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Everything posted by whozleft

  1. Can I have it? LOL It looks like it will be a great trailer when you're done. Good job.
  2. Are you guys serious about this? I'm willing to try anything as it seems my whine is getting a little louder as time goes on. How long does the Lemon Law give us on these things? I hate to sound stupid, but I always thought there was a time frame on that. Gee, see what you can learn on the internet? I would just love to be able to say something to the dealer's mechanic that told me no way. Maybe just to goose him to step up to the palte and at elast ride the thing and tell me there's no "unusual" noise. He never even did that, all he did was say there's no recall on my bike, so they can't help me. You guys are great.
  3. I don't really think it's a warranty issue. I do think some people have gotten very lucky and found a good dealer that is willing to help them out. The whine does not harm the engine nor does it bother any other part of the bike. All it does is annoy us drivers! The problem as I see it is that since a few good dealers helped the owners out, and then everyone wanted it done, Yamaha got inundated with requests and decided not to do any more replacements of the baskets. My bike drives me crazy at times. Bottom line is warranties usually only cover broken, lost or damaged type items. Not items that annoy. I'd love to get mine replaced at some point and may end up having someone help me do it sometime. Ride safe.
  4. I used to see a ton of Goldwingers using the Bike Buoys. They swivel and have an insulator for the can/bottle. I found them at a Gander Mountain outdoor store for a whole lot less money than a bike rally. Just another option. You can look at boat dealers also. They always have a lot of accessories that can be used for our machines.
  5. I was going to replace my tailight with an LED bulb, but the light holder was facing up instead of out. When I put in the LED it didn't work well since it was facing the wriong way. What do you guys do when you put in an LED bulb? thanks
  6. but did you happen to try using someione elses headset/microphone/ The problem could be in your helmet headset and not in the cb itself. This is just a thought, but I always try the simplest things first. Good luck.
  7. Eck's on here talking about "mood lights". What's next, a pic of Eck's bike with a mirrored ball hanging under the trunk? What kind of mood would that put ya all in? You guys all have a great day.
  8. Is the 5w-50 ok to use in the bikes? I guess I thought yamaha called for a little higher grade oil. that's why I have bneen hesitant about switching to a syn. on my bike. Especially in the warmer summer months. I'm due for an oild change now, so that's why I'm asking. Thanks.
  9. OK, here's what happened. Attached my trailer to the Venture last Sat. Checked everything to make sure i was working, hitch locked, etc. Going down I-70 in downtown Columbus Ohio I hear a big bang. My wife looks back and we're dragging the trailer. I slow down very carefully and pull off. Guess what I found. The ball was in the hitch but was broken off the drawbar. Who ever heard of that happening? I'm sure it was defective somehow. My trailer was empty at the time and I was only going 60 mph at the time. Now what to do? Don't have parts with me and no extra ball. Hate the thought of leaving the trailer alongside the road for any length of time knowing it may get thrown in the back of a pickup while I'm off getting a new ball. Luckily we were at an overpass. I saw a drain hole and lo and behold there's a rebar running through the whole. I was able to cable the trailer to the rebar to at least feel like I had done something to secure it, and we were only a 1/4 mile from the next exit. Two blocks down was a U-Haul dealer where I bought a new ball. Within 1/2 hour I was back hitching the trailer back up to the bike and running down the road. Moral of story? I'm not sure you could ever know the ball shaft would be snapping clear off. But thankfully I had bought new safety chains and they kept the trailer with the bike. That's good since there was a car only about a car length behind me when the thing let lose. I wouldn't have been able to cope with it if my trailer came lose and someone else got hurt. So please make sure you ALWAYS have safety chains. I know several people who don't want to mess with them. the only damage is a couple spots on front of the trailer that must have hit the road soemhow. That's much better than personal injury. I was going to get the bottom half of the trailer painted sometime anyway. Now it'll just take a little body work. Guys, be careful out there. God is good!
  10. I had a Valkyrie and spent a lot of money on an aftermarket seat. My opinion was that it wsn't a whole lot better than the stock one from the factory. I was dissappointed really. I have one artificial hip and arthritis some in the other one. I think comfort in the saddle has as much to do with our physical well being as it does with what kind of seeat we have. I need to lose weight and I would be much more comfortable. I have a gel pad for my bike now. On really long trips I take it and use it after awhile. Then I switch back and forth during the trip in order to change the seating geometry a little now and then. The other thing I have often told people is that anytime we put our weight on such a small area for any length of time, add bouncing up and down to the mix, we'll get sore. As others have said, I also try to get off every few hundred miles or at gas stops and walk around for a few minurtes to get the blood flowing again.
  11. Neosho has a set of chrome 8" rims on their site. I don't want to spend the money right now, but it is on my want list to get. http://www.neoshotrailers.com/
  12. that's the one I used also. easy and economical. Can't beat that combo.
  13. My Neosho Starlight trailer has done well with it's 8" wheels since I bought it back in 1997. The bearing problems between an 8" and 12" wheels should be negligible I would think. The one part you never hear about is how the bearings were maintained in the first place. I always repack my bearings each year and would do so no matter what size trailer wheel I had. It's a whole lot easier to do work like this at home on your own time instead of trying to work on it out on the road somewhere. I guess my point is, take care of what you have and it should serve you much better than something never maintained. I even know guys that never check the air pressure in their bike tires before riding. Then when something happens it's always the bike's or the tire's fault. Good luck on getting a trailer. They do make it much easier to ack all the stuff the wife wants to take along!
  14. I had the same thing happen on a Honda I bpought. Turned out that the battery cables were never tightened up so the battery wasn't getting charged. I push started it several times before I figured out the problem. Good luck.
  15. I just use a small Lyra MP3 player on my bike. It takes SD cards so I can download whatever I want. That's all it does is play music and it works just fine. I started looking for something else, but decided that what I alrezady had does what I want it to.
  16. Two years ago I had the privelege of being part of a biker escort for the moving wall across northern Ohio. What an awesome experience it was. I will never forget all the people alongside the highway, standing on overpasses, etc. Many were holding flags, some had their hands over their hearts, children were allowed out of school to watch us go by. Man what a day. But the one I remember most was a man, probably in his 70's, standing outside a nursing home and standing at attention and saluting in rememberance of those that gave it all. I still cry when I think of that day. God bless our military people.
  17. The wife and I rode over to Sierra last Saturday just to check them out, and to buy a J & M windshiled pouch. I have read about Sierra for years and seen them at shows. I expected a huge store of some kind. What did I find? They work out of a large converted garage! I was surprised. But I have had great service from them at rallies when I rode my Goldwings. So they have my thumbs up as a dealer. They do sell all the J & M items at a discount. I got the windshiled bag for probably 15 dollars less than from J & M.
  18. When I get down to about a fourth of a tank on my gas gauge the little trip meter comes on telling me how many miles I've went. Is this not telling me I'm running on reserve, or just that I'm dangerously close to needing reserve? I guess I' have been a little confused by the procedure Yamaha has built into this system. So if I'm reading the posts right, I still have reserve left after I run out on the main tank. I was beginning to think the whole rreserve thing was just a hoax. Ride safe guys.
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