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Everything posted by philmartin

  1. That's what I use. It doesn't take up much space. Don't run it with the cigarette lighter attachment, it blows the fuse. Run it off the battery. Be careful it gets hot if you run it too long.
  2. I've got Roadhouse on both my bikes and luv em.
  3. I knew that was coming. Thanks for all the other help. What is suggested for lubing the cables (I know, another loaded question) .
  4. Is there any way to adjust the throttle tension? I don't know if it's gotten dirt in the cable or if something else is happening but it is getting worse. I've got a throttle rocker on it, but its getting so hard to turn it's not much help. Thanks.
  5. I have the Dunlops.
  6. It's my fault, riding today solo with passenger floorboards DOWN. When coming to a stop I'm putting my feet down before I come to a complete stop, therefore dragging my feet a little and getting whacked in the calves with the floorboards. I'll need to practice and stop blaming the wife.
  7. Thanks for the advise. I am talking about the pin stripe so I will have to sand it off. I tried peeling it but it kept chipping.
  8. I want to paint my saddlebags. Any suggestions on how to remove the accent striping decals?
  9. That's a great idea, I'll have to look into it. Thanks.
  10. Is there any way to move, extend or modify the passenger floorboards? I'm fine riding solo but when my wife is on and we come to a stop i'm getting whacked in the back of my calves with her boots. She's tried sitting pigeon toed and the foot boards still make contact. Any sugestions other than riding solo?
  11. I've gone to the sports store and bought clear safety glasses. They work great and they are cheap. Not as stylish but who'll see them in the dark.
  12. I just purchased the visors from the local Harley dealer. The closest I could get had gold eagles embossed on them. They don't look bad. They were about $30.00.
  13. Do they get in the way? When I come to a stop the passenger floorboard sometimes hit me in the back of the calves. The look like they extend forward more than the boards. Do they interfere with stops?
  14. You're missing an award in your showcase. It's only showing 4 you should have 5.
  15. I practice my slow speed maneuvering at our local state college. They give a motorcycle driving course in one of the large parking lots. It's white lined with figure 8's, typical U-turn widths and a lot of other fun paths. It would be great to set these courses up in other communities.
  16. I have Corbin on both bikes. Once they're broken in you'll love em.
  17. Mine didn't work even after I cleaned all the connections. The fuse behind the lower fairing was ok. What I didn't know was that there is another fuse for the audio in the second fuse bank behind the side panel. Replaced that blown fuse and it's been working great ever since.
  18. Thanks for the feedback. Charlie, those are Dunlops.
  19. I picked this bike up on Ebay last year for $4500. Cost about $900 in used Ebay parts to get her on the road and about $2000 to make her look good.
  20. I'm 5'8" and can look over if I stretch, but most of the time I'm looking thru. The vent is great, I bought a blemished, saved $60.00 and still can't find the blems.
  21. Just changed my windshield from a Show Chrome to a Large Clearview. Seems to have added some new sounds to the repertoire. The whine isn't as loud because the sound of the lifters seem to be chiming in. As far as the wind protection, it's much better.
  22. We're going Thursday thru Sunday. Staying in Saratoga Springs. Had a great time last year.
  23. philmartin


    Just checked out the National Cycle site and I can't find a windshield for a Venture. They do list an Adventure, but nothing is available.
  24. The Roadhouse Exhaust website has been down for the last couple of months. I gave them a call today and they are under new management. She said they hope to be up and running mid April.
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