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Everything posted by beltfed50

  1. Once again, I have to recommend Diamond Custom for a seat to replace the stock seats. I tried Corbin and my wife has an Ultimate seat for her bike, neither of which even comes close to the seats I'm riding on. The pillow top is NOT comfortable by ANY stretch of the imagination. After 20-30 minutes it was like sitting on a board...no, that would be doing a disservice to the board. Seat needs to be firm enough to provide support, and shaped correctly so you can sit in it.
  2. It definitely provides protection from leaks as a result of puncture. I won't be putting any new tires on without it...
  3. I wish I could'a gotten away from my rich Uncle (Sam) long enough to visit at the Intl...sorry to have missed it.
  4. bump some more...but I guess it doesn't matter much
  5. just...damn
  6. If they could see the "Wrecking Ball" video they'd probly all pass out
  7. I'd be very interested...last battery died while at dealer. They still want to say it's my Custom Dynamics run-turn-brake light mod, which I have on a switched relay. They tested all with ammeter and couldn't find the drain so right now I'm waiting for the battery to die again.
  8. I like that!
  9. bump?
  10. ...to the 2012 end-of-year mileage thread? Can't find it, and I will almost certainly be deploying again before the end of the year...AND, since I had logged the EoY mileage here I didn't write it down.
  11. Yes, I can...Diamond Custom. I have 2 sets, one on my RSV, and another I took off my RSTD before I bought the RSV.
  12. Had one like that once...now I have a good one. Some people simply WANT to be miserable.
  13. Down here most everybody waves...sometimes I'm too occupied and miss somebody else's wave, and when I don't get one in return I figure likewise.
  14. I've never seen a vacuum gage that wasn't adjustable, but in this case it is more important that they all read the same under the same vacuum than whether they all start at "0". You can check that by putting "T"s in the lines until you can hook them all to the same vacuum source at the same time...at that point you should be able to adjust a decent set of gages to read all the same.
  15. Shouldn't be that hard...they taste different. I would give more consideration to a liquid cooled hardley though.
  16. Prior to first use I hooked all four together with plastic "T"s and used a hand vacuum pump to set them all to the same mark; doesn't REALLY matter if they're actually calibrated as long as they all read the same. After that they worked like a charm.
  17. I have a pair of Yamaha (made by J&M) headsets for full face helmets I'd like to sell...installed briefly and removed so the sticky backed Velcro isn't included. Took 'em out because I did not like the cords and moved the Scala headsets to the new helmets. $250 for both, shipped in US.
  18. Maybe no wrenches...but lots of baling wire
  19. Anniversary 25th...plan to be sleeping near Chatsworth and riding to finish up the last 3 GaGrandTour spots that weekend...lots of good places to ride & see
  20. I bought the emgo 4 gauge set a couple of weeks ago. They came with hoses and dampers...worked fine and helped me fix my "won't pull in 4th & 5th gears" problem.
  21. I'm 6'2" and didn't like the bars. Tried the Baron's risers, which helped some but still didn't move stuff back far enough that I was really comfortable. The bars that Flanders recommended however, are very nice. I'm riding much more comfortably with them than before the change.
  22. I'm using the C-II on the rear and I like it, but not on the front because the correct size wasn't available. Had a set on the RSTD with the 130 width and I emphatically did NOT like that size tire on the front. Anyhow, I can't give a good review on the mileage because at just barely 4000 miles I picked up a nail in the rear and replaced the tire. Now I'm back up to 5000 and it is wearing slowly and handling nicely...only got 6600 on the D404s that were on it from the dealer.
  23. the blonde also put T.G.I.F. on her shoes so she could remember that Toes Go In First.
  24. who needs therapy when there's a big ol' margarita?
  25. I still serve, and there are days when I wonder if we've lost our way...days when I hope and pray that the men and women of our military never lose sight of the responsibility they have to obey LAWFUL orders, that they will never ever allow themselves to be turned upon our citizens. The hardware is always impressive, but the power contained in the collective will of American fighting men and women to serve well and honorably is absolutely awesome. We must be careful, lest we misuse that power.
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