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Everything posted by Cerviperus

  1. No, Decatur didn't offer one this year. We actually rode over to Springfield and took it at the EPA headquarters. They did say though, that if you contact the MSF with enough interest, they will usually host one in your own town... given there is space of course. So who knows; we might try that next year.
  2. I'm sure it's been said before, but if anyone has an opportunity to take an "experienced rider course", I highly recommend it. I just completed one on Sunday, and I had a blast. I wouldn't say I learned a ton I didn't already know (at least in theory), so much as I was able to become more comfortable with my bike, and put things into practice in a controlled environment. I watched my dad throw his Goldwing around like a toy, to the amazement of us both. And to make it more interesting, we got to practice "emergency braking in a curve", right about time time it started pouring down rain. We all had a blast, and a couple of us have already discussed taking it again next year, just for the practice.
  3. Another +1 for the RAM U-bolt mount. Once you have your mount figured out, which is not GPS specific, you just need the "cradle" that fits your actual model.
  4. Some girls at work have been passing around a "honey diet" recently. I glanced at a copy one day, and all I can say, is I hope you like honey! ...if it's the same one you're referring to.
  5. The ingenuity of some people never ceases to amaze me!
  6. IMO... a Busa is nice... if you want to go fast in a straight line.
  7. Oh, and here is the US site for it with it's specs... http://www.bmwmotorcycles.com/us/en/individual/news/index.html?id=145
  8. :drool:
  9. I do I do! But... I won't be able to make it to MD. I'm sure I won't have a problem getting someone to agree to eat a piece on my behalf though.
  10. Got my MRI results today, and I get to have arthroscopic knee surgery a week from Friday. Yipee! Doctor said I should be back to normal in a matter of a couple days, so nothing too major. It'll just be nice to have at least one knee quit causing me problems! One down, one to go. Hopefully the other one clears up when I quit favoring this one. Either that or I'm going to push to have it done this year as well, since I will probably meeting my deductible with this one.
  11. My dad's Goldwing did the same thing. His ended up being a faulty petcock assembly. He tried a rebuild kit, but simply ended up removing the thing completely, and hasn't had a problem since.
  12. Good luck! I go for an MRI on my knee on Thursday to see if I have torn cartilage. If it's conclusive, they may do one on my other knee as well. No older than I am, I've had problems with both of them for several years. Hopefully if I have to have surgery, it'll be of the non-invasive variety and I'll be back in the saddle in a matter of days.
  13. How exactly do these things typically attach? I'd almost be interested in trying a set of the lowers for my RT, but I don't really feel like drilling any holes in the tupperware.
  14. Don't know if they are still available or not, but there are a couple threads concerning patches in the VentureRider Merchandise forum.
  15. Hey, man, fair is fair. If you have the current objectives met, I say post away. It was my own fault. It was still an excuse to take a ride!
  16. Bah. I took these pictures yesterday after work, was all ready to upload them and pick a new target, then I realized what I forgot... ...I didn't hold up 3 fingers per the current objective. Ah well. That just gives me an excuse to take another extended ride home tonight, or go on a ride with my girlfriend this evening. That way she can take the picture. Took me enough tries as it was to get me, my bike, and the sign in the picture with my phone.
  17. I hadn't thought about it, but that's a hell of an idea for a M&E. I'll have to check with a co-worker of mine (who works the tracks on weekends) to find out what some good weekends would be. We don't necessarily want a NASCAR night, because those are sometimes sold out, and always packed. I'll toss that around and try to come up with something. Hell, it's only 20 minutes or so from my house!
  18. Will a dirt track affiliated with NASCAR be sufficient? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macon_Speedway This is a local dirt track that is co-owned by Ken Schrader, Kenny Wallace, and Tony Stewart, and I believe has a NASCAR sign out front. I could take an extended ride home from work tonight or tomorrow and snag a picture if it'll count!
  19. Great company to deal with, by the way. I've used them for three separate sets of liners (one for my RSV, one for my new RT, and one for my dad's Wing). Highly recommended.
  20. Everyone have a wonderful time, and a safe trip to, from, and in between. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it. I had hoped to, and had pretty much left it up in the air all along, but it's just not going to work out. One of these days I'm going to have to host a M&E around here, or get with Roadkill or Russ and plan one with them since we're all pretty centrally located.
  21. My girlfriend's brother made a point to collect as many of those cards as he could during his two trips out there. If you knew him you'd understand. Myself, I've never been out there. I'd like to at least once, just to say I'd been there. I'm not the gambling type though, so I'd probably just go for the sights, and to see some shows.
  22. I've hit a few stations with that style pump, and they are a real pain. Worth paying for a device such as this and carrying it with me? Hardly. Besides, with a 7-gal tank, I only have to fill up every 300 miles.
  23. CT = Car Tire. Some members here run actual car tires on their Ventures. They refer to it as "going over to the dark side".
  24. Man... where do you people find friends like these?! I never have opportunities like those. Congrats on the new ride!
  25. That ain't no joke...
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