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Everything posted by mralex714

  1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ATC-ATO-6-way-Side-Terminal-Fuse-Block-No-Cover-/350782887760 http://www.ebay.com/itm/ATC-ATO-8-way-Standard-Side-Terminal-Fuse-Block-/330919491281 http://www.ebay.com/itm/1PANEL-8-US-MADE-BUSS-ATM-MINI-FUSES-SAFETY-COVER-FUSE-PULLER-CHOSE-UR-FUSE-AMP-/261193422586?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3cd05756fa&vxp=mtr
  2. When the bike dies are you in gear or neutral? I ask this because mine would stall when stopping while in gear. The point I bled my clutch problem solved.
  3. Thanks guys for all the info. Looks like I'll be going with the AGM.
  4. Has anyone used this battery? Any thoughts on it? http://www.ebay.com/itm/BALLISTIC-EVO2-16-CELL-LITHIUM-BATTERY-YAMAHA-XVZ12-VENTURE-ROYALE-1983-1985-/281022173330?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item416e3a1092&vxp=mtr
  5. If Gene isn't interested I am if it's the GT25. Duane
  6. This looks like the same starter and is a SM13 type. http://www.ebay.com/itm/300591657853?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  7. Hey Swifty, Did you ever get your RM stator regulator hooked up? I was curious because I had tried 2 different one, one with with just wires and another with a connector and both blew the main fuse on 2 bikes. BTW refunds were given no questions asked.
  8. I just ordered a set on April 19 for $83.24USD delivered, and have already received them. I think they gave me the old price.
  9. I took a look at a parts listing for a 2001 and I am only seeing 2 brushes. Are there 2 more already mounted? Am I looking at the right part? http://www.yamahapartshouse.com/oemparts/a/yam/500446a5f8700209bc78fb26/starting-motor
  10. From your link. (NOTE: The Fuse block will have to be relocated to the top of the air filter housing due to increases height of block.) PART # BP426-046-081 Retail $ 29.95 Your Cost $22.00
  11. Never thought to check this or that it would be an issue. I will check it today.
  12. I decided to go with these instead. They have the slim ballast and are bi-xenon. I have the mounting hardware for a MKI coming from ebay. I hope this works:fingers-crossed-emo http://www.ebay.com/itm/370804006918?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  13. The weather is perfect here now, but I can't ride because I broke my ankle last Saturday. So while I had this 4-6 weeks I would tackle lights and other electrical items.
  14. This one is almost identical to the stock pump. I don't if it's more modern but it will be new and a lot cheaper than one from a dealer. http://www.autozone.com/autozone/parts/_/N-8vcz2?itemIdentifier=254441_0_0_
  15. I have a 1986 I was looking to adapt a MK1 headlight into it and use something like this into the light mount. This seems easier if I can fit the MK1 light assembly in place of the MKII's. Thanks http://www.ebay.com/itm/150829814524?ssPageName=STRK:MEBOFFX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1427.l2649
  16. Don't go through a whole bunch of trouble to find it, I'll figure something else out.
  17. Hey Mike Did you get out to the garage yet? Duane
  18. I was looking for a supplier of new starters.
  19. Does anyone have a confirmed 4 brush starter seller?
  20. What size is the headlight assembly in the 1st Gen MKI, not the bulb size the actual lens dimensions.
  21. Does your bike have the cooling kit installed?
  22. I sent them an email and they said this is a 2 brush starter.
  23. Have you decided yet? Your profile says you are in WI, here's a nice bike at a dealer in WI, if you don't mind it no being blue. http://www.cedarcreekmotorsports.com/pre_owned_detail.asp?veh=3183025:cool10:
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