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Everything posted by dwatson636

  1. That's lame. Does that happen a lot a these missions?
  2. Eddie, That's why I won't go during the event. Too many crazies and inexperienced riders, as well as cages who don't know how to drive around bikers. I have heard too many stories like yours.
  3. I am thinking of joining the Colorado Patriot Guard. I spent my time in the Navy during the cold war on a nuclear missile sub. I know that's not necessary to join. My wife and I have discussed this. We both support the troops whole heartily, but we don't support the government and the wars that they have our men and women fighting in. I won't go into it because I don't talk politics. Would this be a conflict of interest? Dave
  4. We are planning to go sometime this year in the off season too. As well as no big crowds, It will be a whole lot cheaper as well. I did some research, and the hotel, motels, b&b's etc triple or quadruple their prices for the 2 weeks of the rally. But we will only be riding from Denver.
  5. I am downloading the Little Mosque on the Prairie now. I really love the Stargate shows. I have the box set. And I have Slapshot as well. Good hockey movie.
  6. I have a question for all my new Canadian friends here. I have recently started to watch Canadian sitcoms. I started with the infamous Corner Gas, moved on to Hiccups, and just finished season 2 of Dan for Mayor. Can anyone suggest any others that are similar? Or other ones that you like. I like the comedy and anything scifi. I find the humor different and refreshing from what is being shown in the states. Dave
  7. I used to be an In&Out guy. They do have good burgers. Crappy fries. But, now it is Five Guys. Double bacon cheeseburger all the way no mushrooms. Looks just like the picture. But if it were just fries, back in Pittsburgh is a place called The Original Hotdog. When you order a large fries, It is the entire contents of a full fryer basket. And brown gravy to dip them.
  8. I really love the banana split.
  9. Motorcycle Safety Foundation course.
  10. Not what you think. My kids are all grown up. And aside from the fact that I will be a grandpa for the first time in April, That is also not what this is about. This morning, my middle son is beginning his MSF course. I wasn't sure how I was going to handle this, but I am very happy. He is at a point in his life where speed is no longer a necessity. And I am looking forward to riding with him. Although he is looking at buying a BMW F800R. Not a crotch rocket, but not a cruiser either. I think I will feel a lot better being there watching him ride by my side until I feel he has a clue, instead of worrying about him when he is out by him self. And he said he will definitely stay off the freeways for a while. So, one more of us has been born. Dave
  11. Just started doing some research. There are some portable solar cell units on the web. Not sure of the ruggedness for the bike. I would like it to be permanently mounted somewhere. And I want to be able to charge the iPod, cell phone and my Nolan helmet comm system. That's why I threw this out to the crowd to see if any one had any ideas. Dave
  12. Two things about this thread. First of all, I too struggled with the RSV/RSTD issue. We test rode a few RSV 2nd gens and were not too happy with the top heavy but really really liked the bike. I did not know of the existence of the RSTD at the time. We actually went to the dealer to buy a Suzuki C90. But as luck would have it, when we got to the dealer, they had an 06 RSTD sitting in the showroom. It was love at first site. I often wonder if I would have been more happy with the RSV. We have Nolan helmets with the built in communication system, we hook our ipod to it. So no need for the intercom and radio. I like the windscreen better than the fairing. I only wish I had the trunk on it. As for seat comfort, we bought Mustang seats for it. My wife loves the back seat now it is so much wider, but I did not like the Mustang front seat. So, we sold the Mustang front seat and sent the OEM front seat and the rear Mustang seat to Rick Butler for his mod. I also like the big backrest/trunk for my wife, but since she is happy with the seat, I am going to buy the armrest system that BigLenny had mentioned. I think it will make her feel a bit more secure back there. So in short, I believe I am more happy with the RSTD than I would have been with the RSV. No Regrets. Dave
  13. I am thinking about adding some sort of solar usb charger for our cell phone and ipod on the bike. I know I could just do a connection to the battery and all would be well. But with the solar, It could be charging even when we were not riding with no drag off the battery. Anyone ever do this or have any thoughts? Dave
  14. I see now that it does. I hadn't noticed that. I do like the bigger tires. I wonder if any other manufacture makes them stock with the big tires?
  15. I was searching for them on Google and could not find any others with the big wheels either. But searching for the Caboose style also brought up different looking trailers as well. More specifically an orange one. Dave
  16. Anyone ever hear about these trailers? http://denver.craigslist.org/mcy/3593126472.html It looks pretty cool. Light and roomy. Would like to maybe find a new one to take a look at. Dave
  17. Elwood Blues and Jake Blues have a fight over the police car Elwood got after he traded away the original bluesmobile for a microphone Elwood: You don't like it? Jake: No I don't like it... Jake: Car's got a lot of pickup. Elwood: It's got a cop motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it's got cop tires, cop suspensions, cop shocks. It's a model made before catalytic converters so it'll run good on regular gas. What do you say, is it the new Bluesmobile or what? Jake: Fix the cigarette lighter
  18. I checked all four front pads today. They All look fine. Sent from my VS840 4G using Tapatalk 2
  19. We call our 06 white rstd Zoey. Not sure why, my wife named her. She calls her Outback Subie.
  20. That's sounds cool. Could you take a few photos of the attachments? Thanks Dave
  21. Can't change it, we rent the house.
  22. I have a shed in my backyard where it goes during bad weather. But I have to get it thru a small fence door that is very challenging. So I usually leave it in the front yard by my porch locked up with the cover on it. I figure with both locks, 844 lbs will be hard to carry off with out me hearing something. But I would like to get some kind of alarm. This summer i will be building the harbor freight trailer. I will have to lock that up front as well. I will have to pick it up sideways to get it thru my gate.
  23. Thanks djh3, I didn't think about the pads coming loose. I will check that. My thought there is that if it was something like that, wouldn't it be an all the time noise? This only happened like 3 times on an hour run though town with a ton of stop lights.
  24. There is definitely nothing foreign rubbing on the pads or rotors. I checked and double check them. I have had the bike for about 6 months and this weekend was the first time for the sound. What on or in the front wheel could possibly make a grinding sound like that? Dave
  25. We were out riding today and I came up to a stoplight, hit the brakes and heard what sounded like bad brake pads scraping on the front discs, I am talking metal on metal. Not every time. As a matter of fact only about 3 times on the whole ride. I stopped and checked the pads and rotors and everything was fine. Is there anything else that could make any noise like that? a grinding, creaking noise? The noise wasn't a long scraping sound, just a quick sound. I immediately let off the brake and when I put them on again, nothing. Thanks in advance Dave
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