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Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Little Falls, mn, United States


  • City
    Little Falls, mn


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    84 venture xvz12
  1. I would like to buy a set of jardines but after a week of searching I've had no luck. So I was thinking about removing the mufflers at the slip connector and putting on some 24" chrome tip turndowns, I have also looked for sound clips of option two with no luck. Does anyone have an idea if it would sound good or if it would just sound terrible. I can no longer take riding around on a bike that sounds like it belongs on the Jetson's
  2. Where do I find a tare down manual for this old bike any ideas
  3. while riding in 5th gear if I roll the throttle too hard the clutch will begin to slip, My question is how difficult is it to replace the friction discs in this bike is it something a person with regular ability can do? about how long does it take? or should I have it sent in to a shop. Bike is a 84 xvz12.
  4. Ok this morning I go outside to start diagnosing hit the start button and it is running fine. The only thing I can think of is when it rained the other night something must have gotten wet.
  5. Good advice. got both tires ordered I am currently looking for a manual as mice have decided the old one was needed more by them. List of things done. oil and filter changed, coolant drained and replaced, gas drained off and filled carbs disassembled cleaned and reinstalled. front only brake resivoir and caliper drained refilled and bled. Plugs and wires seem fine. is there anything I may have missed
  6. further info it is a 1983 venture xvz12
  7. Today when I fired up the bike it started acting funny it idles fine if i rev it the tach and engine will rise to about 2500 rpm just past 2500 the tachometer drops to 0 and it starts to hesitate. when I ride it it does the same thing it gets to 2500 the tach drops and it will still accel but isnt all there "here is where it gets wierd" if you hold throttle and keep accelerating once the engine gets to about 4500 rpm the tach comes back to life and holy sh*t you better be holding on, because its just runs like a champ till get back into that range. Has anyone ever had this issue before. I am almost certain it is an electric issue.
  8. I'm pretty certain it only has 42. it sat for 15 years in the corner of a barn. I was going through my grandfathers old cattle barn she was under a tarp and behind a stack of old sheets of plywood leaning against the wall. at first I thought it was a drill press till i moved all the wood. I always thought he sold the bike. the last time I seen it was when he rode it to my graduation party. Shortly after that he broke his leg oddly enough from doing something to the bike. He says the kickstand started sinking in gravel and he tried to catch it. Well i got the carbs pulled cleaned and installed, oil changed took it for a spin I think I need to re sync the carbs she shudders while lugging but is scary powerful. is it common for these to almost whistle while driving. He sold it to me for 500 but he said i'd have to get it out on my own it took 4 hours but i got it. All that is left to d it replace the front only rotor and put on new tires, not to mention covering some rust on the horns.
  9. I today purchased a 1984 Venture xvz12. it has the factory exhaust on it. My question is, is there a way to remove the baffles or is this not possible, I am looking for more noise. There is a seam about 3 inches from the narrow tip just after i expands. or is it better to just buy aftermarket. I did read the post about the thrush glass packs. Has anyone straight piped one. My next question is how many miles do these bikes last. the one I bought has 42k it runs great still has lots of power, is it getting time to retire it and sell it for parts
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