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Everything posted by Keno

  1. Bike is back together and running like new. It was the speedometer. I gave up and took it to a Yamaha dealer in Seymour, In. I talked to service mech, and he said he had one other issue like this and it took him two days to trouble shoot. he finally called Yamaha and they told him to replace the speedometer and that fixed it. I really didn't want to pay for a new speedometer and labor cause it was $900. I found a used one on Ebay and installed it today and yes I am back on the road. Only thing I can figure as to why the bike ran ok prior to me disconnecting things is the signal that the ECU or ignitor box was looking for was still being sent til I started disconnecting things. Anyway my hotrod is running great again and I am happy. Thanks to all for all your ideas.
  2. No luck on TCI Box. Bike acts exactly the same as it did with the old ignitor box. If anyone has an idea i'm open to suggestions. If not, it's off to bike shop. Darn.
  3. Well I have a TCI box on the way. figured I could try it and if no luck just list it on ebay. fingers crossed
  4. I know its weird. R/G goes to Backup/odometer fuse slot and yes it is fine. Thought about fuel pump, but it runs so good in lower gears and symptoms are so consistent. Not going to rule out completely yet. Someone mentioned the TCI. Not familiar with that term. Mind explaining that a bit?
  5. Hope someone can help with this issue. Two weeks ago my speedometer and all other digital gages quit too. Took apart and checked for power. I noticed that if I disconnected the r/g continuous 12 volt power source wire and then turned on ignition key, all gages would work. And if I reconnected the r/g wire all was fine. But as soon as I turn off key and turn on again with r/g wire connected my gages will not work. Disconnect and turn on key all is fine. So I thought I would connect a toggle switch on the 12v r/g wire and test out on the road. Ok now hear is where the big problem is. I decided to go to gas station to make sure gas gage would work. Started down the road and ran thru first and second gears no problem. Started ramping up in third and when I got to approx. 45 mph the motor just fell on its face. It acted like u just cut off the power. Forth and fifth forget it it will not hardly run at all. Anything over 45 from third gear on will not run. The bike will run fine up to as fast as 65mph in second and not flinch. Shift to third and it will lay down til u get back down to about 40mph and u can cruise there and slower all day long. BTY. Before I started messing with the Speedometer the bike ran like a scalded dog,
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