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Personal Information

  • Name
    brantley s wise


  • Location
    Conway, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    yamaha 2004 v-star
  1. Thanks all my bro and sis!!!!! I don't remember what happened! But my buddy that was riding with me said someone turned in front of me. I still want to ride and always will want to ride but this is my 3rd wreak so I wondering if the big man up stairs is wanting me to stop? Thanks everyone!!!!!!!
  2. I wreck my 83. I will be down for about a year. Got to have rods and screws put in my right leg. Got stiches in my chest and upper arm. My face looks like Mike Tyson hit me a few times. Road rash every where. I have not look at the bike yet but was told its banged up good. I wanting to know if anyone here has ever seen are made a bobber out of a venture bike?
  3. i want one like on the goldwings. does anyone no where to get one?
  4. i changed my thermostat out to day and put one in it from napa.The thermostat part number is 156. it is 180 degree. the needle gets close the red and the fan comes on . when the fan came on i took my temp gun took the temp it was 186 then it drop to 180 and the fan stop..So i figer 3/4 of the way is 180 degrees. what do anyone think or have to add.
  5. I am want to replace the antenna. It has a cb antenna on it(its big and white) and want to put one like on the goldwings. ive look at a goldwing today and it looks like i will have to change the mount and the cable. my bike does not have a cb. and it has a jvc cassett radio. i am wanting to replace it to. any pointers are leads would be great.
  6. All of you are the best !!!!! Thanks
  7. So you think it might start acting up again? I took it to my local mc shop for a tune up. He road it down the road and said its running a lot better. Do I need to put sea foam in the carb that was not running good anyway .
  8. I did what you said Frank . The 3rd time I put gas in the carb it started smoking out of the pips and ideal change so I did again then I took it for a spin. It ran like different bike !!!!!!!! Thanks frank!!!!!!
  9. I don't know how long it has been sitting. I most likely been like that since I got it. I have road it some but I couldnt tell it wasnt fireing on 3 cylinders untill I took it to the shop and he said was not running on but 3 cylinder. I hope I haven't messed it up!!!!
  10. I started up the bike and started pulling off the spark plug wires one at a time. The ideal change on all them but right rear. I pull the plug and put a new one in and put the plug wire back on and pulled back of the ideal didnt change like the others. i pulled the wire back off and i could hear it fireing and as i was pulling the wire out I could see the arc and it shock me. any ideas. my #843-452-8615 my name is Brantley
  11. I went to pick up a fuse box today. now guys i am not to elect smart . i can wire up a radio and a amp and speackers. the box i have has the poles coming out the both sides . now what else do i need to get things started. i can get the female pole ends from work and any ends that i might need like crimps, butt splices.
  12. i just pay my $12.00. you guys have already made me feel alot more confondent about geting to old boy back in shape. the bike is the plain one no cb and such. All of you have made feel like I am apart of a brother hood. I cant thank all of you enough .
  13. Will my name is Brantley Wise I live in Conway S.C. I am 42. I have been a millwright are a maint tech for 20 plus years. My elect knowledge is so so. I can wire up cd player and amp and speakers. A repair manual came with the bike. I have been reading it.
  14. I have just pick up a 1983 venture xvz12. I found out that it has a few problems. 1st is the elect fuse box is done , some of round fuse clamps are gone and someone has tried to repair it and wires are taped and spliced together. 2nd is there is the red warning light flashing . 3rd the computer monitor has the battery, brake fluid and head light indicator on. 4th I am getting about 60 miles to a tank of gas and i smell gas when I stop and today it made ao popping are a back fire sound down around the carbs going down the road. 5th The consoles are split are cracked. 6th the paint is faded and some of the fairing tabs are brokin off. I sure could use some help and guidance because I dont have any idea where to start to fix all this.
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