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Everything posted by Cerviperus

  1. Awesome. Thanks much, Eck. I knew someone here would know that answer.
  2. Any of you ride a GL1500? I need to know, if someone can tell me, if Wal-Mart sells an oil filter that is compatible with the GL1500's. My dad has a 1996 GL1500, and hates to pay for the filters from the dealer, and I'm sure there are suitable replacements. Trying to search through Goldwing forums for "replacement oil filter" is like searching any oil related topic at any forum. Thanks in advance for any help.
  3. I had an '02 VStar Silverado 650, and I hate myself every day for selling that bike. She could actually flat-foot it stock. She'd have no problem with one of those, or one of the late 90's+ Honda Shadows (the older ones were too tall), we just can't seem to find one around here in her price range.
  4. My girlfriend is finally looking for a bike of her own... and she's not making it easy. Not only is she on a pretty limited budget at this point (around the $3K mark), she's also more vertically challenged than I am. At only 5" tall, there aren't a slew of options to choose from. However, on a trip to the local dealer, she sat on a used Buell Blast. Not only did she look pretty good on it, she could flat foot it. I'm not sure if it was the low-profile seat or the standard. Now this morning, there is a 2001 Blast for sale locally on Craigslist for $2,000. We're going to get in touch with the guy and find out when we can come take a look at it. If the bike is in good shape, the price is below Blue Book. I just don't know anything about them. I think a 500cc is a good place to start, as I hate to see her start on a 250 Rebel or the like. She's already taken the beginner's course and has her license, so she's not starting from scratch. Does anyone know if they're reliable bikes or not, for the most part? I do a Google serach, and of course, you always find a ton of negatives, but not so many positives. That's the only problem I have with most internet forums. Most people don't use them unless they want to complain, or need help with a problem. Seldom do they get on to brag about how great their bike is. Know what I mean? So any pro's or con's out there from anyone? Even if you know a guy who knows a guy that owns one, that's more than I've got. Thanks for any thoughts.
  5. I have to agree. It seems a lot of the times this thread stalls is when the target becomes something that needs to be more staged, rather than something you would find out on the road somewhere.
  6. I started mine up last night, just to hear it run. Heh... sad or what?
  7. The buddy of mine I mentioned, and his wife, ride 2-up on trips all the time. They run a Corbin seat, and she has said that after a couple hours on the bike her butt isn't happy. Yet that doesn't keep her from getting on it time and time again for trips. Sometimes they take simple weekend trips, others (like last summer) they went to Wyoming and back. When she sat on my RT one day here at work though, she couldn't believe how much more room it had, and it too is a sport-tourer. So that's definitely something to keep in mind. Best suggestion would be to take your wife with you to any test rides. Because on a trip, if the co-pilot isn't happy, no one is happy.
  8. These questions are about as bad as the "which oil should I use" questions. Heh. Ask something so simple, get a thousand not so simple replies. Good luck.
  9. I thought about calling around to see if anyone had a trike I could rent.
  10. (NOTE: The following is all subjective. Rider comfort depends on the individual) I beg to differ on the seating position making it less comfortable. Now I can't do any comparisons to the 1st Gen Venture, but I can to the 2nd Gen (having owned one). I sold mine to buy my BMW R12RT. I could not get comfortable on the 2nd Gen. The upright seating put too much pressure on my tailbone, and no matter what I tried, I was miserable at the end of a long day. I tried different seats, pads, you name it. My RT has a slight forward lean, though not as drastic as a true sportbike, and it has a standard seating position (pegs straight below). I find this MUCH more comfortable than I ever was on the Venture. I'm able to move around in the saddle, and leave more weight focused on my legs, which I couldn't do when they were stretched out in front of me. Again, to each their own, but I don't think anyone should count out a sport-touring machine simply for fear of a different riding position. I seriously considred the FJR before going for the RT. The BMW simply had more of the amenities I wanted from the get-go, and better weather protection. I wouldn't caution anyone against taking an FJR for a spin, other than the fact you may want one afterwards. The only problem I had when I rode a buddy of mine's, the throttle is pretty much on or off; there is no real smooth roll-on. He has talked to several other owners, and it seems a common issue.
  11. Not that I'm concerned about it, but the "Supporting Member" tag doesn't show up for me, even though it shows in my control panel. I paid the dues, I believe, AFTER you had it implemented to add the tag automatically, so I figured I'd let you know. Didn't know if maybe that was a sign the automatic portion of it isn't working correctly.
  12. Had my follow-up appointment this morning with the surgeon that worked on my knee, and found out I get to spend five more "lovely" weeks in a full-leg brace and no weight bearing. I've only survived one so far... I don't know how I'm going to do it. To anyone else out there not able to ride, I feel your pain.
  13. I'm kind of surprised (pleasantly so) that the cop was that easy going. I assume he at least made a report of it? I'd hate for the woman in the car to later report it as a hit and run against you... wouldn't that be just the luck?
  14. I rode my wheelchair in... does that count? Man I can't wait until I get out of this leg brace and can do some riding again.
  15. The rare earth magnets he's referring to can be gotten rediculously small for the amount of strength they possess. My guess is he would epoxy the magnets to the chrome strip, and a matching plate or magnet on the fairing. Along that same thought, I really don't think you'd have any problems with the piece falling off if using those magnets, but as someone else mentioned, it might actually be harder to remove without twisting or breaking the chrome piece. Those magnets are unbelievably strong.
  16. Yes and no. There is a pretty good discussion of that very topic here.
  17. +1 to that. It was definitely someone here that wrote the Wiki entry. I remember them asking for information and pictures, but I too can't remember who it was.
  18. I'm contemplating picking up a Coleman grill/stove to use when camping. It won't neccesarily be used much on motorcycle trips, since it's fairly good size (and it's just easier to hit a DQ local to the area ), but for trips where I'll be sitting in one place for a couple days. This one has both a grilling area, a stove, and a griddle to cook those morning pancakes. The reviews seem promising, and the price is the cheapest I've found it anywhere. Wondered if anyon ehere had some personal experience. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=8223654
  19. I have it, and I've skimmed through parts of it, but I have not yet sat down and watched it from start to finish. I do plan to do that one weekend though... if I ever get a free one! Some of the things I did watch in there (such as the consistent drilling of "turn your head") I put to use during the class, where we had ample time to practice and try new things.
  20. Jay... Hope you got my PMs earlier, but in case you didn't, it was Don and I that were discussing it. It came about on the scavenger hunt thread when I took a picture at Macon Speedway. We're both up for it as well, just have to find a good time. Don and I both said that the last week in June was good, or even 4th of July weekend if everyone is free (I'd have to check Macon's schedule). Otherwise, Don suggested we could wait and even make it later in the year. The speedway runs through September. The speedway is only about 10-15 minutes from my house.
  21. Heh.
  22. I saw a guy this past weekend who was missing his left hand. He simply had a metal claw. I didn't get a good look at how he rode, but I'm assuming the it would have to have a different clutch setup. He was riding what looked like a V-Star.
  23. I believe we signed up either the end of February or the first part of March. There were only 6 of us in the class; five of which I signed up myself. http://www.motorcyclesafety.ilstu.edu/
  24. +1 on Rotella-T 15W-40 on my new bike... I don't remember what I ran in my RSV...
  25. Here's BMW's stunt rider, Jean Pierre Goy, doing one on Beemer's full-dress LT.
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