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Everything posted by billmac

  1. Just use 1 oz per gallon like stated on the can. ride or let idle until the gas gets into the bowls seems to help the best, if you just add and park the bike the sea foam don't get into the bowls.
  2. no problems with my commander II's front and rear. rain, cool or hot almost 4000 on them.
  3. you are trying to bleed from the rear MC and not the front MC ?
  4. A lot or bikes idle around 6-700 ours is close to 9-1000 and people that don't know that turn them down and start having problems. When really warmed up they will idle lower but you will get backfires and rough idle.
  5. when you have your sync tool hooked up can you turn the idle down to 1000 and how does it idle? may be one of the plugs or hoses on the carb is leaking air throwing the idle mix off. I also ride a couple or more mile just before I sync the carbs so the motor is nice and warm and the carb heaters turn off. don't know why they always come on when I first start even when its 70+ degrees out. two min of idle will usually turn them off.
  6. Happy Birthday, now go out for a ride.
  7. check the fuse then the connections. may have pinched a wire somewhere.
  8. I have a set of brackets that will raise the foot about 3". these are just the brackets you'll have to take the floor boards off your stock set and put on the new brackets. easy to do. pm me if interested.
  9. Glad your both ok. Can find most of the parts on e-bay and pinwall salvage. If the insurance says your bag is only worth xx amount but really it's xxxx tell them to get you the bag painted to match the bike and you'll install it for free saving them the cost. I know it's the adjuster that come out but if they don't ride they seem to low ball you on the price. Do the math from dealer replacement parts to help argue your case for repair.
  10. Since it will be covered with stickers and signings get a can of clear coat from any store and spray the autographs to help the fading. Puc you can do this also not just for covering the bugs.
  11. Same thing happened to me and had to use the restore option on the pc set it for about a week or so before the download and everything is working like normal now,
  12. Good job. Now you have a winter job building trikes.
  13. My shock just started leaking. Think I'm going with the Hagon do you have part # or do I have to call?
  14. pretty sure the readings will be all over the place if your trying to do it in the garage. need to be in the open and away from overhead wires.
  15. could have been the connections and unplugging them and replugging them in cleaned them up enough to get good contact.
  16. Not one dirty bike in the pictures, did you all trailer them in?
  17. will try to down size them. not very good at computer stuff.
  18. yes. can't upload the pic's don't know why.
  19. people use both descriptions when asking, since he said lower fairing I thought he was talking about the wind deflectors.
  20. my want to check out the cost to have it rechromed vs , buying new. if you find a place that does chroming my be less than using a middle man to send it out.
  21. I have some. works well and closing them in the rain stops me from getting my pants wet below the knees.
  22. Thanks. thought only the speakers were 4watts.
  23. I usually speak before I think so now I type without reading what I write. looking at the 25-35 dollar radios on ebay. really just interested about the controller not the speakers. http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mepKcTo52utQjjHLdcwZ7pg.jpg
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