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Lucy 2

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Everything posted by Lucy 2

  1. That would be fabulous IH but you will have to talk to the bike hopper....she may not want to give up her seat.
  2. I was really surprised to see the first gen sneak up on Lucy.
  3. Oooooo FROG LEGS???? I LOVE FROG LEGS!!!!! I can't wait. Yuuuummmmyyyy. And they're green
  4. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! Its a good thing you were waring Green tonight or I would have pinched you!!!!
  5. That will look really nice sitting next to Lucy. We will have to get a picture. very pretty!!!
  6. Yes your green car and truck count because I ride a green bike and that soooooo counts!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I am for any kind of GREEN...... but between the 2 colors that you have for pictures I like the 2008 GM Atomic Orange. When I painted my bike I was looking for the camaro synergy green. Then I saw a bike painted that color although it was a beautiful color it wasnt exactly the color I was looking for....so my painter and I got together and came up with the color on my bike. It is called Irish green... but my painter painted the whole bike gold with some sliver and black stripes and then candyed all of it green.. I know there isn't alot of people that like green but its mine and I love it!!!!!!!!!!! So go with what color you want as long as you love it that is what matters.
  8. This time Mike is in the DOG HOUSE:178: because you got yours installed before he installed mine!!! he made six sets and i had to stash a set for mine before they were all gone. nice pictures bryan! i hope to have a picture of them on mine soon:whistling: cherie:sign green with env
  9. I also added oragel for tooth ach's, sting away for bee stings, and splinter out for splinters
  10. :)He is that guy that drives around that nice and wonderful Lady named Shirley. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RICK!!!!!
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