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Everything posted by billmac

  1. I got the bracket and harness installed by carbon one at rags meet and eat this summer. thanks again for the install and thanks rags for the meet and great
  2. mine is just my first name I go by and a nick name they called me at work. just use this one on motorcycle sites and shooter 57 on gun sites.
  3. May want to look at the family that lost everything in a fire on Hospital rd a couple of days ago. Boomers is having an auction at the Sharks club on Sunday 12/21/14 for the family.
  4. I went with a Boss system. FM,SD MP or thumb drive. amp and 2 speakers/with wiring. 600 watts. best price was from Amazon. Only thing I'd do different is get the one with a speaker control knob, mine has remote control and going in stop and go traffic it's a pain to turn it up and down.
  5. what do you want to reload and how much do you shoot a year? I have two Dillions , a rcbs and reload about 5000 rds a year down from a few years ago when I was loading 14-15 thousand a year.
  6. I had LA choppers on my RSTD and loved the sound around town but on long trips the sound was too loud and the wife hated them. went to some Harley RK's and they sound good. not as loud but I can ride through a take of gas and not be bothered because of the noise.
  7. Just change the mufflers
  8. Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for all you and Eileen do.
  9. So how did this happen? is it the glue from all the stickers or the clear coat you sprayed over the bugs on the bike? is the repair a plug or patch or are they going to replace the nose with a new one? When they get you all fixed up will you upgrade to a 2nd gen? or will tippy have to take over the front seat and move you to the back? Really want you to get better soon, praying for everything to be fixed and get you back on the road again, Willie is missing you.
  10. I have a go pro and the only thing I don't like about it is there is no zoom feature. when stopped and you want to take pictures you can't zoom in on people or sites.
  11. Just another I've got this old bike, don't mean anything without pic's. If you had a 2nd gen you would have had pictures.
  12. I took my LA choppers off and went to RK's. around town the LA's were great but on anything longer than 1/2 hour the wife complained and they also bothered me. the RK's have a deeper sound and don't bother the wife or me on long rides.
  13. love my 130 on the front. I'd say the commander II are great.
  14. I switched to commander II and went with the smaller front ( 130) and the bike handles better than the stock 150.
  15. Must be the fool messing with his machine and pointed it your way, Sorry but hope he leaves it pointed away from us this year.
  16. Not had any problems where it is. you can see it in my avatar, just carful when washing the bike and it never got wet when riding in the rain.
  17. I bought a BOSS system and mounted on the right lower cowling. can't see the radio setting ,or turn it on while riding. I turn it on before starting out and I mostly use a SD card for music. mine uses a remote for everything except for turning it on.
  18. that must be the limo of trikes. good job
  19. are you sure you didn't bump the kill switch ?
  20. Welcome from the east side of the state.
  21. There is a learning curve but after a few days using it you won't want just a toe shifter. I actually started using mine because I got a new pair of boots and didn't want to mess up the toe shifting up, now when I ride the sportster I have to remember no heel shifter after I take off that is.
  22. that's not a carbtune it's a motion pro. no adaptors need with the real carbtune. why would you want to add something to tell you when to change oil or get the valves adjusted?
  23. I'm also over 5k on the commander II's. tires look like new and handles better with the 130 upfront, no shimmy from the snakes and handles great at low speeds and parking lots. only had it up to 95 mph to check for handling with no problems.
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