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Everything posted by Just-Jack

  1. ok i can only get 3 of them.......seems like some where i have said that before Jessie
  2. Squid where are you going???? Is there enough room in the suitcase for me??? Jessie
  3. I wish the snow that we got was the packing snow but it is the fluffy kind we could only hope that it dont rain anytime soon The next thing to build is a ice skating rink......now where did I put that big tarp.....anybody got an extra one laying around Jessie
  4. Ok we woke this morning with almost a foot of snow and both of us having the day off so what else could we do but go out and have fun.....I hear that doing donuts is even better in the snow. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!! We already have and now were inside warming up Jessie and Jackhttp://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z157/jackjess4/th_snowfun006.jpg This is Jack and our oldest daughter Becky
  5. Condor, I have a special gift that I made for the rider that has the most miles but so far only a couple of people have responded..... Jessie:2132:
  6. I know from being on here for almost the last year and all the trips that everybody has taken that there has got to be somebody somewhere that has a lot of miles on thier bike.....Come on help us iced up, snowed in cant ride,Motorcycle drivers and passenegers to have something to look forward to when the weather permits us to do this again some time next year Jessie:2132:
  7. When I said I wanted proff that was not what I was talking about....Thanks for sharing Jessie
  8. That was really cute thank you so much for sharing and I hope that everybody has the best holiday and one heck of a Merry Christmas Jessie and Jack & Family
  9. OK I know that it is not us but I am very curious as to who has the most miles on thier motorcycle???? I want proff that your bike has that many miles.....this goes for the first gen and the 2nd gen I thought this could be kind of fun since some of us snow birds can only look at our bikes now.... Jessie:2132:
  10. holly cow I love to see those kind of light....had one customer buy over 6,000 light from my store just to do this exact thing....I would love to do this just to piss the neighbors off...but would hate to pay the bill Jessie
  11. Ok if pictures are not enough to how about a video for ya Jessie http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z157/jackjess4/th_Picture021-2.jpg
  12. ok I did the whole sitting in the tree hoping that a deer would come close enough with my bow evey single chance that I got but all i got was a really sore bottom with no luck but I sat in a tree stand with a 12 guage and this is what I got[ATTACH]13900[/ATTACH]This is my first buck[ATTACH]13901[/ATTACH] this is my doe[ATTACH]13902[/ATTACH] this is my 2nd buck that I got 2[ATTACH]13903[/ATTACH] this is the doe that Jack got[ATTACH]13904[/ATTACH] and this is the buck that 15 year daughter took . So this is a great year sorry nothing 2 big but they are worth thier weight in mememories as you see this was both my daughter and myself first bucks. Jessie:2132:
  13. OMG that was cute It made me laugh out loud and then the Jack asked what I was laughing at and I read him and he siad that was cute too Thanks for the laugh
  14. Don, first of all let me take a moment here to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the hard work and dedication that you and the moderators do behind the scenes to have the best web site that I have ever had the pleasure to call myself a member of. I get teased a lot because Im on the site every day some times 2-5 times a day to see what is going on and I have this site as my number 1 favorite top spot. I have never met a more friendly down to earth place that you can come to share your good days as well as your bad days. I have never seen a family pull together more then this family does when something bad happens and to have some many people want to give with out wanting anything in return. I can not express how greatful and happy that we have found this family and that you and the moderators for creating this place. Jessie and Jack:2132:
  15. After looking at this would.... you might just call it a cage without the side panels and roof for protection???? Im mean if you really want to ride a motorcycle and are afraid of tipping over maybe....but if I really want 4 wheels I'll stick to my cage or if I want more adventure I'll get my grizzle quad out and tear up the yard....Just my:2cents: Jessie:2132:
  16. Congrats to you and good luck hunting on Monday. Nobody come on our land either but they hunt the outlines of our property where the 2 meet. Kind of scary when you dont see them until you get out of your blind and catch a patch of orange not that far from you thank goodness for a lot of tree and the direction of the blind faces in both cases. They have been there for years but I have never met them kind of funny huh. but I dont feel like walking up to anybody with a loaded gun. Owell have a safe one shot straight as my daughter says becuase it only takes one bullet.... Jessie:2132:
  17. I have also sent mine as well. I also got my kids and thier friends to do this as well Jessie:2132:
  18. glad to see that I'm not the only one not seeing the picture either...I thought my computer was messing up Jessie
  19. WHat a better incentive to get better knowing that you will have a dance that will last a lifetime and I'm not just talking about the wedding dance. I am glad that you getting better. We are all praying for you Jessie
  20. I use to do that as well but with work and only getting time off to be in the woods it makes it hard. We found a great local butcher that does a great job and is pretty reasonable on the price. It is only a couple of miles away from the hunting property so it makes it easy to take it to and pick it up Jessie
  21. Don Im not that far away from ya..about 6 hours I think... Jessie:2132:
  22. Well we got the call to pick up the vension and I guess it has been a great number of years that we have had this much meat. I have never filled my freezer with this much meat I didnt even have enough room for all of it in the deep freeze......I guess it time to start making sausage and jerky [ATTACH]13739[/ATTACH] Jessie:2132:
  23. Well yes she is 11 right now she will be 12 on Sunday. she is very excited to go out with mom and hunt..I dont know who is more excited me or her.. It is a family tradtion that was passed down to me from my dad and if I had 3 boys I would of passed it down just the same but I had 2 girls and 1 boy. So yes the legal age to hunt with a shot gun is 12 in Michgan but you can start bow hunting at 10... Jessie
  24. I am so glad to see that a lot of other people are having the same good luck that I did.. Jessie
  25. Hey Squid how will you ever ever get a shot gun to ride on your bike??? that will have to be a custom leather carrying case right??? Jessie:2132:
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