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Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Laverne, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1989 yamaha venture royle 1300
  1. Will the 15w40 rotella work okay? I can't seem to find the 10w40 thanks.
  2. Hello I just bought a 1989 VR 1300 and was wandering what is a good motor oil to use? And the oil wait. Thanks
  3. I am going to replace the thermo switch on my 1989 VR 1300. How big of a job is it to do? Do I need to take the right side of fairing off to get to it? I guess it went bad when the PO had it. It has a toggle switch on the left side of fairing to turn fan on and off. Thanks.
  4. I live in northwestern Oklahoma.
  5. I just bought a 1989 Yamaha venture royal and can't seem to find a internet or catalog to buy parts for it if I need to. There is not a Yamaha shop here where I live the closest one is 200 miles away. Anyone no of a good web site or a catalog I can get to order parts? Thanks.
  6. I need a little help on my 1989 Yamaha venture royal 1300 the air comp panel doesn't come on most of the time It will come on once in a while buy its self but it has no display most of the time. I have checked the plug it all looks fine. Have any idea what I need to do?
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