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Everything posted by Cerviperus

  1. From everything I've seen, $12 if you buy online, $13 at the door. Does that fit with what you paid?
  2. Don, you are the man.
  3. I will be there Sunday as well.
  4. Classic bear trap right there.
  5. How about this for "good" news? Exxon Mobil sets record with $45.2 billion profit (link to news story) Oh, but their earnings fell. Don't you just want to puke?
  6. Ditto. I have everything else, just waiting on the company I work for to get the W2 to my door. The thing is though, I have no excuse for ever getting mine done late, as my birthday is tax day.
  7. Here's a tip that would help you in this instance. Any time you place your e-mail address on a website in public view, do so in the following format: junk at hotmail dot com (ie. junk@hotmail.com) Or something along those lines, you get the idea. The problem is, when you have a complete e-mail address on a public webpage, automated scripts that spammers run search webpages for just that purpose... to pick up e-mail addresses. It definitely doesn't look as clean, but it might help eliminate some of the spam you receive.
  8. Don't worry yourself over it. If it takes that kind of programming on your part, it isn't worth the trouble. Unless of course the demand is there. I know years ago when some friends and I had a forum for a while, we only had the options that were given to us by the forum provider... can't even remember the name at the moment. So I didn't know if that was something that could simply be turned on, and the backbone would simply do the conversion for you. Besides, the newer smart phones display full web-pages as they're meant to be displayed anyway, so I'm sure it's only a matter of time before "mobile" versions of pages become obsolete. Definitely not a priority in my book.
  9. Oh... I guess... Thanks for confirming that though. Thought I might be completely blind!
  10. I'm glad I'm not alone.
  11. Ok... I swear I've looked for this time and time again, but I can't find out how to do it. Maybe it's not possible, in which case I'd feel slightly better. Is there a way to set your default font when posting a new comment? You know, to have something like this on any new posts I make? I know I know, I can simply change my font to that each and every time, but I'm guessing there has to be an easier way. I can't see people on here doing that every time they make a new post. Unless of course they have more patience than me!
  12. Just curious... Is there a "mobile" version of the forums? I have a Blackberry Curve that I use through work, and it has the full data package. I think it'd be cool to be able to post to the forums while on a road trip, without having to have a laptop along. I can pull up the site on the Blackberry, either through the proprietary browser, or Opera Mini, but gah does it look terrible. Of course it's due to the browsers trying to force it into a mobile format. Wasn't sure if there was a compatible mobile version of the site or not. Maybe just wishful thinking.
  13. It's really unfortunate that these types of posts have continued to be a necessity. I may not be one of the top posters here, but I'm always lurking, and like everyone else I really enjoy being a member here and reading what everyone has to say. As a majority, the people here are great (most of whom I've never met), and I hate to see arguments and flame-wars start because someone voices some opinion just to push someone else's buttons. With the economy in the state it's in, I know a lot of people are feeling the crunch. Here in the town where I live, jobs are being cut left and right, and in no small numbers. My father has fallen victim to them already. So I know with that, combined with a newly elected president, opinions and emotions run high. However, I also know that I, like many other members, come here to socialize with a great group of people, and get away from all the stresses that flood our normal days. Starting political debates, or any debates for that matter, that lead to flared tempers end up dragging things down for everyone involved. I don't like to talk about work on my lunch break, and I don't like to get into fights with friends over trivial matters. Don, you have my support 100%.
  14. JC Whitney Whitehorse Gear I believe both of the above are branded River Road, and they're listed for Harley. But, if you can get dimensions off of them, or compare those on the Harley to the RSV, maybe they could easily be made to fit.
  15. Well, we figured out what we're going to do, and wow was it obvious when I thought about it. Any time I'm travelling enough distance to warrant my trailer, I'm also going to have my tank bag. Voila. Perfect place to hook up the brake controller. The bag (and its bracket) already have a hole drilled in the bottom to run an electrical connection, so we're going to run a piggy-tail for the controller through. That way I won't have to have some ugly mount on the bike when the controller's not in use. So... Now that the decision has been made on mounting, I need to figure out what kind of controller I'm going to get. Take this as fact that I am going to get a controller and use the electric brakes. That's not up for debate at this point. So from those of you that have used them, either on a bike or a cage, any recommendations? I keep hearing the Prodigy is one of the best, so that's the way I'm leaning, but I thought I'd see what everyone else thinks.
  16. The guy that is helping me with the install has pulled trailers for years, and his current camper-trailer (identical to mine) is also setup with electric brakes. He's going to help me with the entire setup and calibration of the controller, as well as helping me learn to pull it. This is all part of the reason we're trying to mount it in a highly accessible location, so we can easily make adjustments on the fly.
  17. Cerviperus


    That looks about like what we've had in the past two days. Not even enough to break out my snow shovel.
  18. I was going to ask the same thing. Aren't most newer controllers proportional? Meaning, they step up the power to meet the degree of deceleration?
  19. +1 on the V-Star. Mine was an '02, bought used, and I never had a lick of trouble with it. I had a 650 Silverado (pics still in my gallery), and man do I wish I had that bike back. Not necessarily for me, but for my s/o. She's about 5'5", maybe a little under, and she could flat foot it no problem. For much highway travel, I'd definitely recommend the 1100 - possibly the 950, never seen one. The 650 had a tendency to vibrate a bit at Interstate speeds, and from what I've always been told, the 1100 is on the same frame as the 650. Now I'm not necessarily voting agains the Virago or Shadow. My uncle has a 750 Shadow and loves it, though he never does any highway riding, and I've never ridden a Virago.
  20. So I'm in the process of installing a hitch on my bike. The pictures show how far we had to tear it down to put the thing on, and amazingly from start to finish it only took a couple hours. Our next step is to do the wiring, which is a really sweet deal because it's all plug and play - minus the actual trailer coupler of course. I have to say, Bustech did a top-notch job with their wiring setup and installation instructions. The trailer I have is equipped with electric brakes. I, along with the guy helping me do the install, was hoping to find a brake controller that could be mounted both vertically, and NOT parallel to the direction of travel. Well, vertical mounting isn't a problem, I just have to pay a little extra for a nicer unit, but it seems every controller I find has to be mounted parallel to the direction of travel. Makes sense I guess, since most of the nicer ones are inertia based. The reason we were trying to be so picky is that on the right side of my fairing, on top of what would be thought of as the gas tank, is a "glove box". That's where on these bikes they install the CD player and radio that I opted not to buy. It's weatherproof, accessible from the saddle, and fairly good size. However, I don't believe it's wide enough to mount a brake controller without sticking it in there sideways. So chances are I'm going to have to mount it somewhere else, in a weatherproof case. So does anyone have any recommendations on a good, compact brake controller, or any thoughts on mounting? (I know that latter will be hard since most of you probably aren't familiar with my bike.) At first I was thinking some sort of flat, radar-detector type, mount on the handlebars, but i don't know if the extra motion from the bars will screw up the sensors in the controller.
  21. Mine has never changed. You must be thinking of Black Owl, who changed his to Cerberus... boy does that get confusing...
  22. I doubt distance riding is the first thing on their checklist!
  23. Stunts like that should be limited to a track. That way the only casualty is going to be the idiot on the bike.
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