I had a problem with my e-mail getting hacked, and have finally narrowed it down to some dude that replied to a couple of ads I had posted on Craigslist. The first one happened a couple of months ago, and then again with a different ad this past week, both times after I replied to his request for more info about the ads. I reported it to Craigslist, but haven't gotten anything but an acknowledgement so far. About 6 months ago my bank card got hacked, but just for what appeared to be a tank of gas and a magazine subscription in northern Fla., I hadn't been to Fla. for well over a year at that time. The bank found out it happened at a convenience store where I bought gas for the bike from time to time, and they apparently had a history of this. I got my $$'s back, but just found the purchases to be kinda amusing.