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Everything posted by starman

  1. AS my son says I had rather be judjed by 12 than be carried by 6,and he is a cwp instruter
  2. Anybody have a new or used kick stand for sale or one they dont use. the prong that you kick down is broke.any help appreciated.2008 rstd
  3. Hey Joe I live in Georgetown ,If you go give me a holler ,I've been wanting to meet you any way maybe we could ride up together.
  4. Hey Dragonrider,I go in Jan. 6 for neck surgery myself.I've already had both knees replaced and I would not take any thing for that ,hope this goes as well for you and I.Tell the misses that it's not that bad.Good luck to both of you.
  5. The cruise only works up to 80 mph.
  6. I got mine off ebay,but JC Whitney has them for about half price
  7. J.C Whitney has them ,half the price as the ones ebay,Ive got them on mine
  8. Now that looks like more fun than a centipede in a foot tickling contest.I love boat racing. we used to have them in Georgetown S.C.Harborwalk festival.
  9. Sounds good to me .I live 60 miles south of Charleston And can go almost anytime. Keep us posted
  10. Hey Ruffy, I had mine done first of Feb.Went in on Mon. March 6 doc said everything was fine and released me to drive and I didnt even have to ask if I could ride my mc,he just yes you can ride your bike.good luck
  11. Hello Ruffy,dont worry about it I had my left one done a have not looked back. The surgery wasnt bad at all, shoot the therapy was worse.Im having my right one done Mon. Feb. 6,friend of mine had his done yesterday with a nerve block and talked to them while they were doing it, he will be home Sun,and is doing well.I started riding 5 weeks out and have not regretted it one bit.Hope all goes well.
  12. Hope the pic works
  13. Well I wasnt really looking to trade bikes,but the guy made me a deal I could not refuse. I had an 05 Roadstar silverado with 70,000 miles on it .Traded for an 08 Royal star with 19,000miles on it for 3800 and the roadstar,what would you have done. This bike is spotless.
  14. I had the same problem yesterday on my roadstar. Ihpoe it is heat related.Every thing seems ok this morning
  15. That is beautiful scenery,I have been going there since I was a little boy.We go at least 2 times a year,rode just about every road up there. We will be going back in august for a week of riding and fun. Glad you enjoyed it Gail and Len
  16. starman


    wtf are yall talking about
  17. Sounds good down here in Georgetown SC 30 miles south of Myrtle Beach,And 60 miles north of Charleston SC on the beautiful Grand Strand.
  18. Goof Off, no not you goof off remover if this dont get it off forgetaboutit..Think I got it from wally world.
  19. Doing your job and doing .your job safely are two different things. He was being unsafe being in to much a hurry to catch some one going 6mph over speed limit its not that important . A persons lifeis not worth a speeding ticket
  20. Dont know about rsv ,but roadstar bag keys are all the same ,maybe find a bag key from a nother rsv and try it.Good luck.
  21. Dang man cant even see the cord yet..........
  22. Now, that my friend is country music at its best.That rockabilly stuff they play today is about as country as my Sunday suit.Glad to see that some refreshing artist are still around.I would like to have a cd of his.5 stars
  23. Very coool ,I really enjoyed that Strat.
  24. Amen brother
  25. Im just fluffy
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