For those who did not stop by you missed a good time. Thanks Rags for hosting this. Also a thanks to Rags and carbonone for getting my air horns works right.:cool10::)
You can take anything off the bike that you added, it's still your property until you settle the claim. good if you can be their when the appraiser is there. I stripped everything they would not pay for on mine. they will just sell it to a salvage place. check how much they will give you with and without you keeping the bike.
May have to go to the dark side to find the answer for size if no one here knows. I've just read that they use rear car tires from bf Goodrich, nexan or nankang brands.
Ok. I read and looked at the tires. Now I'm thinking the way you go through rear tires why not use a car tire? Don't think it will hurt your image do you. No I don't have a ct on my RSTD.