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Everything posted by mralex714

  1. I wasn't sure if I should put this here. http://www.inquisitr.com/1116919/harley-burial-of-bike-and-its-rider-together-in-giant-coffin/
  2. http://msnvideo.msn.com/?channelindex=2&from=en-us_msnhpvidmod#/video/c51fd4a8-3bfe-4644-a3b6-67d5a8a05b63
  3. The damage was minor and I'm back on the road.
  4. I checked those fuses and they were good, also there is power at the fuse block.
  5. Wire to the ignition fuse pulled loose. I repaired this and got the bike started. I figured out the problem with the radio. The hot wire that keeps setting has no power. I'm guessing this the common problem with the hazard flasher any thoughts. Started getting cold so I quit for the day
  6. Voltage is 12.6 with the key off, the stator is new and the bike started prior to changing those fuses. Everything comes on all the lights work, the horn blows.
  7. Fuse block has been updated.
  8. I got my bike back from the shop and rode home. When I picked it up the aftermarket radio didn't work. Once I got home I tried to run down the problem with no success. While trying to get the radio going I noticed that the emergency flasher also didn't work. I changed the fuses with no luck. After I changed those fuses the bike wouldn't start. I turned on the key no fuel pump click, push the start button and no starter crank, kill switch is in correct position. Any ideas on what my problem might be?
  9. The guy that did the carbs replaced the fuel lines from the tank to the carbs, and I swapped a pump from another running bike.
  10. The bike is back at the shop that did the carbs, they are going to pull them again.
  11. It has a moaning sound and the bike will slow down if you don't add more throttle. There is no acceleration you can only maintain speed and the tach does not drop. On take off from a stop the bike accelerates quickly, 6k is as far as I took it., with no problem.
  12. I meant no change in my in problem
  13. [quote name= Also, the pilot screws may need adjustment to compensate for the age and wear of the engine (breaking-in). If they've never been adjusted, evidenced by the original anti-tamper plugs still in place, this could account for the bogging. -Pete, in Tacoma WA USA I tried adjusting the pilot screws and it made no difference.
  14. He said the floats were adjusted properly. He used an EGA to adjust for the correct fuel ratio.
  15. I got my 86 back from the shop where they cleaned the carbs. The bike accelerates fine but once you get to a steady RPM the engine sounds like its not getting gas as if you let off the throttle. I swapped in a different TCI and fuel pump, same thing. I then changed the plugs with no improvement. I took it back to the shop and they are going to take the carbs back out. Any words of wisdom for them? Also the floats were changed.
  16. Does this help? http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=72253
  17. I did to an 89. All you meed is the cables from a Venture without cruise. Correction that isn't really 2 cable but 4 that connect in a junction. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1983-Yamaha-Venture-XVZ12TK-Push-and-Pull-Throttle-Cables-/161144179321?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2584f10a79&vxp=mtr
  18. When will this mod be available to the rest of us?
  19. I asked about that also and his reply was. "Dear mralex714, Hi there, this is 8 by 6 by 11 tall! I will be posting few pictures of the King in the bike in 2 days. Theres no need to keep the air box cause its remplaces by the filter provided. And it all fits under the fake tank!!! Juan - juan.fernandez"
  20. That's what I thought. Thanks
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