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Everything posted by Cerviperus

  1. http://www.tlcproducts.com/servlet/Detail?no=121 Thinking about picking up this liner set for my saddlebags and trunk, because I'm getting ready to do some travelling for work and would like to take the bike. I've always figured these would come in super handy. Anyone used them, or know of a place to get a better deal on them? I didn't think $80+shipping seemed too bad.
  2. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family from Illinois.
  3. While I've never met either of you, know that thoughts and prayers are headed your way from Illinois.
  4. Looks awesome man! Good work.
  5. I was browsing the forums at my grandpa's house, and he suggested WD-40. He said to spray it on lightly on the windshield (whichever side fogs up) and let sit for a few seconds, then wipe off completely. He said it was something to try, so you might give it a shot!
  6. I Google'd the HOPNEL bags and they're pretty reasonably priced compared to the Harley ones. I may have to consider those as an option. And thanks, Tartan, for the bit about the Harley ones hitting the passenger footrests when raised. Do the HOPNEL ones do the same, or are they a better fit?
  7. I've noticed in several different catalogs, and various websites, leather bags that fit on the saddle bag guard rails of Harley's touring models. See this page for examples from Whitehorse Gear. My question is, does anyone have a set of these installed on the RSV, or know of any made specifically for it? I can't really see why they wouldn't fit, but I'd hate to invest in some only to find out the dimensions are off. Thanks in advance!
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