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Everything posted by Cerviperus

  1. Well I can tell you for sure that the one from an '02 VStar 650 will fit. I'm guessing all of the VStars are probably identical when it comes to the headlight, so you could probably order one from the VStar catalog.
  2. I thought about getting a hitch for the Beemer, but like most manufacturers, BMW doesn't look too fondly on them where warranty is concerned. Oh well, I'll just keep getting on my dad to add one to his Wing, then he can carry all my extra crap as well!
  3. I had one from my 650 VStar Silverado on my Venture. It was the Yamaha one, but I don't remember how much it cost. I think JC Whitney makes one as well, but don't quote me on that.
  4. I can say the same for my old RSV as well. I even had several HD riders admit it was one hell of a bike. Not that they'd make the switch, I mean, why would they want to save a ton of $$$ and get something with Yamaha reliability and more power?
  5. I'm jealous, man. I haven't had the chance to do much "getaway" riding this year, so I wish I was right there with you. Hope you have a great time on the Dragon. Ride safe!
  6. Well, at least those are two things I don't have to worry about; my bike's quiet, and I never drink if I'm on two wheels. I may try to get in touch with some friends of mine that are big into the GP and see if they have a schedule or itinerary of events. I'd sure like to drop in and just take a look at what all there is to be seen.
  7. I'm only 26, but I'm already feeling the same way. Not only will social security be pretty much non-existent by the time I need it, I keep watching the stock prices decline in the company I work for.
  8. Heh... I sold my Venture and bought a BMW... you don't see me going anywhere.
  9. Is that this weekend, or the 13th and 14th? I am planning to be in Indy that weekend to hang out with some friends of mine, and planned to check out the happenings around the race while I was there.
  10. That's something I'd love to do one day, make it out there just to watch. I'm all for the occasional adrenaline rush, but I think I'll stick to a fun run through the twisties!
  11. 2003 RSV Midnight Aftermarket Pipes (still think it has some minor carb issues) Last trip - 850miles 2-up and fully loaded Average 32mpg
  12. It goes for around the same here.
  13. To echo a few others, "what he said".
  14. Could have fooled me, but then again, I don't know anything about the 1st Gens.
  15. Check it out here. Found this while browsing GovDeals. Thought someone might be interested.
  16. I work in tech support, so I have a few suggestions. Check out the Excel file I attached... it's what I print out and hand to anyone who asks me for some things to try. Keep in mind, they're pretty much all pointed at keeping things clean and protected. There are so many other good free utilities out there, that coupled with a free operating system (pick any of the Linux variety), the only money you should ever HAVE to spend would be on the hardware. A couple sites to check out for free utilities, and reviews by other users, are BetaNews and Softpedia.
  17. I have to agree. I ride with a full-face Z1R (solid color model of the one in that article), and I love it. I don't remember where I bought it, online somewhere for around $70 I think. I was skeptical at first, because the article mentioned it used an abnormal shape, but when I tried one on it fit like a glove.
  18. I sat on one one time, a Sportster, and wondered the same thing. Dang seat felt like nothing more than a brick covered in leather. I guess they help keep companies like Corbin in business.
  19. Heh... my dad actually had this song on tape. It's a tune you can't get out of your head, I'll give it that. How about, Gimme Dat Ding by Sweet & The Pipkins... oh my god... Or anything by System Of A Down. My girlfriend loves them. I don't know what's worse, the lyrics (just look up Tapeworm) or the nonstop screaming and incomprehensible garbage they call "singing". Meh.
  20. I can't help but believe that is a photo-shopped image, it's just too convenient that the camera snapped at that exact instant (unless it was taken from a video). If it is indeed a true picture, I hate to say it, but it serves him right. Would serve a good lesson to a lot of the other idiots out there too that think just because they have a sportbike they can act like maniacs with no regard for human life. I rather be boring and continue to ride them on two wheels than "be cool" and run the risk of my next show being my last.
  21. Cruising Rider is now integrated with Rider magazine.
  22. I want one!
  23. It's crazy how some companies "abandon ship" as it were, and move their production out of the US, while others jump on board. Toyota now makes trucks here, Hyundai has brought some of their production here, and I'm sure there are others. I know that my parents have a Nissan van, and the frame is stamped by Ford Motor Co. I'm sure it all depends on where they can get the best package deal, and who all gets their pockets lined by those choices.
  24. Rider isn't bad, I just get tired of the non-stop pestering I receive from them between issues asking me to buy this book, or that book, or upgrade to lifetime member. Meh... I just want the magazine. I get enough junk mail as it is. The magazine itself isn't bad. It has some nice bike comparisons, both sportbike and cruisers, and some really good "trip" articles. I haven't tried any of the others mentioned here, so I really can't give you a comparison.
  25. Anyone happen to have an old seat lying around that one of these could be salvaged off of, or just happen (by some odd luck) to have one sitting in a drawer somewhere? Back in the summer when I was having problems with fouling plugs and had my seat off, I realized I was missing one. Maybe that could be causing some un-noticed vibration, and one of the reasons my tailbone kills me sometimes after long rides. If not, I'm going to see if the local "stealer" can get me one, at whatever outrageous cost I'm sure it would be at. (#3 in the pictures)
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