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Everything posted by slowspecv

  1. Yea I still here I probably won't join up I was just at my ends with this venture and looking for help. The bike may still be under warrantee so he might get a fuel pump for free. I will try the fuel pump deal though. I had one with a fuel pump issue before though and it would kinda spit and sputter then back fire a couple times and you could smack the fuel pump with a hammer and it would clear up and run for another week or so. I will give a fuel pump a shot though. I like the ventures and all but my next bike for a similar price is gonna be the Vmax only thing I have ridden that actually scared me to the point of shaking. Man what a rush that was. I appreciate all the help guys. I hate throwing parts at customers bikes and hoping for the best I like to get a honest idea of what's wrong, most "mechanics" these days just throw parts. I guess I am old school even only being 29 I like to fix it and make people happy rather than just run up a bill. Sometimes it's good to just sit down and stare at it for a while and sometimes the problem just presents itself
  2. I could also see a fuel pump but it's not like it sputters and dies its like some one flipped the kill switch on the handle bar. Fuel starvation should give some sort of warning like a sputter or something. I couldn't see it just turning off then 15 seconds later turning back on. I have seen stranger things so it could be a possibility
  3. I replaced the ignition switch in this bike maybe 6-8 months ago. I doubt its the ignition switch but maybe. Its just odd i believe its something vibrating and causing a issue. Something like a loose connection. My only wonder is the owner just kinda hacked all the radio stuff off. Normally i am the Dr. House around here i seem to get all the weird stuff that the other shops around here cant seem to figure out. This one has got me stumped good though its almost like its loosing spark for about 15 seconds or so and then comes back on like nothing has happened at all. Bike runs wonderfully as long as its running unless it does its little freAk out thing. I have a funny feeling its gonna be something stupid that i am overlooking.
  4. Thanks for the info whats odd to me is its almost like someone reaches up and flips the kill switch off. The other odd thing is the check engine light it blinks 2 times and shortly after that the bike fires right back up as long as your not holding in the clutch. It does not matter if the cruise control is set or not. When the bike does die it stays off for the same amount of time each time. It may only die twice and not do it for the rest of the day then again it may die 10 times.
  5. ok i do not ride a venture but i do work at a dealership, small one, like i am the only employee and the other folks own it. I have a weird issue with a venture that i cant figure out. even called yamaha and they seemed puzzled. what it does you can cruise around all day at in town speed and nothing will happen, you hop up to highway/ interstate speeds (70-80) and the bike dies, check engine lighgt blinks twice and then the bike comes back on, no set time period as to when it will do this, seems completely random. owner has removed radio stuff from the bike. I have no idea where to go next
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