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Everything posted by Just-Jack

  1. I have been there done that so many times.I would say that there is always be a next time.... Or better yet I can remeber when I first started hunting I would be in such an awh of the herd that I would let them walk with in 20 yards right by me. We have bought the buddy stand that sits 2 people but there has never been more then just one person in it. The buddy stand just give you all the room and more with a seat that is 4 feet long and have plenty of room to stretch out if you want to catch a cat nap in the woods.......not as if I ever did that before. and I always have my harness on safety first Jessie
  2. Well in the spirit of the season and not wanting to be out down by his wife my hubby and my daughter went out and endured the freezing tempatures to sit in the woods. At 8 am I got a call that woke me out of bed as I did not want to go hunting again and All i heard was deer down. Jack said that he had taken a doe and then said that he wont have a shot at a buck because I took them all.[ATTACH]13544[/ATTACH] Next weekend I get the chance to hunt again but this time it will be with the newest hunter of our family my 11 year daughter..her birthday is on Sunday and she will be of age to sit in the woods with a gun for deer hunting and all she wants for her birthday is to hunt in the woods with mom. So I cant say no to that now can I. Be safe and enjoy the outdoors Jessie
  3. With the temps in the lower 30's:cold: this morning and cant even go outside other then in a heavy duty winter:97: coat I have to second what squid said!!!!!!!!! and Third it as well Jessie:2132:
  4. Well I would have to say that the bike was saying that is was to early to be put to bed and that it still wants to be rode it has nothing to do with the fung shug or bad ramp design... Jessie
  5. that sure is a pretty buck I would love to have the head mounted but I settled for just the horns and will mount them on a plaque that has the state of michgan for the back drop. Our tags are land owners doe permit daily if i wanted to buy them 10 dollars a pop and combo tag that allows me to get 2 bucks plus we also have block permits that allow you to tag a certain amount of deer because of crop damage, Good luck and please be safe we just lost a hunter that fell asleep in his blind and fell out Jessie:2132:
  6. Hey I have no problem sharing any part of the deer but not the BACK STRAPS lol I think that we might have to have them on the grill for Christmas Eve...just an idea Heck I might as well have a wildlife met and eat and bring something that you have got ...I can only image what size bugs people could bring that they got in there teeth lol Jessie
  7. that deer did nothing to me but they are really good next to my plate of mashed taters and corn Jessie
  8. If i had only wanted horns I probly would of gave up many years ago. It is nice to be out in the woods seeing the wildlife even if it is not white tail. I had always wanted to pass my love of the out of doors to my kids and I have done that with my daughters my oldest got her first buck this fall in the youth hunt and my youngest daughter starts her hunting memories on Sunday November 25th.
  9. Hey it was not Jack that shot them he was not there Jessie
  10. As many of you know or maybe dont know that today was the opening day of the firearm deer hunting season here in Michigan. For many many years (18) I have sat in the woods with my gun sighted in and my nerves very high only to get a doe or a button buck.This year Jack got me a brand new gun and scope .Today was no different other then Jack had decided that he wanted to hunt his sister land 3 hours away and leave me and my daughter to hunt by ourselves. The day was very cold and snow and sleet were coming down but that did not stop me from sitting in the tree stand. At 7;30 this morning I raised my new gun and took aim at a nice size doe and down she went. I thought that well here goes another year of me only getting a doe. At 10:30ish I saw movement only to see that this movement had horns attached I sat and watch a buck come in the left of my blind and I took aim and with my heart pounding I pulled the trigger and I dropped my first buck ever with horns. I saw the best sight ever as he dropped in front of my blind. I broke into tears from finally getting a buck and Jack was no where around to share this with. I didnt want to get out of my blind being opening day so I stayed there and 30 minutes later much to my surprise another buck came and again I held my breathe and took aim and wouldnt you know it I got a 2nd buck...I had to call Jack and let him know and he said we'll be there in a couple of hours he got there in time to help me finish cleaning the 2nd deer. So here are me and my very very very first bucks with horns and the doe that I got too[ATTACH]13519[/ATTACH] Good Luck to every one that ventures out into the woods and please please wear your harnesses in the tree stands Jessie:2132: P.S. My daughter did not take anything but she did get a chancd to get a shot at a 10 point Buck
  11. Oh boy oh boy with the season now only 3 wake ups away it was a nice picture to see. Now after almost 20 years of hunting I will be hoping to be able to bring one of those with horns home this year. But even if I dont for another year I got to see my daughter take her first buck this year which is worth more then any big buck I can take. For all that are venturing out into the woods this week please be safe and for goodness sake please wear your harnesses in the tree stands. I always do... Jessie:2132:
  12. As the leaves are falling and the tempatures are droping I look at Jacks bike sitting in the driveway and know that I have to clean the bike before it get put into the garage for the winter. We have used just simple green all summer long to do the regular cleaning and now that it time to put her away I want to make it look like the day that we bought it. So what is the best wax cleaner to make it shine. I have to get this done today before the hunting season starts on Thrusday because all my spare time will be out in the woods with my daughters. Any help will be apperciated Thanks Jessie P.S. No smart alleck comments about me having to clean the bike because I know there will be some lol
  13. Well since we have no trees left in our yard and the neighbors dont have any trees either i would hope that the new bike when we get will be safe and sound Jack
