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Everything posted by billmac

  1. welcome to the board. I don't think you would have a big problem with a Venture. If you don't have plans Saturday drive up to Oberlin and meet some of the people and have a look at the bikes we ride. a couple of hour drive to see what your thinking about would do more than looking at 1 or 2 bikes. everyone there should be able to answer any questions you or the wife may have. Hope your not thin skinned because most like to joke around and don't mean any harm just a good time.
  2. what's all this talk about a 1st gen faster than a 2nd because the took 2nd gen parts and put them on their 1st gen.
  3. Donated ammo, free shooting :banana: what kind of ammo you bring so I bring the right pistol.
  4. I found quick shine but not the quick shine 99 shown. different brands
  5. Don't think I want to spend $55.00 to try it. Have not found a store that carries it yet, will keep looking.
  6. Need to write down all the good info your getting and take it with you when you see a lawyer. You don't want to forget anything and he should answer everything or see another lawyer. A motorcycle lawyer is usually a good starting place.
  7. Hey Puc is a new shiny bike in the works, tippy seemed to stay close to that shinny Red one. So thinking back when raggie was talking about a camper is that one a class 1 camper?
  8. where is the trailer hitch?
  9. Got up this morning ( a good thing) and it's 38 degrees and snowing. did I miss summer?
  10. sitting on the floor all the weight goes to the butt and none on the legs and thigh, don't get the real feel of the seat.
  11. you can't leave here, they suck you in saying it's a motorcycle site then you become family and they won't let you go.
  12. was a great day for a ride, but we went to Hell.
  13. What's the big deal, I've had a slingshot a long time... :rotf:
  14. I always have some flat stock laying around can't tell you the thickness but about 1 1/4 " wide. I just cut two 10" long pieces drilled a hole for the back mounting hole on the RK muffler and put it toward the mounting hole for the stock mounting hole and marked the spot, drilled the hole and bolted it down. didn't round the corners just painted them black with spray paint. works great and you can't see them because of the saddle bags. the flat bar is less than ten dollars at home depot and all useful for other brackets if needed. I did mount the mufflers before making the brackets and Used a bolt from the stock mufflers. Only used one bolt on the muff and it's never came loose yet.
  15. billmac

    Hey Puc

    As we head into the riding season I was thinking about you and if you got all your medical problems fixed and able to ride this year?
  16. I had a board go out and they changed it out, $385.00 for board, house call and changing out. telling some people about it and one guy said they change the board because of warranty and they will fix the board and use it on side jobs that get no warranty. So if you have a friend that has a friend that can fix it for cheap that 's usually the kind of board they use. You did good.
  17. mowing the grass.
  18. Must have been a local ad.
  19. can't believe your making fun of a Handicap plate on a MC. Not all disabilities are visible. I have one and would be happy to trade your healthy body for mine. I used to carry a cane on my bike but had two walk away from by bike. I use a shopping cart for a cane now. we do need to shop once in awhile also. Lost my job as a LE because of my disability and since it was not a job related disability nothing I could do about it. If you seen me you'd never know I couldn't walk more than 50 feet without aid and when I ride somewhere I don't usually take a walk with the other guys.
  20. Says life time battery, how long have you used it ? any problems? easy to read?
  21. Pretty sure Michigan changed their law that you must be a resident of the state your CCW is issued in to be valid.
  22. the brackets are 22mm holes and my bars are 1" so that make them too small to bolt on, maybe drill them out some to fit. if I'm reading the picture right.
  23. I like Raindar
  24. Get the 9 year old to post the pictures for you.
  25. Thought you were moving to a motor home.
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