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Everything posted by billmac

  1. Wow Puc, get all these stories in book form, printed up to sell and you could get a second gen Venture for new chapters to your book.
  2. Sounds like a woman's answer.
  3. when you get done thinking I'd like to ink the calendar for that day. I do know the way down now.
  4. You do know it's just a myth that their faster.
  5. Remember it's a first gen so be careful.
  6. Hope to get the date right this time , had a pre ride last year. All was good though.
  7. You still have the memories.
  8. Happy New Year. Now check the bike mileage and write it down. start the year off with keeping a log of everything you do to the bike. I'm not good at keeping track of gas but I DO WRITE DOWN UPGRADES AND OIL CHANGES.
  9. Have a 07 and wife has no problems. He must have got it and the wife is loving it, out riding ?
  10. Sometimes you just need a Hot dog. Could be at the next meet and greet. :banana::dancefool::clap2::mo money:
  11. Let's get some facts straight , we decided on the name Bad boy for the RSTD it's not a RSV. some eye doctor may be needed. yes it's black. Pam will only ride on the Bad Boy as my other bike is a Connie (Kawasaki concours) Blue in color which I traded the sportster I won for it. So when I get a chance to go by myself I'll ride Connie ( ) . I ended up in Detroit on my little ride ( turned into 70 miles ) on Christmas Day and the big guy is wearing a Michigan State Jersey I thought would be proof of the ride. Could have turn around and took a picture of the tunnel to Canada but that would have only confused someone. On my ride never did see an Ice cream place open. We did have footlong hot dogs Thursday for dinner. and the season for riding may not be over yet for some of us..
  12. Go Spartans
  13. Hey hey you could pull the engine off the machine and put in in your new scooter.
  14. Could be about a fire claim someone is trying to collect on so they need to raise the rates on everyone.
  15. The mind is a wonderful thing. She had me when she was on her knees.
  16. think that's carbonone with the wiring.
  17. I'm guessing the real story is you were trying to kick start that dang machine of yours and didn't release the pressure valve and the machine sent you for a ride and the foot got caught twisting it backwards. Thinking we will have a mild winter this year. Puc you won't be using the extra power snow thrower this season. Get well soon Flyinfool.
  18. So glad to hear a solution was found. Seems most Doctors do what the insurance companies want and not what's needed, keep the Dr's name and if she goes into her own practice may want to change doctors. Now you have a new learning curve of what Tip can eat and what to stay away from. I know you will take great care of your Tippy and keep an eye on her. She won't complain but you will notice (should) when she's not feeling up to par. We will be happy to see the both of you again this coming summer. God has blessed the both of you. Billmac
  19. Many people think with 60,000 miles the bike is wore out . Don't know they are good for four time that many mile if you regular maintenance on them. just old school thinking.
  20. we should vote for a new name for flyinfool to snowinfool. :snow:
  21. Mine was a 57 Cushman step thru in 1962 for my 12th birthday.
  22. If you have auto update on sometimes after the update you need to reboot. that's what I do and then it works fine. Not every update needs rebooting but sometimes my key board needs the reboot.
  23. Would it not be easier to pull the fairing than waste two days trying to figure out how to do it with the fairing still on.
  24. Did you blow air thru the tank breather hose with a compressor? may have a bug or nest in it that may cause a vapor lock. just blowing in the hose may not have enough pressure to clear the hose.
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