  14. As many of you know that in August the tornado that ripped through my neighbohood as well as my wife's bike. [ATTACH]13043[/ATTACH]So after thinking long and hard about the condtion of the bike and what the money it would take to get it back together and going like it was it was to much for me to deal with so Im parting it out. Maybe I can get her the bike that she really like silverado 650. so if anybody wants any parts for a maxuim 700 just let me know before they go on ebay. [ATTACH]13043[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]13044[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]13045[/ATTACH] Thanks Jack
  15. That was great I wish that they would publish that in every newspaper in the world that way everybody can realize that they are not the only one on the road. Jessie:2132:
  16. I to have signed this as well as everybody that is in my email address book an told them that they too should also sign. Jessie
  17. I thought that it is more then just in Michigan but you never know us Michiganganders do have some strange rituals.... but ill never say :rotf:Hubby upset cuz his b-day on Monday and he had to take me to dinner on his birthday weekend... Jessie
  18. Im with Skid I hope that I have a very very long time before I become a grandparent. But Hey Congrats on the newest addtion to your family So what is all of thier names??? and where are the Pictures of all of them Jessie:2132:
  19. Well GMC i guess that nobody can tell you that you have a few screws loose because judging by the pictures they look like they are in there pretty tight.. Get better soon and avoid gravel roads!!!!! Jessie:2132:
  20. So what did everybody get or give today???? Me i got to sleep in with no kids as they were all at thier aunts house and a nice dinner and a day out hunting... Cant get any better then this Jessie:2132:
  21. All though there were towns not that far from us in Lansing that did get hit with the tornado. We faired ok. we got the rain and the strong winds. We had the August tornado that took all the trees down and damaged the house. During this storm the sirens were going off every 20 minutes so it was on the lap top to see where the radar was saying it was going this made the kids nerves better when they could see that the storm was going away from us but one storm passed with in a mile or so from the house. This is a crazy year for mother nature.... Jessie:2132:
  22. Jessie:2132:
  23. With the rally going to be in Canada,Starting Monday, new passport requirements kick in I thought that I would share this since I found it in the paper today better get it in soon I would say Next week marks another chapter in a long, often confusing saga of changing U.S. entry rules: As of Monday, U.S. airline passengers will once again need to carry a valid passport when traveling to Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean or Bermuda. This summer, after a deluge of applications and complaints of months-long backups, the Bush administration had temporarily waived new passport requirements that took effect Jan. 23 under the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. (Travelers still needed proof that they'd applied for a passport.) Now, with extra staff on board and the summer travel crunch over, the State Department says it has cut passport processing times to six weeks for a routine application and three weeks for expedited service. For the fiscal year ending Sunday, the department issued an estimated 18 million passports, up from 12.1 million in 2006. Starting Jan. 31, Americans returning by land or sea from Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean must, for the first time, show either a valid passport or both a birth certificate or other proof of citizenship and government-issued photo ID such as a driver's license. But what happens next remains uncertain. The Bush administration still plans to implement tighter rules sometime next summer (the exact date will be announced with at least 60 days' notice) that would mandate a passport or another to-be-determined document for most U.S. travelers who re-enter by land or sea. Cruise passengers on sailings that start and end in the USA could continue to show only a government-issued photo ID and birth certificate or other proof of citizenship. Also exempt from the new passport requirement: U.S. and Canadian citizens under 16, plus children 18 and under traveling in designated groups. For tips, application wait times and downloadable application forms: travel.state.gov/passport. •For a first passport, you'll need to apply in person at one of about 9,000 post offices, public libraries or other government offices. •Take a certified copy of your birth certificate, two identical 2-inch-by-2-inch color photographs, a valid photo identification, an application form and fee for the new passport. It is good for 10 years ($97 for travelers 16 and older and $82 for those under 16). •Passport renewals cost $67. If your passport is undamaged and less than 15 years old, you were at least 16 when it was issued and you have the same name (or can legally document your name change), you can renew by mail. •If you're traveling in less than three weeks, consider paying $60 for expedited service, plus overnight-delivery fees. •Last-minute travelers leaving within two weeks who haven't yet applied for a passport should make an appointment to visit one of 14 regional passport offices. To make an appointment by e-mail, visit travel.state.gov/passport, click on " About Passport Services," then " National Passport Services Center." By phone: 877-487-2778. The call center is staffed from 6 a.m. to midnight ET, Monday-Friday, plus limited weekend hours. According to the State Department website, the best time to call is after 8:30 p.m. or before 9 a.m. ET. •Travelers who already have applied can check their status at travel.state.gov/passport. Click " Online Application Status Check." Current applications are taking seven to 10 days to be tracked online. Wow, that is a lot of things to think about so that our rally is a huge sucess next year we got to start planning now. I did not realize that passports cost that much. I thought that I would share Jessie:2132:
  24. With the archery season coming in a matter of a few days Oct 1st. I have also just bought both of my girls thier first bows we will go out in a few days to see how they shoot. They wont be able to hunt this year but I hope that they will enjoy the hunt when they are doing it Jessie:2132:
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