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Everything posted by beltfed50

  1. Thursday last week was most definitely "distracted driver day." As my wife and I were on the way to my brother's house in NE GA I took the interstate because there was a spot in Gainesville I wanted to stop. Almost without fail the cagers we encountered were talking or texting on a phone, fiddling around with something on the seat beside them, or doing SOMETHING to not give their full attention to the task at hand (which was stay the hell outta my lane!). I had one encroach 3 times before she saw me getting ready to try to kick her mirror off and put the phone down. The horn didn't help, and I have a stebel. People really just don't much give a damn. Today, riding home on mostly 2 lane roads I only had one close call, a pickup half in my lane on Davis Gap road in Rabun county. I wasn't pushing hard, was able to stand the bike up some and he moved over to his side. Great ride home today.
  2. Because I tried that and HATED the lead hanging off my head. Not for me.
  3. I have a friend who wants a trike...he rode years ago, but can't now, and badly wants to participate in PGR. He's asked me about whether the "training wheel" mod is really useful, or whether he should only consider a full conversion. He isn't likely to ride more than 3 or 4 thousand miles a year, and is hoping to figure out something that isn't $20,000+. I have never been on a trike or sidecar rig; any advice would be welcomed.
  4. ...what I think must be a 1999 RSV at about 19:30, turning south onto Houston Lake Blvd from Gunn Rd in Warner Robins today.
  5. I had the 130 width Commander II on my RSTD, felt mighty squirrely to me at highway speed. Much easier at slow speed, but not worth the unsettled feeling at speed to me. I'm on my second batch of Avon Venom front/Michelin Commander II on rear, after wearing out the stock brickstones in just over 6000 miles. I prefer the 150s.
  6. (386)698-2737 Diamond Custom http://www.diamondseats.com/index.html Call, talk to him, explain what you don't like about your seat, get him your measurements like he's going to ask for...and let him make you one. He's made two sets for me (one for an '09 RSTD and yes, I still have the seats but not the bike, and the other for my RSV) and in both cases the issue of the twins getting smashed into the tank was solved. So, was the 30 minute butt syndrome. I now have in 2 1/2 years time, of which I've spent a year deployed and not riding because of surgeries, over 30,000 miles on his seats. If he's still in business, he'll make the next seat I need. I'd be very surprised if he can't make your 'nads AND your butt happy. That said...I only kept the seats because the stealer wouldn't allow anything for them when I bought the RSV. If you are fairly close to my size I'll sell them at a very fair price...but, true or not, his propaganda says he forms the seat based on body size and weight. The pic does not do them justice...but they're red.
  7. How would one less gifted in the "wiring dept" acquire one?
  8. and here all this time I thought bluebonnets were what the UN POlice wear...
  9. I've had them several weeks now, but between rainy weather, trips to Pensacola and TDY to Savannah, I finally got them on this afternoon. Went for a little 70 mile jaunt with my wife...she says she definitely approves, and that her shoulders feel much better with the rests.
  10. They have done everything that requires a lift...but said they would have to order the shims as required. Seems kind of strange to me, and I don't want to be down for a week for a job I could do in a day.
  11. ...a valve shim kit. Any recommendations on how complete it needs to be? I'll be due for a clearance check in about 1500 miles, and I want to have the shims on hand already.
  12. Oww! If that happened around most of the folks I know they would have been pointing, laughing hysterically, and rolling on the ground.
  13. I thought I made a mistake once...but I was wrong
  14. Yeah...you could say that. My Michelin CommanderII rear tire lasted almost 14,000 miles; I'm impressed 'cause I don't really ride gently. Sometimes I think the drivers in WR are keeping score!
  15. 60 miles for $11000? nah
  16. Imagine...all the sales calling aggravators with hurt feelings!
  17. I am EXTREMELY liberty minded, and government should not be putting people in jail for that kind of choice. If they are not hurting someone else, or the property belonging to someone else, the government has no business in an individual's business. With that said, responsibility is an important part of liberty. If you makes the choices, you pays the price...don't come whining to government for help getting off that crap either.
  18. I love my RSV...but there ain't NO WAY I'd trade my truck for one. Man's gotta have a truck.
  19. Kinda surprised not to read that the hardley rider jumped too...
  20. Flyinfool, you are the first to ever admit to understanding the handle, and if I ever manage to actually OWN one, I'll need about 5 or 6 boxcar loads of ammo...a year to shoot it as much as I'd want to.
  21. Now that I've gone through the thread...all of the above. There is no simple explanation, it's just one of the things that defines me.
  22. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  23. I need one of these if that's still possible...
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