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Everything posted by dwatson636

  1. How many people if any, use the frame lock with padlock on the bike? Alone or with the fork key lock. I have no garage, so when I park mine on my front lawn, I use both locks and put the cover on it. I figure if they are going to steal it, I am going to make it really hard.
  2. My wife and I have the Nolan N90 white helmets. Really love them. Was reading this post about repainting them. There are a few chips on both of the helmets. Is there anyway to patch the chips and just do touch up painting on the helmets. Dave
  3. As I like to read through old posts, (lots of gems) I came across this one about the letter to Yamaha. Just curious as to what became of the suggestion? Dave
  4. Maybe I missed this, but does the HID light in question from your link have a high beam feature. I already looks brighter but I like a high beam. Dave
  5. Were do these steps go? They go up. Ghostbusters
  6. ouch
  7. Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the War Room! — Dr. Strangelove
  8. We need a like button for these quotes
  9. Two years ago, my wife and I went to LA for a couple of days in the car. On a Thursday afternoon heading out of town on the 10 in bumper to bumper traffic, I crotch rocket comes up beside me "lane splitting". I was not paying attention to him as the car traffic was crazy enough. I could have easily moved the car over a bit with out knowing it and taken out the bike.
  10. I'm Thinking of something orange. Something orraange. Give up.... It's and orange. Hey my shirt glows in the dark Stanley Spadowski - UHF
  11. OK, that guys going to need new tires.
  12. I too made the jump from the Boulevard C50. It was indeed a wonderful bike. Our first full cruiser. But soon found out that 2up on the freeway really took a lot out of her. Especially in the cross winds on I-70 in Wyoming. We knew we wanted something bigger and were seriously looking at the C90. But decided on the RSTD. Not as big an engine as the C90, but a bigger and nicer bike. Plus I love the V4 power. We thought about the 2nd Gen Venture, even took a few test rides, but ultimately decided on an 06 RSTD. We absolutely love our bike. Also, welcome to the greatest forum on the web.
  13. The ones that are here in Denver never seem to go on any rides, or at least very few. In Phoenix, there were rides all the time, some big, some small. But always a good selection. So, if I start one here, I am going to mirror the Phoenix one. A problem though, I have never been the lead in any of our rides. I don't think it would be a problem... but you never know. Again in Phoenix, we never had to worry about the hot dog rider or the dangerous rider. Do you have issues with problem bikers? And if so, how do you handle them. And do you make everyone who joins sign some kind of we are not responsible waver?
  14. We rode for 4 years with the Phoenix Motorcycle Riders Group. Meetup. The PMRG was really great. Probably around 200 members. The rides would be up to 30 or so on a good ride. There was a little bit of everybody involved. Harleys to sport bikes and everything in between. There are a few groups in Denver. But they all seem to be poorly managed. We went to meet one of them for a ride. Went to the restaurant, had breakfast and when it was time to meet. no one was there, or no one made any attempt to let others know who they were. In Phoenix, the meetup page had all who were coming and we would always meet at a gas/convenience store. I thought about starting one, but have never led a ride and am still a little new at getting around here in Denver.
  15. Have / do any of you ride with a meetup.com group? We used to ride with a great meetup group in Phoenix, but have had a difficult time finding the same kind of group here in Denver. Just wondering???
  16. Already PM's Eck earlier. All setup.
  17. They look like my Factory manuals, but they have the Repair Pro logo on them. There is repair manuals and service manuals.
  18. Hi All, I have the Repair Pro disk for the Royal Star series. I no longer need it. RSTD 97-01 RSTD 05-09 RS Venture 99-10 Royal Star 96-98 Royal Star Boulevard 98-01 RS Tour Classic 96-00 Let me know if anyone wants it. I will mail it to you. Dave
  19. I live right down the street from Performance Cycles here in Denver. Haven't been there yet, but my son is in the market for a new helmet and we just might get down there soon.
  20. I tried looking for this specific question but could not. When I had my Suzuki Boulevard, I got new tires. I asked the tire guy about whether I should go by the pressure on the side of the tires or what was in the manual. He said always go by what the tire says. I had a new set of Kenda Kruz tires. Really great. I did 40 psi. front and back. So which is the correct pressure to go by? I have an 06 RSTD. Thanks in advance Dave
  21. I recently purchased a used but excellent condition Mustang Wide Vintage seat and pillion for my 06 RSTD. I had a set on my Suzuki Boulevard and I loved them. But this one just doesn't feel right to me. However my wife loves it. So I am selling just the drivers seat for $225 plus shipping. Thanks for reading. Dave
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