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Everything posted by mralex714

  1. On ebay, but not cheap. http://www.ebay.com/itm/NOS-Yamaha-1983-84-XVZ1200-Venture-Driver-Backrest-Bar-Bracket-ABA-26HCD-17-00-/170837695514?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item27c6b85c1a&vxp=mtr
  2. Is using the airbox for the MAP sensor vacuum an option?
  3. Is this file going to get better gas mileage? my best tank so far has been 34MPG. Could you send me a copy also. Thanks Duane
  4. I think you got a rear shock from a non Royale they were air suspension. I don't think you can remove the spring.
  5. I didn't see any holes before but I thought they were a little stiff. I have a set now and will change them while my ankle heals.
  6. I just got the same email, but Avast free version caught it.
  7. Research is just a different way of calculating the octane rating, 87 in the US is the same as 91 research.
  8. You are right, (R + M )/2 is used in the US and Canada which is 4-5 points lower than the RON method for the same fuel.So the 91 RON is 87. http://www.torquecars.com/articles/fuel-octane-ratings.php
  9. mralex714

    flying car

    So I'm not the only one to hear it.
  10. I looked at the placard inside the left cover it says regular minimum 91 octane. Anyone else say the same?
  11. I haven't been able to ride for about a month (broken ankle) and finally got my bike home. The popping noise and cold cylinder have returned any other thoughts?
  12. I just changed my R/R and had a question about the output voltage. At idle 1000 rpm at the battery shows 14.2 but only goes up to 14.3 at any rpm's above idle. Is this normal or within limits?
  13. I changed my switch to one that turns the fan on at a lower temp. The fan comes on with the gauge just a little above half and runs less than a minute. I also took out about 20oz of the 50/50 coolant and replaced it with distilled water and water wetter, it seems to stay cooler and cool down faster.
  14. This is the worst one I have ever seen. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-1983-XVZ1200-XVZ-Venture-1200-Alternator-Stator-/360619445147?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item53f6980b9b&vxp=mtr
  15. Here's one on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/83-85-1990-YAMAHA-VENTURE-ROYAL-STATOR-COOLING-KIT-/350792633856?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item51acdece00&vxp=mtr
  16. In my quest to be seen I came across this flashing light unit and was wondering if anyone had any experience with it? http://hyperlites.com/stdsf.html
  17. I would be interested. I'll be doing mine in a couple of weeks.
  18. I had wanted to add a vent also. I emailed Clearview about just buying the vent. They would sell me just the vent but didn't recommend it. He said they install their vents while the shield is flat to get the correct fit.
  19. I saw these on ebay and thought they might be used as a brake light. Any thoughts on this idea? http://www.ebay.com/itm/320819998425?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Duane
  20. I still use a map.
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