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  • Name
    J H Tappin


  • Location
    Montreal, Canada


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  • Interests
    riding, hiking,fishing and machining
  • Bike Year and Model
    1991 Yamaha Venture Royale

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  1. Your right I'll be removing my flywheel to replace the starter clutch, as soon as I get my my parts on order. In the mean time what i was saying did not preclude the proper use of the right puller but I only wanted to add a measure of safety by using a bolt on the crank while pulling off the flywheel. And a longer bolt would in effect be better just to insure the threads won't be damaged of course the bolt is not torqued up it will be just cintched up enough the object is to have the flywheel pop off the boss. I've used this procedure to remove stuburn flywheels from outboards and never damaged anything .I ordered a starter clutch on ebay. I will be doing the mod that uses the starter clutch from an '05 its a better design. I have a lathe and a milling machine and all the tools and know how to do the job. Still I got butterflies in my stomach. I'll keep you all posted and I will post pics of all my steps. I figure my parts will be here within 3 weeks.
  2. Hi guys I thought I would chime in with a suggestion. Being an aircraft structures tech in the Canadian military I've been trained to try avoid damaging parts and this is what I would suggest to remove the flywheel. I would remove the center (crank)bolt and add a few rubber washers behind the shoulder of the bolt and loosely re install it, then install and use the puller on it. When the flywheel pops off it will stay loosened on the crank it won't fly off and no one gets hurt. What do you guys thing?
  3. Thanks guys, I love this place we build such a bank of knowledge, now I know what I'll be doing this winter when the missus is not keeping my feet warm.
  4. Hi guys so let me if this is right if I understand all this. When by bike is really hot( stop and go at the US Canada border) any attempt therafter to start the bike until it has cooled down has cause this crazy monkey with a hammer in the engine. I"ve read that this could possibly be caused by a damaged starter clutch engagement mechanism (loose bolts(3) or cracked housing). As the noise only happens when the starter seems to have a hard time to turn over and hesitates as if the voltage were insufficient you might be suggesting that the problem probably resides in a bad starter design and all I might have to do is replace with a 4 brush starter or solder an extra ground lead inside my 2 brush starter and all might be okay:fingers-crossed-emo
  5. Thank you gents I will closely study these and keep you posted
  6. I have the intention of making my own cable adapter for using my mp3 player through my 5pin din plug (91 Venture). I now am looking for the proper wiring schematic for a 5pin din male connector plug to 3.5mm male connector plug. The wires coming out of the 5pin din are black, white, red, yellow and shielded. Thanks guys
  7. Just want to say congrats and thanks. I'm an ACS tech 31 years still serving aiming for 35 AND THEN.... I then plan to tour all of Canada and the USA. Best of luck. Soldier on!
  8. I have a deep 2 inch scratch on the left tube of my 91 Venture. Its past polishing and I will have to replace it. The PO put on fork gaiters now I know why. Will be looking for a good fork tube this winter. If someone has a scratchless unmarred and straight one I may be interested
  9. Very nice I liked it, it also gave me an idea soooo here's my 2 cents. Just another way to skin a cat.
  10. Here is a pic of the broken shaft.
  11. I had the same problem on the 91 venture I acquired in August at first I was puzzled the PO said he bought the bike second hand with that problem and he beleived it was NORMAL. :whistling:Any how I swapped it out with a used one I found on ebay. I kept the broken pieces I think they make an excellent conversation opener. I will post pics. Hmmm would be interesting to have a pole to see how many broken pinions gear shaft nuts have broken. I had a friend who had a Seca 750 which in 84 was also my first machine. Anyway he also broke the shaft nut trying to do a wheely. I guess these Yamaha parts are not over engineered. My second bike is a BMW K100RS and I did manage to do a 6 inch off the ground wheely many many years ago when I was slightly younger and nothing ever broke and I have had the rearend off for lubing the splines and there was no visible damage. Me thinks German over engineering. PS I have always done my maintenance as requested. People seem to think shaft drive meens no maintnance but cleaning and lubing the splines as required is a must. BTW I was surprised to find out that on the Mk II's the oil in the final drive splashes up past the bearings and the pinion gear to lube the splines so there is no requirement for greasing them.
  12. Wow! amazing write up. Now I know why my bike doesn't need choke to start. At first I thought this was a very good thing. Now I know this is because my pilot circuit (jet) is probably(to rich) out to much. Just wondering if the POs played around with these settings and did they on all 4 carbs?
  13. No the PO had gutted the circuit board and basically hard wired the switches. The display was non functioning and he had removed the pressure sensor output and installed a small dia. tubing and a gauge that he had put under the false tank. I took all that off and found all the parts i needed on ebay to make it stock again. Now it works like it supposed to sweeeet.
  14. My controller was kaput so I replaced it. The broken one's display read in kg/cm3 the used one I replaced it with is in PSI which is fine. I was only wondering if either display could be selected by simple button magic or are they US bikes in PSI and CDN bikes in kg/cm3.
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