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About gravedigger8

  • Birthday 01/09/1969

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  • Name


  • Location
    pburg, KY, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 yamaha venture
  1. you could try http://www.searchtempest.com/
  2. I got "gravedigger8" from a sgt. in the Army because of the equipment i operated, he said "i dug the graves the infantry die in."
  3. thats all it had on it was one washer and it never leaked the five years i rode it. i guess i'll go to the parts store and see if i can get some just to be on the safe side. got the clutch back in and it works
  4. when i took it off, the banjo bolt only had one copper washer, just wondering if that's correct?
  5. UPDATE got the seals the other dayfrom ebay for 12 bucks. got the clutch slave removed and disassembled. cleaned and sanded and cleaned more and reassembled
  6. i bought a flavor injector syringe to flush my carbs, was thinking of using it to bleed the clutch once i get the seals and put it in.
  7. finally got all the air out, but fluid is pouring out of the bottom of the engine. its not the hose thats leaking from what i can see so i'll need to remove the clutch release and replace it or rebuild it, thanks for all the advice. Btw i didn't see a copper washer on the bottom bolt of the middle gear cover.
  8. thank you all for the tips, i'll just keep trying them till one works or until i get frustrated, then i'll take a break and work on a 66 ford ltd
  9. the bike has sat for 5 years and the reservoir was empty so i filled and bled, i zip tied the handle to the bar and gonna check it tomorrow
  10. if the master cylinder wasn't working it wouldn't shoot fluid out of the bleeder valve. so i presume its something after the valve
  11. ok thanks, hopefully the clutch release is all thats wrong.
  12. ok boys and girls, my clutch handle has barely any resistance, it will bleed but clutch is not engaging. meaning, if i try to put bike in gear with the handle squeezed, it jumps forward and stalls. with that being said i got a few things i need to check, ie, remove and inspect the clutch release. my question deals with removing the "middle gear case cover". in the manual it says " be sure oil does not leak out of the case".i loosened the bolts on it and oil started to come out so i tightened them back up. so do i just let the oil leak or will it cause a big issue? thats the only way to pull the clutch release out.
  13. tank looked good, just had to drain it and then vaccume it out, carbs back on. new fuel filter, now she is a running with out being bottle fed. vid not showing up so heres a link,
  14. this site is a wealth of knowledge, glad i found it. Short story, got bike over 10yrs ago, rode 3 uneventful years, parked it. 5 years ago had carbs rebuilt, had a bad miss in it changed jobs put bike on back burner. started working on it about a month ago thought i was gonna have to do some major stuff to it, (thought started was dead) on a whim sprayed starting fluid in it and it fired up but still had miss.researched on here and found the problem, plug from pick-up coil had a bad wire, fixed. poured some gas in carbs from a bottle and it ran no miss but had to keep feed it from the bottle. pulled the drain screws and they was dry, sprayed carb cleaner in and got some rust. so gonna clean them and put them back on hopefully this week.
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